You sir, have not been bitten in the @ss badly enough to do a thorough assessment on every patient
Remember the words "thunderclap headache"
We don't carry CT machines in our trucks,, nor do I have a radiologist on speed dial to tell me that "that's just a headache"
OTOH, Whether my patient states he/she has a headache, or is having a MI I wouldn't know unless I do a solid assessment.
Generally my headache assessment generally spiels into a few questions.
What made you call 911 today?
A - I have a headache.
Ok, well if you had headaches before whats the difference between today and other headaches?
A- Well this one is a lot worse, or I have other things going on with it. Like blurred vision, nausea vomiting, etc. etc.,
OF course I keep questioning patient as the assessment continues, looking for root causes (Oh I fell and hit my head, Or hx, of Migraines I have a hangover) etc. etc.
And I keep going with it. Some days your going to just transport a run of the mill headache, some days your going to be transporting a bleed. Most ED Docs that I have met will do a CT scan if a patient complains of a headache
Theres nothing wrong with a assessment that proves normal and appears as a run of the mill headache going in BLS.