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  1. irish_handgrenade

    Careflite employee reviews

    I recently got offered a position as a ground paramedic at Careflite and would like to know if anyone here has any info on the service? I'm currently employed elsewhere and want to make the best decision. The position is in dallas county so any current or former employees please, I would be...
  2. irish_handgrenade

    Unexpected find

    In a 92 y/o they are not common? Well they are here...
  3. irish_handgrenade

    EMS relate self defense.

    I did have preconceived notions that I would get answers relevant to my original questions. I've known about Kip, and the DT4EMS program, and after the first person mentioned it that was fine, but then that was the only real reply anyone was giving until I got irritated. I was asked by my...
  4. irish_handgrenade

    EMS relate self defense.

    well so far the only answer to my actual question was there is no statistics or stories that you know of, and to ask someone else to do it for me... Well this has been abundantly helpful in no way. I had almost forgotten why I don't really come to this site anymore.
  5. irish_handgrenade

    EMS relate self defense.

    My last reply was from my phone, didn't really have time to read it and retain a lot of that. The company that was here during '04 was a different company. The county took over EMS in '08 or '09, and it is vastly improved. As for this "quiet little town" In the past month we have had multiple...
  6. irish_handgrenade

    EMS relate self defense.

    I'm pretty well versed in self defense. I train BJJ 2-3 days a week, box, kickbox, and compete in MMA. I've been a registered dt instructor with the state if Texas. And have had many times had to use this on 911 calls. What I'm asking for is any contributions to assist in educating my fellow...
  7. irish_handgrenade

    EMS relate self defense.

    Hello, my name is Jake, I work for Scurry county EMS in Snyder, TX. I recently had an idea to create an EMS related self defense class for my service, and I need some help. If anyone has news, stories, or scenarios related to assaults in the field and/or LOD deaths, I would like to use them in...
  8. irish_handgrenade

    101 Ways to Tell a Patient You Don't Need an Ambulance, Without Actually Saying so..

    I arrived on scene at the greyhound station, and a transient male got into my truck. I asked him what the problem was he says " my knee hurts real bad". I asked him how long ago it started and he replied, " oh about 30 maybe 35 years ago". In a stunned voice/look I asked him if anything had...
  9. irish_handgrenade

    how dead is she?!

    I have an update to this pt. I had a pt the other day, whose accucheck read "hi". The pt was unresponsive, and having seizures every 15-20 minutes. When I got her to the ER she was actually deceberate posturing as well. Come to find out she was diagnosed with HHNK, and when speaking with the...
  10. irish_handgrenade

    we've all been there what did you do?

    Probably the best answer to this question.
  11. irish_handgrenade

    we've all been there what did you do?

    Ok we have all had the call for the unresponsive pt and when you arrive on scene it is painfully obvious that the pt is completely full of it. How did/do you handle this situation?
  12. irish_handgrenade

    Am I in the wrong field?

    Yes it's still a word, however bad a word it is it is still a recognized word. And as for openly questioning his religion, I think I should have cleared this up sooner. I voiced an opinion on his original post, and I also asked some questions that popped into my head that i was mildly curious...
  13. irish_handgrenade

    how dead is she?!

    outside temp: about 95-97 degrees... it was still early in the morning:wacko: inside temp: about 70ish I would say. She was dry and very cold to the touch. Our unofficial opinion is that the heat generated in the room from the extra (mostly very large bodies) and from the doors being open...
  14. irish_handgrenade

    Am I in the wrong field?

    I'm agnostic, I don't agree with most of the stuff that goes on in denominational churches. As to the irregardless posts, it is a word, if it is in the dictionary and has a definition it is a word, irregardlessof what would be a better choice of vocabulary.
  15. irish_handgrenade

    Am I in the wrong field?

    I see you trying to take the high road and all that. I do not agree with religions that challenge people to look or dress a certain way. That's my feelings on that. Yes I know he didn't come on to this forum to explain himself or what ever, but what did he expect to happen. This is the...
  16. irish_handgrenade

    how dead is she?!

    Alright, got a weird friggin call for you guys that happened about 2-3 months back, see what you guys think. Early morning, approx 9:30ish, was called out to the local airforce base for an unresponsive female. My partner and I show up on scene, to find a whole bunch of first responders, from...
  17. irish_handgrenade

    Am I in the wrong field?

    just my opinion, but why not answer the questions and educate those who obviously don't understand your religion?
  18. irish_handgrenade

    Am I in the wrong field?

    A: that is not a tidy beard. B: why are you allowed to trim it but not cut it off? Why do you have to have it? Why can't it be shorter if you can in fact trim it? C: Why can you shave your mustache but not your beard? D: I will never understand religions that tell you what you can...
  19. irish_handgrenade


    OK I realize this might... Ok, probably been beaten to death:deadhorse: but I was talking with some old dino medics recently and we were talking about nurses, and how they and their pay checks differ from us and ours. The thing that seemed to come up and not make much sense to me is the good...
  20. irish_handgrenade


    prolly the accent... just a thought.:unsure: