EMS relate self defense.


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Hello, my name is Jake, I work for Scurry county EMS in Snyder, TX. I recently had an idea to create an EMS related self defense class for my service, and I need some help. If anyone has news, stories, or scenarios related to assaults in the field and/or LOD deaths, I would like to use them in my power point presentation. All will be used respectfully to drive home the point that this is a dangerous job, and to educate others. Any and all contributions will be credited during the presentation for supplying information. Thanks in advance.
Just hire DT4EMS. Or at the very least hire someone who knows about proper self defense to teach the class.

When it comes to statistics I don't think they are very helpful in this case. Assaults are significantly under reported and LODDs related to assaults are almost non-existent.
Just hire DT4EMS. Or at the very least hire someone who knows about proper self defense to teach the class.

When it comes to statistics I don't think they are very helpful in this case. Assaults are significantly under reported and LODDs related to assaults are almost non-existent.

Ill second this.

And Snyder? Man thats a place I never hear about. My wife's grandmother still lives there.

I will add that we (the family) always had a great experience with you guys when the wifes grandfather was transported somewhat frequently before he died in '04.
I'm pretty well versed in self defense. I train BJJ 2-3 days a week, box, kickbox, and compete in MMA. I've been a registered dt instructor with the state if Texas. And have had many times had to use this on 911 calls. What I'm asking for is any contributions to assist in educating my fellow coworkers.
My last reply was from my phone, didn't really have time to read it and retain a lot of that. The company that was here during '04 was a different company. The county took over EMS in '08 or '09, and it is vastly improved. As for this "quiet little town" In the past month we have had multiple level 1 traumas from assaults, gunshots, blunt injury, and have been in some pretty hairy situations. This is something I've wanted to do since entering into EMS, and I finally have the time and resources to do it.
I'm pretty well versed in self defense. I train BJJ 2-3 days a week, box, kickbox, and compete in MMA. I've been a registered dt instructor with the state if Texas. And have had many times had to use this on 911 calls. What I'm asking for is any contributions to assist in educating my fellow coworkers.

I think you'd be well-served to take a look at some of Kip (DT4EMS)'s writings, both here and on his blog. He's made the argument that DT as taught to LEO's has no business in EMS, and that much of the training should be based on avoiding the encounter entirety.

The other issue with roll-your-own training is liability. His program (and Paladin Press's Street Survival is another) have some level of medical and legal review, and teach best practices. In the event someone sues your department over a use-of-force, that can make a world of difference.

Seriously - talk to Kip. He's a true SME on this topic.
well so far the only answer to my actual question was there is no statistics or stories that you know of, and to ask someone else to do it for me... Well this has been abundantly helpful in no way. I had almost forgotten why I don't really come to this site anymore.
There are statistics, they are just useless. And by asking us to provide your stories and statistics, aren't you already asking someone else to do it for you? Jon also mentioned at least looking at DT4EMS' website. There is an abundance of information there.
Ask dt4ems
Has anyone mentioned asking dt4ems? He would be a good source of information for this topic.

Don't recreate the wheel. Take the DT4EMS instructor course and THEN present the program to your agency.

There are plenty of stats.

And the advice you've been given has been to reach out to Kip Teisort of DT4EMS. It's not "having someone else do it for you" - it's using a nationally-recognized curriculum that already exists.

Let me put this a different way: Does your service "roll their own" EVOC class? How about CPR? ACLS/PALS? Why should Defensive Tactics / safety training be any different?


Check into the classes offered psych facility staff. These are very non-injurious and aimed at defusing things before they escalate; also, how to keep out of the situation (i.e., sit-aware, not working alone, body stance and positioning, etc. Don't block the doorway).
Right. And if you're looking for something other than the DT4EMS program, look at MOAB (management of aggressive behaviors) or Verbal Judo.
Thanks for the props all. Thing is, when it comes to the subject of EMS Self-Defense...... we have done the research, continue to do the research and now have tons of big names in EMS believing in "what" we are teaching.

Once people have taken our training, regardless of their previous background, they believe in the system........ We have instructors with little to no previous training as well as instructors who have MMA and a multitude of martial arts and even special forces training all now teaching our Escaping Violent Encounters program.

We are the recognized subject matter expert.

The problem is........ as I have said for years...... EMS self defense is way-way different than anything else out there.

It can't be "fighting" and it can't be about "subject control". It has to be about the provider's safety in an attempt to be delivering patient care.

Plus........ if the EMSer has sound "tactics" they will rarely have to use "techniques".
well so far the only answer to my actual question was there is no statistics or stories that you know of, and to ask someone else to do it for me... Well this has been abundantly helpful in no way. I had almost forgotten why I don't really come to this site anymore.

Yeah - I've also noticed that a number of the long-time regulars seem to be a bit set in their ways and often less than helpful to newcomers; both to the site and to the profession. That's why I tend to keep my head down and avoid the drama as much as possible.

But, sometimes I can't help myself. ;)
Yeah - I've also noticed that a number of the long-time regulars seem to be a bit set in their ways and often less than helpful to newcomers; both to the site and to the profession. That's why I tend to keep my head down and avoid the drama as much as possible.

But, sometimes I can't help myself. ;)

Oh, I was VERY helpful. I referred him to someone who truly knows the material, and pointed out some flaws in "rolling his own".

Sometimes folks come here with preconceived notions and get irritated when they hear something contrary to what they thought the answer was.
I did have preconceived notions that I would get answers relevant to my original questions. I've known about Kip, and the DT4EMS program, and after the first person mentioned it that was fine, but then that was the only real reply anyone was giving until I got irritated. I was asked by my director to do a specific job. I wanted to get as much information as possible, and Jon in one of your posts you gave me some good information, and several other options as well. To those of you who think this was my one stop for information I'm a little insulted. I have contacted many other organizations and forums about this same topic, and most of them were helpful, and at least one person from every site referred me to Kip and DT4EMS, but they also told me some personal accounts, referred me to some websites with stats and articles relevant to my questions. I only came here because it was a large group of fairly active EMS groups. I want to thank all of the above posters for their sarcasm it was helpful... Kip I sent you an Email, Jon thanks for your info I appreciate it. As for my comments about this website, I stopped posting here a while back because of this same type of BS. People come on to a forum topic and troll.
Thanks my man. I just got your email and replied. I hope my rambling makes sense. :)