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  1. Easternemt

    the 100% directionless thread

    Thank you Chaz90! That's very encouraging to hear. I'll keep practicing and trying my best. :)
  2. Easternemt

    the 100% directionless thread

    Thank you thank you thank you!! I needed to hear that Robb! I mean, is it normal that using only mirrors to drive and reverse is challenging? Or am I the only one that sucks at it? lol Sorry for complaining...I was just surprised at how difficult it was and how bad I did.
  3. Easternemt

    the 100% directionless thread

    I had a rough day today during training...I did terrible behind the wheel! ! I hope I don't get fired :(
  4. Easternemt

    ems ghost stories??!!

    Did victim #2 survive?
  5. Easternemt

    being a women in ems..

    Formal clothing for the interview and maybe just the uniform pants for the skills test (if they will be conducted on two different days). The company I applied for was sort of laid back, so perhaps you want to be formal during both interviews if you're applying at a bigger company.
  6. Easternemt

    being a women in ems..

    I'm sure they understand where you're coming from...they're just giving you a hard time ;). I do agree that women bring the softness that men don't always have...most of the time not all of the time...but men are also very compassionate as well and they do have their soft sides :).
  7. Easternemt

    being a women in ems..

  8. Easternemt

    being a women in ems..

    Hahaha I was dressed like that pretty much....check out my profile pic mycrofft :p
  9. Easternemt

    being a women in ems..

    Hello infinity, :) I'm a female and I just got hired today! I was up against 8 other men all with a background in fire. I'm 5'3 and during the skills test I did everything they could do (vitals, lifting 200lbs w/ a partner, etc.) of course I initially had the same thoughts as you did but I...
  10. Easternemt

    That's great always keep an open mind! Did you ever fast during Ramadan ?

    That's great always keep an open mind! Did you ever fast during Ramadan ?
  11. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    Lol a stapler ? That really would have caught me off guard! The best thing you can do is smile through the entire interview...but with a genuine smile. It's ok to be nervous and I'm sure these employers understand that! What surprised me most about my interview was that they didn't give me a...
  12. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    You know I've heard and read over and over practice the questions that you think they'll be asking you; and I thought to myself "Nah I'll just let it come to me as they ask" (stupid of me I know lol). But I did try that the night before the interview and it totally helped! Especially the "tell...
  13. Easternemt

    Driving as a Basic without knowing area

    This was my first concern when I applied for an Emt position at a local ambulance service. I applied anyway and got an interview. During the interview I mentioned my concern about not knowing the area very well and the interviewer stated there's plenty of new out of state EMT's that come and are...
  14. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    Don't be nervous be confident! You're way ahead of a lot of people your age! Good luck with everything you're persuing! :)
  15. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    I'm pretty new too, as of April lol! Are you volunteering so you can gain experience first before working as an Emt ? Or you're hoping that your volunteer work will get you into the station you're with as a paid employee? Just curious :) As for paramedic, I'm not sure. I've read a lot...
  16. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    Hi Dan! :) The position is at a private ambulance company here in town that does emergency and non emergency transfers. And it did go well, really well actually! I'm naturally a very nervous person lol so after finally getting comfortable the interview went smoothly! Are you in the...
  17. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    How did your interview go today? :) This was my very first EMT interview!
  18. Easternemt

    Muslim Girl

    Hello everyone, Well I had my interview today and I think they really liked me. I'm so excited!!! But I'm really glad I got it over with lol
  19. Easternemt

    Preparing for an Interview

    Hello WolfTails! Great advice! I read this over before my interview this morning to make sure I had everything covered. I did great! It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. :)
  20. Easternemt

    organ transport?

    Wow... And why do you hate them? Just curious.