Search results

  1. Stoked

    Alaska Paramedic Job?

    As a general FYI, there's almost no housing available in Barrow at the moment. I was speaking with 2 good friends who are still living/working there last week; both said since Shell Oil came to town for work the housing has gone from tight to nil, and the costs from bad to outrageous. As an...
  2. Stoked

    EMT-B Jobs or Volunteer Positions - Pierce County, WA

    Just passing on what I was told. 2 now work for other companies and the third is out of EMS all together.
  3. Stoked

    EMT-B Jobs or Volunteer Positions - Pierce County, WA

    Seems par for the course (based on my experience with TriMed). One of the local guys in my EMT course was hired by them within a week. I called them back 3 times after dropping off all the required paperwork; the last time I called (6 months after the fact), the woman who answered the phone...
  4. Stoked

    Princess Cruises?

    ETA- I see it's posted on that page I linked as Option 2.
  5. Stoked

    Princess Cruises?

    Jaysonsd- I did a slight variation of this tour last winter, it was a screaming deal.
  6. Stoked

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    As a medic was giving dispatch an update on a train v. ped, you could hear someone in the background (I hope non-intentionally) say "Where's the rest of him?".
  7. Stoked

    the 100% directionless thread thousand times NO!
  8. Stoked

    the 100% directionless thread

    It's kind of weird to walk into your FD and find an aid rig where none existed before, and no one said anything to you about it...Fricking voodoo. Quick, someone magic me up a helicopter! And a new engine! And some coffee! (and a pony)
  9. Stoked

    Hard finding an EMT job in Seattle

    I did my WEMT via RMI as well. Just a few points: The majority of folks in my class who were planning on utilizing the wilderness portion and/or the MPIC skillset were already in a specific field where that training came into play, i.e. backcountry NPS rangers, oceangoing research vessel...
  10. Stoked

    Whats the fastest you ambulance can go?

    Fake. Lights and sirens? Check. Ludicrous, even plaid speed? Check. No backboard visible? Fails the smell test.
  11. Stoked

    What kind of EMS jobs are available on the ocean?

    One of our local seafood companies has continuous slots for medics on their trawlers and processors, minimum 5 years experience...According to their website, they also manage the ship's store (?). Maybe research vessels? One of the women in my EMT class was sent by her university, mostly for...
  12. Stoked

    Funny Army Story

    I distinctly recall mine saying "You don't want this option 40 business! You should try to become a military policeman!" :rofl:
  13. Stoked

    First call as EMT-B

    Lol thanks... I had to interview a lot of kids in my former work (especially on SRO duties).
  14. Stoked

    Why Are You an EMT?

    Oh, don't get me wrong; I loved being a cop. I got to do a lot of fun things, including being a school resource officer and DARE instructor, running fast and shooting things. It just got to the point where I saw myself exhibiting the same symptoms of burnout I saw in older guys, and wanted to...
  15. Stoked

    Why Are You an EMT?

    Nah, but in all seriousness...I began recognizing s/s of burnout in myself while I was working as a cop, so I quit and went into private contracting. After more than a few years of that, I saw myself heading down the same path again. In the back of my mind, I'd always been interested in EMS...
  16. Stoked

    First call as EMT-B

    You must not have a toddler. Their pride can be wounded by a bump on the head or the simple fact that there's a dog within a 50-mile radius. A&Ox4: What's your name little man? Where does it hurt? Who's this with you? How did you hurt yourself? When dealing with kids, I've always...
  17. Stoked

    First call as EMT-B

    First call was today. Male down, unk head injuries. Upon arrival, found a male toddler with a bump on the noggin and copious tears. Simple FDGB (fall down, go boom), overprotective parent in tow. A&Ox4 (drool level ok), no apparent injuries except to pride. No ALOC, no relevant hx...
  18. Stoked

    Bulletproof Vests

    I'm advocating people who have the choice to wear or not actually wear one, and shaking my head in disgust at the "I always watch out for myself so I don't need one!" types. To me it's the same argument some people use to explain away their dis-use of seatbelts "I'll just brace my arm against...
  19. Stoked

    Bulletproof Vests

    Do you guys who say you would only wear one if a scene looked dangerous also only wear PPE if a patient looks sick? As a cop I was shot at twice. Neither time was on a dangerous call, and neither time was I expecting any problems. Around here some of our medics/EMTs wear white shirts with...
  20. Stoked

    Anyone else here have Grass Allergies?

    Nope, no grass allergies here: