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  1. E


    Hey guys and gals, I've been doing some reasearch on AEDs for use by Lay persons/trained personal. At one of the places I currently work at we have discussed getting an AED those that are Full time employees are going to be trained in using it. I'm looking for advise as to what people like to...
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    I am now an RN

    Just wanted to let you know I got the unoffical results of my RN Boards and I passed them!!!!! I know some have followed my progress through the schooling but its done and the real fun of job hunting starts.
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    I'm done!!!

    Just thought I would update you all on the fact that I am done with Nursing school!!!! With an Associate Degree in Nursing obtained (RN)Graduation is Friday and I only have the NCLEX test to take in the next month I'm guessing I'll have that done. So I'll let you all know how that one goes...
  4. E

    Good News

    I got my first IV stick today that worked.:) I know I'm excited over the little things but its a start in the right direction. Hoping I get a few more of them during my preceptor. So since it seems that i'm not around alot of post much figured I'd let you guys know my small achievement. But a...
  5. E

    Hey ya'll

    No I didn't move down south. Just been extremely busy with RN school right now. Even though its just in the morning getting done at noon shoots half of my day if not more it seems like. But figured I'd drop aline to let you all know I haven't fallen off the earth yet, or out of my chair.
  6. E

    Rescue Backpacks

    how common is it for departments to carry a small medical rescue backpack? the reason why I'm asking is that we just recently got new rope equipment and we do have room for another small bag. But I'm just curious if it is a common practice to have a bag to use. I know we all have our...
  7. E

    What to do know

    Okay for most of you, you know or remember that I run with a volley squad. And love every minute of it. Right Well not so much any more. I still love going on calls and helping the patient and their families. Which is what EMS is about right? Well I have taken myself off the schedule for...
  8. E

    EMS week

    Is here again and I wish you all the best of luck in fun this week as I know there are some places that go out for EMS week and show their support of us and there are other places that could care less. Have fun and take care everyone.
  9. E

    firefighter rehab/skill stations

    Do you guys participate in rehab for the firefighters and if so what is your protocal? I'm also trying to get skills stations set up. What have you guys found to work well for this? I'm thinking of spliting the squad into small groups and having the basic stuff that we don't do every day in...
  10. E

    I am now....

    Officially the training officer for our squad^_^ :) So training will be alittle more interactive and I'm hoping to start doing training with the fire department more then what we do. I'm hoping to do training with them once every other month. I'm so excited.
  11. E

    Pre-prom drill

    Was wandering if any of your squads partake in a drill of this sort for Prom. But if any of you have ideas to pass along. As of right now I have one scenario layed out for a drunk driving accident with up to 8 students involved. It looks pretty good but as always other twist or ideas would be...
  12. E

    I Need Your HELP!

    Our volley squad needs to do an MCI so I got to talking with the director because I said I would help. I told him we couldn't do a vechicle collision this year as that is what we have done quite often in the past. So we were thinking of having a bombing of some sort, shoting, or bioterriost...
  13. E

    Drug Refrence books

    Do you carry them in the rig?? Just wandering cuz we being a basic volley squad don't carry one with us and I could have really used one the other night just to check on a couple drugs. I was told when I started that if we wanted to look up a drug we could do so when we go to the hospital. So...
  14. E

    Input for stations on a training night

    Okay question for you all that are on a volley squad and career deparments. I got on the subject of being able to lift a pt. And haveing some on the volley squad that can't lift a whole lot. so I was curious of any EMS deparments had training like the firedepartment do. I think it is call...
  15. E

    MCI Trailors

    Our fire department is looking in to making a MCI trailor. I was wondering if anyone else out there has a trailor that they pull out to scenes on MCI or used as a rehab trailor for those long hot summer calls we all get. I am looking for ideas of a supply list or anything else that might be...
  16. E

    Oxygen tank for the rig

    Hey all I am hopping by the time I get done posting this all over the place I will feel better right now I am a little upset to mad. Our new director decided that the O2 for the rigs needed to be turned off you know that large tank that no one ever really pays attention to or at least until...
  17. E


    Well I signed up for an ERT course that I going to be offered locally. Just wondering if anyone has any pointers? I found out that the class is about 17 people in size, I know about 5 of the people signed up (I think), and I am the only female. I am looking forward to doing it and getting...
  18. E

    What do you all have on your personal vehicles

    Just thought i would start a discussion with what everyone has on their vehicles for EMS or Fire related. And if you have a reason for it or just because.
  19. E

    I have to teach!!!

    Well Found out today that I get to teach my nursing class on Friday. We weren't allowed to just not have class as that is what the teacher wanted to do and since it is our practicle day she thought that I should be able to teach the class. Since I am an EMT and help in instructing the emt...
  20. E

    MAST Trousers

    Hey since we are discussing and comparing what we use wondering what your protocals is on using the MAST or PASG trousers. I know we are not allowed to use the MAST trousers. Just wondering.