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  1. DragonClaw


    It's been awhile But I am pleased to announce that I am officially a paramedic. :D
  2. DragonClaw

    Pre-hospital differentiation of occlusive and hemorrhaging stroke

    So I was thinking about how in the field we can't test for stroke types, only if one is present. Why? If you have a heart attack, you can test troponin to tell how bad it is. If you have a dissection, you can check a D-Dimer. Are there markers for strokes like this? I would imagine so...
  3. DragonClaw

    Continuing my career with marfans?

    So I've not been as active lately, but something came up. It looks like I've got Marfans. I'll need additional testing, but it's a 99% thing. I've already had dislocations, among other things. It explains a lot of my symptoms, inability to gain muscle, severe bruising, slow healing fatigue...
  4. DragonClaw

    Do resort rehabs work?

    Looking on info for alchohol rehab for a family member. Does anyone know if these all inclusive resort rehabs have decent programs or are they just so you can check a box and go back to drinking? Any places in Texas could be recommended for inpatient that would have MAT and counseling all...
  5. DragonClaw

    What is the math behind the formula for MAP?

    I get it's the Mean Arterial Pressure, but a mean is an average. What are they averaging if you divide the difference of the systolic and diastolic by 3? I can't find anything more specific than the formula and notes of basic resistance in the vessels
  6. DragonClaw

    Feel pretty lost

    I don't know what it's been lately, but my stress has been through the roof. I haven't done much, gotten out of bed much, it's been days since I've eaten or drank anything. I don't feel very hungry, but I'm feeling a little weak and fuzzy in my head. Sleep like usual is horrible...
  7. DragonClaw

    Did I cause barotrauma to a pt?

    Okay well I'm a little freaking out right now. I .. I was thinking about that call where the DOA was worked and that's the first field code I've worked. 80+ YOM with unknown down time, I think they're was blood somewhere, he might have fallen due to something medical or maybe just balance...
  8. DragonClaw

    Would you walk this pt out to the truck?

    About 19: long story short, guy is altered and might be on something, locks himself in the gas station bathroom Cop notes he's altered, diaphoretic, stumbling, weak. Pt claims sickle cell. This is not to attack any of the medics, but I mean, doesn't that open you up for liability if you...
  9. DragonClaw

    Blood test approved by FDA to detect a TBI by looking for protein markers They...
  10. DragonClaw

    What causes chemical impairment to affect memory?

    How can people be drunk, high etc to the point of not remembering what they did? How does that work? Even if they're not passed out, there's a point at which they lose all/part of memory. What causes this and why?
  11. DragonClaw

    Why can't you just bypass affected tissue in major hemorrhages?

    Pretend this is an arm and my anatomy is okay. So supposing a large vessel got a lac, why can't we just reroute the blood with some needles and tubing and bypass effected areas? I know ischemia following hypoxia is a concern, but isn't that the same if we don't stop the bleeding? I know in...
  12. DragonClaw

    Can someone break down ETCO2 for me?

    I know the basics about it dealing with CO2 and ventilation. But past that, I'm trying to figure out about a bit more. "Waveform capnography represents the amount of carbon dioxide in exhaled air which is used to assess ventilation. The number is capnometry, which is the partial pressure of...
  13. DragonClaw

    Doctors and training

    Do foreign doctors have the same standards as us? What about US med students going to a foreign school but coming back to the US? Does the difficulty getting into med school (apparently it's too keep doctors paid well with supply and demand but I dunno) hurt our Healthcare or keep it at a high...
  14. DragonClaw

    What are jobs that can help with EMS/Medical skills or knowledge?

    Basically looking for jobs that would complement current and future skill sets. Like being a medical scribe, pharmacy or ER Tech. Any other jobs that might be useful to learn from?
  15. DragonClaw


    I recently found out about this and a similar injection form of medication. Has anyone taken these and can share their experiences? I didn't realize alchohol affects opiate receptors. It seems very interesting, but there's not a whole lot of information about it. How does it block the...
  16. DragonClaw

    Backspace issues on phones

    Weird bug on the site when I use my new phone. If I hit the back button it closes my keyboard. Only happens here.
  17. DragonClaw

    Electrical effects on people

    How much does electricity affect people from different sources? Lighting, would it simulate a monophasic shock?. Is Lighting AC or DC? What does a monitor defibrillate using? Is it more common or less common for people to go into arrest after being electrocuted by lightning. Why is ground...
  18. DragonClaw

    Boot tread loss?

    Boots seem to have less tread than I expect for their age. I think they're probably around 10 months old. I know I can be a heavy walker, especially around the heel, but I was washing the truck the other day and water was everywhere and on cement I could feel a little slippage. When standing...
  19. DragonClaw

    What wisdom do you have about scene safety?

    Partner and I were talking about various tactical things. I mentioned the story our VST told us about a medic being blasted through the door with like a .44 mag or something. He was DRT. VST (who was a medic or an EMT at the time) Partner said you should never stand in front of the door for...
  20. DragonClaw

    Chest issues?

    Was assist with my partner all day for a flycar CCT medic. Calls got more interesting as time went on. This last call we had a hypotensive, hypovolemic pt. Pt was on a trach and vent. Pt had norepinephrine abs prbc running. Pt was cold, going hypothermic. His ribs an chest area was super well...