the 100% directionless thread

Is taking melatonin supposed to feel like some semi paralysis somewhat trippy feeling?

The sleep study SPO2 failed, pretty sure.
Y'all know where I work. I will politely decline to tell you where I live out of home or work to the point of an address.

they have numbers lol. I was a 57/55/51 fan myself. Didn’t much care for East side, but 52 could get schwifty.
For someone who drives mysterious, belligerent drunks home, you sure have weird paranoias.
they have numbers lol. I was a 57/55/51 fan myself. Didn’t much care for East side, but 52 could get schwifty.
For someone who drives mysterious, belligerent drunks home, you sure have weird paranoias.

They are literally on Google maps and most are listed by station number.

I'm not giving the drunk guy my address.

And maybe I do
Both cousins that live with my grandma have been arrested at her property within the hour. Oldest cousin was banned from going there by a protective order. Younger cousin is a minor.

Oldest never showed up at the halfway house he was supposed to go to.

No idea how my grandma is at all, if she was involved.

We all knew this would happen.

I feel like I need help but I don't know what to do. Called dispatch and requested to speak to a constaple that's been to the house several times. No idea if he was there tonight. Just waiting....
I'm thinking about driving over to her house. I really just want to go to bed but I can't. Not now. I'll admit I'm ridiculously tired but I could chug a bang and be up for a bit.

But at the same time it would probably be bad to show up on scene just to ask questions because I'm worried. I should Just wait for the call....

Hopefully the officer calls.

I've been mashing refresh on the jail system to see if there's any charges on either. No idea where minors go though.

I'm pretty much just going in circles.

My partner called after I texted him but I had to make a few calls and had to let him go.

I'm worried she's hurt or dead.

I'm just going in circles and if it was someone I wasn't close to I'd be calm and more patient and methodical. But this is just.... I don't even know.

Why did she have to lie for him. Why...
My partner called me back after I didn't talk to him for a bit. We talked a bit. He picked me up and we drove to my grandmas. All quiet on the western front.

We go get food and just spend time together until like 0400.

Family comes down in the morning to visit with my uncle who has major health issues and he's got surgery Monday to replace 2 cervical vertebrae. He's convinced he's gonna die. Partner came to meet the family. Last several days he's had severe SOB, tremors, etc. Worsening issues. He's in very poor health from years of drug and alcohol abuse. I guess when he got home he called my dad (family minus uncle came to my apartment after our meet)

Partner went to work instead of to the apartment with everyone. I still call him my partner but he's not my ambulance partner. ... ehhhhhh.

He was partner first boyfriend second so he's always my partner.

Had a nice visit with the family. Sister brought her bird. Family leaves.

It's quiet and it's been a wonderful day. Crappy situation for my uncle who hasn't always been a decent guy, but lately he's been acting okay so I visited. If he'd been acting up per his previous baseline I wouldn't be seen within 2 miles of him.

It turns out my younger cousin was not arrested, but detained and scared. He flipped crap his brother got arrested. My grandmother called when oldest cousin showed up. (But I'm still the bad guy?)

Still waiting too see what all charges he got.

But I think life in general is leveling out.

Edit. Jail shows my cousin finally. He's got a bond set at 10K for violating a protective order so far. His court date is in a month.

If he gets the same judge and gets let out again I'm going to have some real issues. But I'm going to see what the DA and such think about what might happen.

This isn't his first time violating a protective order.

Hopefully this is the downslope.
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Maternal grandfather is circling the drain out in CA. Aspiration, persistent severe AMS, super-advanced cardiac failure, weird dysrhythmias and hypoxia. Hospice is keeping him relatively comfortable but I’m not going to be able to make it out quite yet.
Great 3 days in a row of record spiking COVID cases, and a Cat 1 hurricane due to hit us on the same day I'm working OT this weekend... fun
I think I read a USAR team is being deployed or put on standby for you guys as well.
Hurricane was supposed to be a Tropical Storm by now, but still a Cat 1. It skirted passed Big Island, skirting Maui north shore right now, due to inpact us later this afternoon/evening, hopefully also skirting the North Shore (im working south side near Pearl Harbor, at my normal station today). Cone of Uncertainty does include the whole island, but hopefully we won't see too much damaging effects...
I take a lot of comfort in my mortality