the 100% directionless thread


Californian, Lost in Texas
In order for me to buy a normal 5 gallon gas jug for my dirt bike I must sign a document stating that I will only use said jug for water, even though it is not designed for water and is sold by racing fuel companies and has their logo on the side of it, all while they know I am still going to use it for gas.

Hippies run amok. Here in Texas, we routinely have massive chemical plant fires and actively neglect basic zoning and flood control.


Forum Asst. Chief
I totally get not being into politics, or caring much about one political party over another. But politics is like the weather; it happens and it affects us whether we choose to pay much attention or not.

I spent the first 30 years of my life in rural NY state and it was a pretty good place to live for the most part. Over the past couple of decades, politics there have changed dramatically and as a result it's a very different place to live than it used to be. Expenditures on welfare programs and government pensions have driven much faster than average increases in state spending. As a result, taxes and fines and fees of all types have gone way up and NY is now the highest taxed state besides CA. NY has the second or third most debt per capita of any state, and one of the highest homelessness and underemployment rates. It is considered one of the worst states for business due to the regulatory and tax environment. NY is mostly rural with a strong outdoor / hunting / firearms culture, tens of thousands of normal, law abiding members of which were turned into felons instantly with the passage of the SAFE ACT in 2013 in the wake of the CT school shooting. As a result of all this, people are leaving the state in droves. Every one of these changes was a result of politics.

Of course, many people are in favor of high taxes, generous welfare benefits, high levels of government spending, strict gun control, and rigid regulations on business and industry. My point here isn't to argue against those things, it's just to prove that there are important reasons why politics matters to people.

Amen. My wife is from upstate, Rochester area, and we have a ton of friends in the Syracuse & Constantia area's. I would love to move there to be closer to them, but everything you mentioned above are the reasons in which we haven't.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Here in Texas, we routinely have massive chemical plant fires and actively neglect basic zoning and flood control.

And still, the Texas economy is booming and people and businesses are flocking there droves.

Glad to hear that California has regulated away all of its own fires, floods, mudslides, homelessness, drug addiction, and crime.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
In order for me to buy a normal 5 gallon gas jug for my dirt bike I must sign a document stating that I will only use said jug for water, even though it is not designed for water and is sold by racing fuel companies and has their logo on the side of it, all while they know I am still going to use it for gas.
There's a reason I buy the old 5gal jerry cans. No safety nozzle.


Forum Troll
There's a reason I buy the old 5gal jerry cans. No safety nozzle.
I tend to spill more gas when I use the “safety nozzle”. The ones with a straight tube and a cap are much more user friendly.


Californian, Lost in Texas
And still, the Texas economy is booming and people and businesses are flocking there droves.

Glad to hear that California has regulated away all of its own fires, floods, mudslides, homelessness, drug addiction, and crime.

“Booming” in certain sectors and locations. California’s economy is actually pretty strong too.


Family Guy
Sometimes I wonder if there needs to be a political thread, then I think nah, it’ll just end up back in here like the gun stuff. Haha.

Man, you know your team sucks when they break away to show the two even more mediocre teams battle for last place in their division. Tough break for the Chargers.

In other news, at least the Pats and 49ers lost. Lulz.

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
...California would’ve been a lot better off if the state GOP hadn’t committed mass political suicide with Prop. 187 in the 90s.

People can't even say where the last mass shooting was, let alone remember or care about prop 187. The conservative influence in that state was well on its way down the drain before that initiative was passed by the voters of California. The progressive juggernaut was/is fueled by a robust media industry there that had been/is being fed by mass media/journalism graduates of a university system in the bag for the progressive agenda. The Repubs never had a chance. Don't know for sure, but I suspect the same can be said for the northern Atlantic Seaboard.


Forum Deputy Chief
Normally I arrive at station 15 min early, today I was running a bit late and only 10 min early.

Just as I was opening my locker to change into my uniform, they bop us for an alarm! Rushing to get dressed, rush over to my gear locker, fumble the dang combo, get it open, grab my turnouts (it was a medical call, but knowing my luck the one time I dont have my gear we'll catch a fire in the 5 minutes while driving back to station heh)
Finally get to the truck as they're cranking the motor up... and the off going guy is sitting in the seat saying he got it, tell him in ready and can take the call for him, but he waves me off.

Still officially their shift so ok I guess lol. Still felt weird but I guess it's his call since he's the on duty guy. That and the Captain can say who goes.

Talking to the OT Engineer he was saying yeah, some Captains say dont even get on the truck before 0800. Luckily that's a minority, but still, just a weird feeling...


Forum Deputy Chief
113’re saying you had to sit in the kitchen and enjoy a hot cocoa beverage while they ran the call?



Forum Deputy Chief
113’re saying you had to sit in the kitchen and enjoy a hot cocoa beverage while they ran the call?

Well actually we had to start cleaning the station instead lol. Though that's just normal morning routine, check truck, clean station, so today it just ended up backwards cleaning first then checking equipment heh.


Family Guy
Well actually we had to start cleaning the station instead lol. Though that's just normal morning routine, check truck, clean station, so today it just ended up backwards cleaning first then checking equipment heh.
Nah. Nah, I think I like his version better:’re saying you had to sit in the kitchen and enjoy a hot cocoa beverage while they ran the call?
Big burly firemen, with their big burly firemen mustaches sitting around the table enjoying a nice cup coca.

This cannot be undone from my mind.


Forum Deputy Chief
Well actually we had to start cleaning the station instead lol. Though that's just normal morning routine, check truck, clean station, so today it just ended up backwards cleaning first then checking equipment heh.

Oh Man....Rookie mistake Bro!


Forum Deputy Chief
I made some the other night. 4oz of good quality chocolate, sugar, cocoa powder, and milk. I've found it useful for when your significant other is in a bad mood lol.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
This job is affecting me in ways it never did before.

I just watched an older gentleman cry as we helped him on to the litter for a ride to the emergency department.

His wife sat in an easy chair, looking on. Her eyes were moist. He looked at her and sobbed, “don’t worry about me honey. They’ll take good care of me.”

She just nodded and dabbed at her eyes with a Kleenex.

That just wrecked me.


Forum Captain
This job is affecting me in ways it never did before.

I just watched an older gentleman cry as we helped him on to the litter for a ride to the emergency department.

His wife sat in an easy chair, looking on. Her eyes were moist. He looked at her and sobbed, “don’t worry about me honey. They’ll take good care of me.”

She just nodded and dabbed at her eyes with a Kleenex.

That just wrecked me.

The one I remember getting me was rolling up on a DOA and watching the dog grieve.


Forum Deputy Chief
Man, this old dude at the gym actually squared up on me like he was gonna punch me, because I called him out on hogging a machine!

Like the gym has a 30 min express section, 10 or so machines with a stop light, workout on the green light, switch machines on the red. It's for people on their lunch break and/or newbs who dont know what they're doing to just hop in and get a halfway decent full body cycle. I like to use it in the mornings coming off work so I can then justify being lazy at home afterwards (saving lifting free weights for at the station when I'm not crowded by 50 other people lol).

Anyways, while I'm on the second to last machine, this guy hops in on the last one, works out, still works out during the red so I go to another, it happens every so often, but then the next red comes, doesn't get off. I'm waiting next to him and at the third light he's not stopping I tap him on the shoulder saying "Hey, you're supposed to rotate every red light"
-"I know"

"Ok you've been on here three lights now, you need to rotate"

"Just have some patience, go use another machine"

I already did that, thisbis the express section, you cant sit here all day

"Why don't you get the f*** out of my face"

So I go grab a staff member, they tell him the same thing, he starts arguing with them, I say why doesn't he just go use the exact same machine in another section thatvisnt times and he can spend all day there if he likes, he get up, squares up to me, "Why dont I get out of his face otherwise he'll do something about it?"
Like really dude, you wanna punch me cuz I'm calling you out on being an a hole?
That's what I get for giving an eff about rules and stuff I guess 🙄


Has no idea what I'm doing.
Man, this old dude at the gym actually squared up on me like he was gonna punch me, because I called him out on hogging a machine!

Like the gym has a 30 min express section, 10 or so machines with a stop light, workout on the green light, switch machines on the red. It's for people on their lunch break and/or newbs who dont know what they're doing to just hop in and get a halfway decent full body cycle. I like to use it in the mornings coming off work so I can then justify being lazy at home afterwards (saving lifting free weights for at the station when I'm not crowded by 50 other people lol).

Anyways, while I'm on the second to last machine, this guy hops in on the last one, works out, still works out during the red so I go to another, it happens every so often, but then the next red comes, doesn't get off. I'm waiting next to him and at the third light he's not stopping I tap him on the shoulder saying "Hey, you're supposed to rotate every red light"
-"I know"

"Ok you've been on here three lights now, you need to rotate"

"Just have some patience, go use another machine"

I already did that, thisbis the express section, you cant sit here all day

"Why don't you get the f*** out of my face"

So I go grab a staff member, they tell him the same thing, he starts arguing with them, I say why doesn't he just go use the exact same machine in another section thatvisnt times and he can spend all day there if he likes, he get up, squares up to me, "Why dont I get out of his face otherwise he'll do something about it?"
Like really dude, you wanna punch me cuz I'm calling you out on being an a hole?
That's what I get for giving an eff about rules and stuff I guess 🙄
Just tell him to lay of the steroids 🤣


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
That's what I get for giving an eff about rules and stuff I guess

Makes me think of a quote from the Big Lebowski.