The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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no one ever said you trash talk the ambulance, but let me ask you this: your a single company house, and in your first due you get two calls at the same time, one for a cardiac arrest, and one for a structure fire in a vacant dwelling....... its your decision, which are you going to?I'm one of the much despised fire medics, and it feels like a lot of the non-fire medics on here are the ones who create this divide between us when there's no need for it. If you guys think we sit at the station and talk trash on the ambulance, you're wrong.
honest answer? I would trust them to handle any traumatic injury..... would I have the same level of confidence in treating a Tricyclic Antidepressant overdose? ehhh......Navy seal medics are cross trained and spend a majority of their time on combat. Do you think they're poor medics because of it? I'm sure you'd trust one with you family's life.
so you advocated for your patients, and filed a complaint with the department of health right? forcing patients to go to the hospital against their will is kidnapping (a criminal offense), and if you have medics who are threatening their patients, than they don't deserve to be medics, and should have their certs yanked.We have firefighter medics who will force patients to go to the hospital against their will. They will threaten patients. They will flat out lie and get pissed when I call them out on their lies.
So you or your supervisor had a chat with their battalion chief right? In all honesty, if the ambulance is already there, there is no need for first responders (unless there is a need for additional hands). But if they are cancelling themselves inappropriately, why have their not been formal complaints raised up the chain of command?We have fire crews who will cancel themselves before getting on scene of a medical call because the ambulance is already there. We have fire crews who will only send in one person to the house while the rest of the crew stays in the engine.
define an unsafe scene..... an overdose? an assault? a drunk? a medical call as a location with a history of violence? ehhh, I've been first in on all of those, rarely with an issue. Plus if I'm on an engine with 4 people, I'm pretty sure we can handle it. even a shooting or stabbing on the outside, do a drive by and see what is going on. Now if you are talking about active assault in progress, active gun fire, penetrating trauma inside a structure, or whatever, that's their issue and that sounds more like an organizational culture issue.We have fire crews who will decide to enter an unsafe scene we were staging at because PD was taking too long.