Our city runs a third service EMS system separate from the Fire Department in an urban setting. We do all the transports, Fire shows up as a first responder, mostly BLS but some ALS pumpers, and they provide initial care before we show up to transport. The firemen are great at fighting fires and for the most part very good at medical calls. Most of them clearly want nothing to do with us or want nothing to do with a merge and neither does our department, but most of our trucks are housed at the fire stations. Some of our trucks are housed at police stations, one is eventually housing with a dog kennel lol, and the rest just roam the city and sit on a street corner. Some of the trucks that cannot fit in a fire or police station are left outside and in the winter they are left running until they get a call, and that's terrible sometimes for the trucks in terms of wear and tear. We get a lot of trucks out of service as a result too. The fire stations however, have a separate room for us EMS guys, but no sleeping quarters, because we don't get the down time they do, we run 12 hour shifts and they do 24's, and there is barely any comradery or brotherhood in the fire stations between EMS and Fire since we are separate departments. There's no animosity either, but we at least get along together and work well together on our emergency scenes and get the job done.
As far as how patients are treated is concerned, the firemen are very helpful on our more serious and critical calls such as full arrests, traumas, critical medical calls, etc. The guys are able to do IVs, give meds, interpret ECGs adequately and it really helps us out a great deal when they do that. Of course, there are older, old fashioned firemen who don't want to do much and don't help at all, but then again we have guys who won't even get out of the truck or prepare the cot for when we are at Structure Fire Standby's, so yeah there's going to be morons on both ends who don't want help each other and do the right thing and that's not cool. We strictly do EMS so we should and we do a very good job at what we do, the Firemen strictly do firefighting and do great at what they do too. So I think third-service really isn't a bad way to go especially for major cities, it's just a matter of the cities having the funding to take care of each public safety division appropriately, which our city could do a little better at. What I mean is if they want us to stay separate, then at least make separate base stations that are specifically made for us and our trucks, but that's asking for too much.