the 100% directionless thread

That moment when you're dispatched to a call for someone "spitting up blood" but enroute are re-routed to an abdominal pain call.....transport the abdominal pain to the hospital and a few minutes later the other crew wheels in your original call........and it was really a cardiac arrest that got ROSC on scene but requires arrested enroute so they're doing CPR in the resuscitation room....
That moment when you're dispatched to a call for someone "spitting up blood" but enroute are re-routed to an abdominal pain call.....transport the abdominal pain to the hospital and a few minutes later the other crew wheels in your original call........and it was really a cardiac arrest that got ROSC on scene but requires arrested enroute so they're doing CPR in the resuscitation room....
Yeah, those sound like ALS to me ;)
Well except for the fact that the crew doing CPR got to clear pretty quick, whereas we got to wait. Except for another one of our crews pulling in the driveway behind us, there were literally zero other ambulances in the hospitals parking lot....but then like 5 more came in behind us, and every one was trialed as a higher priority, combined with that they were full inside, so we got to hold the wall for 2 1/2 hours....before the hospital decided she had calmed down enough to go to triage.
Still rather hold the wall for an hour. I've seen how messy A) those codes are, and B) every squaddie in that county is. No, and thank you.
I "re-upped" my CPR cert at my old school back in June and then went back a week later to help teach the class. I'm back at the school taking a refresher and part of it is a CPR cert. I could leave when they do that, but I'm wondering if I should do it anyway since it's already paid for and be nine months ahead.
85% blockage of my sinuses...

Also...looking at taking some good ol' A&P and math (refresh on calculus, then take linear algebra)...any suggestions for where (online)?
Of course my relief would be coming in from another station so I find myself not only holding over passed my scheduled 48, but we get a call whilst holding over -_-
There are a lot of things I miss about St. Louis, steak and shake is near the top of the list

We had them in NV and have them in TX. I have not been impressed.

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