the 100% directionless thread

Just because I agreed with you ONCE, doesn't mean it's a requirement around here. :P:P:P

I wonder why people with multiple personality disorders fight with themselves?:ph34r:
I agree with you most of the time, the only person I don't agree with is FFemt. :)

Good thing too...I don't think the forum could handle medic417, you AND me all agreeing on something. It has something to do with Gotterdammerung or something.
Good thing too...I don't think the forum could handle medic417, you AND me all agreeing on something. It has something to do with Gotterdammerung or something.

As long as I don't agree with you loons, the world is safe.
Following up on a previous conversation (start here & you should have no problem following the discussion); evidently more than a few members of the law enforcement community agree that using pregnant women, children and old men as targets is inappropriate, which in turn convinced the company to reconsider its decision -

We apologize for the offensive nature of our "No More Hesitation" products. These products have been taken offline due to the opinions expressed by so many, including members of the law enforcement community.
Following up on a previous conversation (start here & you should have no problem following the discussion); evidently more than a few members of the law enforcement community agree that using pregnant women, children and old men as targets is inappropriate, which in turn convinced the company to reconsider its decision -

Is it equally inappropriate to shoot middle age men or young adults?



Shoots rainbows:


Of course I could see if I could post a link to the dash cam video of the Vietnam Vet killing a police officer on a traffic stop. Hesitation killed that police officer because apparently old men holding rifles shoot bullets, not rainbows.
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To the Owner of Colony Wash and Dry in The Colony, Texas. You have lost a customer due to incredibly poor customer service skills, insulting behavior and general all around jackassedry. May I never darken the door of this place again after tonight.

The actions of people when they think they are superior to another say a lot about the person.
Working on a BLS truck today, no pulse ox. Took a patient to the ER who was sweaty, breathing 40 times per minute shallow with bilateral lower rails and when we found her initially, have her some o2 and sat her up, within 5 minutes she was breathing better. Nurse at the er tells me that the patient wasnt having sob because she looks fine now, and tells me that I can't know if she's short of breath without a pulse ox... Grrrr...
Working on a BLS truck today, no pulse ox. Took a patient to the ER who was sweaty, breathing 40 times per minute shallow with bilateral lower rails and when we found her initially, have her some o2 and sat her up, within 5 minutes she was breathing better. Nurse at the er tells me that the patient wasnt having sob because she looks fine now, and tells me that I can't know if she's short of breath without a pulse ox... Grrrr...

I had a similar situation but I had a pulse ox. Pt initially cyanotic, pulse ox low 80s (can't remember the exact number). Put her on an NRB, got her to the hospital. Nurse in the ER said the pt didn't look bad, and since her pulse ox was 100% at that time took her off the o2. I quickly asked her to sign for the pt. 2 minutes later, I hear a panicky voice yelling, "I need respiratory!" I walk back in, see the nurse still holding the NRB. Pt was back to respiratory distress and low o2 sats. I take the NRB and place it back on the pt. Problem solved!
Yay, I get to drive our company SUV that is as old as I am tomorrow.