the 100% directionless thread

I may or may not have just called into EMS Office Hours...

(>.>) (<.<)
Never have been inside dispatch. Then again it's about an hour outside of our response zone.

It's actually pretty cool. Tons of desks with a projector showing a giant map of the entire area with all the units... And yeah. Nice and air conditioned :p
On the back side of a 48 hour shift. I really hate working doubles...
I do not like that passing the final practicals for class is not solely up to me. If I study like mad, put in the practice and hours and fail because my team mate does something dumb I am gonna cry.
I do not like that passing the final practicals for class is not solely up to me. If I study like mad, put in the practice and hours and fail because my team mate does something dumb I am gonna cry.

I wouldn't like that either. Doesn't really seem fair that you're paired up like that for a final.
I do not like that passing the final practicals for class is not solely up to me. If I study like mad, put in the practice and hours and fail because my team mate does something dumb I am gonna cry.

Can only assume your a paramedic student. What this does is at least show you can be a leader and direct/redirect others at a scene. If your partner starts screwing up, say something and get him back on track. You will only be failed if you fail to notice or you do notice and dont say anything about it
I wouldn't like that either. Doesn't really seem fair that you're paired up like that for a final.

Yep. Most teams are 4 man teams, mine is a 3 man. We run 4 scenarios, 2 medical 2 trauma and if at any point a team mate gets a critical fail you all fail. I just thought I was stressed before, now I'm totally freaking out.
Can only assume your a paramedic student. What this does is at least show you can be a leader and direct/redirect others at a scene. If your partner starts screwing up, say something and get him back on track. You will only be failed if you fail to notice or you do notice and dont say anything about it

I'm a basic student. I get what they are doing but at beginner level it sucks. We are allowed to help and redirect our partners but say one let's go of cspine, we all fail. If vitals guy fakes his vitals instead of doing them we all fail. I can lead all day long but I cant fix stupid.
I'm a basic student. I get what they are doing but at beginner level it sucks. We are allowed to help and redirect our partners but say one let's go of cspine, we all fail. If vitals guy fakes his vitals instead of doing them we all fail. I can lead all day long but I cant fix stupid.

Both your team members are thinking the same thing. One of you needs to stay calm. You'll do fine. Take it slow and remember the basics. I've read enough from your posts on here to know you got this. Relax.
Hahaha! I just watched two people texting in Wal-Mart PLOW right into each other! They both fell to the ground! Rofl!
I'm a basic student. I get what they are doing but at beginner level it sucks. We are allowed to help and redirect our partners but say one let's go of cspine, we all fail. If vitals guy fakes his vitals instead of doing them we all fail. I can lead all day long but I cant fix stupid.

In my class, they made us direct our partner: who just so conveniently had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever, yet was driving the ambulance in the scenario.

And when I say no knowledge whatsoever....they had no idea had to count to 30 for the CPR scenario.

It was valuable though, I like to think I can now turn firefighters into useful assets on scene. :D :rofl:
In my class, they made us direct our partner: who just so conveniently had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever, yet was driving the ambulance in the scenario.

And when I say no knowledge whatsoever....they had no idea had to count to 30 for the CPR scenario.

It was valuable though, I like to think I can now turn firefighters into useful assets on scene. :D :rofl:

That is quite a skill!
So I was thinking....

Firefighters have Dalamtians. Police have German Shepard Police dogs. What does EMS have?

I vote the EMTLife community officially designate an EMS animal mascot.
So I was thinking....

Firefighters have Dalamtians. Police have German Shepard Police dogs. What does EMS have?

I vote the EMTLife community officially designate an EMS animal mascot.

EMS has firefighters... :rofl::rofl::rofl: kidding kidding
So I was thinking....

Firefighters have Dalamtians. Police have German Shepard Police dogs. What does EMS have?

I vote the EMTLife community officially designate an EMS animal mascot.

We kind of have St. Bernards right? I mean any dog that can bring me brandy sounds like a dog that is out to end pain and suffering.