the 100% directionless thread

Wait til you see what happens when you don't "burp" the colostomy bag when you change it.

Negative ghostrider. I will not be around when that happens. I have a newfound respect for you Sasha and all the other IFT people out there. That was gross.
Negative ghostrider. I will not be around when that happens. I have a newfound respect for you Sasha and all the other IFT people out there. That was gross.

I do not change colostomy bags. Not me nope nope.

However I was present when a CNA changed one that turned into a poop geyser when she changed it. CDIFF all in her eye.
Oh common Sasha! You know you like to burp colostomy bags when nobody is looking, Admit it!
I do not change colostomy bags. Not me nope nope.

However I was present when a CNA changed one that turned into a poop geyser when she changed it. CDIFF all in her eye.

"IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

A little CDIFF in the eye never hurt anyone...oh wait :huh:
This is one of the hardest times of my life right now. My adopted Mom is dying of cancer (lung, liver, brain, spinal). I flew out to OH last week to be here for my sisters and dad and essentially say goodbye.

Its one thing to intently watch someone breath when they are your patient, an entirely different thing if that person is your family. Holy crap this is hard. I am no stranger to death (both my biological parents are gone and most of my biological family), but this is just hell.

At this point she's barely awake, existing in a drug-induced haze of Roxanol, as she can't swallow her Morphine pills and Xanax, so the dosage of Rox has gone way up. She's been on 4 LPM O2 for at least a week (NC). There's a large tumor sitting on (or near, not entirely sure) her larynx and she can't talk anymore. I really hope this doesn't last much longer for her sake, and ours; its heartbreaking.

Hospice was called in Monday. They had a social worker stop by, the home health aide has been here twice, and a reflexologist came to work on her feet, which was cool. She was still lucid for that and really enjoyed it. She refused the aide on Friday. Now, who knows...

Anyway, I thought I'd pop in and say hi if anyone noticed my absence. Lots to read...

I here that. It seems like all my grandparents have been fighting what the doctors said would be the end. But they kept on going... until now...

My grandma died 4 weeks ago; 2 MIs and 3 CVAs in a week, coma for 2 days, and than home hospice for less than 24 hours. She too had a lucid few hours, called all the kids together, and said what needed to be...

Got home tonight and found out that my grandfather who was in for surgery for a GI bleed didn't fair well and had to be put on a vent. Decision was made to extubate and shut off the internal pacemaker. I am expecting word any time now that it is over.

Sucks for people who spend life helping others... nothing I can do... plus, years of seeing death and being "that person who deals with it so I can move to the next call" makes it hard to deal with it when you know them. I can do body recovery after recovery, but I really don't do the whole death process well.

Good luck... I know it ain't easy when you have this background...
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Never seen a colostomy bag before, today was my first and I'm scarred for life...

Dude was too lazy to dispose of them so he had 3+ weeks worth of used bags and fecal matter in garbage cans next to his bed. Furthermore we helped change his bag because the one he had on was full to the brim.

House smelled like a dead body mixed with poo, Ben-Gay and spoiled mayonnaise. I almost tossed my cookies in the guys house. We had to take turns going out side and breathing fresh air then holding our breath to go inside, it was that bad.

Been there Done that. Impressive indeed. IFT folks are hard core.
Rumor going around in my part of the woods is that one of our SWAT Medics (Doctor) might try to become our medical director.

You caught me.

Ideas for you next IFT patient with a colostomy bag. Will break the ice and kill some time.

Some providers hate vomiting. I cannot STAND colostomy bags.

I hate trachs.

Hate the sound of suctioning them. Hate how gooey they get. Hate trach coughs. Hate trach boogers. Hate the weird vader with a sore throat voice trach pts try to talk with.

If I ever require a trach, just load me up with morphine and let me die.

No trach for me. Ever.
Also... You think colostomys are bad. Try flexiseals. One big long colostomy.

Directly from their booty.
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Ideas for you next IFT patient with a colostomy bag. Will break the ice and kill some time.

Lol that sir just ain't right, which is why it's so dang funny.
Some providers hate vomiting. I cannot STAND colostomy bags.

I'm with you on that.

Suctioning chocolate cake vomit was nasty, but that colostomy debacle took the cake. Hands down.
I'm with you on that.

Suctioning chocolate cake vomit was nasty, but that colostomy debacle took the cake. Hands down.
