I should probably also mention, Rid, that I wasn't trying to take a dig at you in my post when I said "Supposed" experience and insight. What I meant is that you seem (obviously) to know what you are talking about, and as far as your assertions that you are in all of these high level meetings determining future policy in EMS... Well, again, you seem to know what you are talking about and your stories seem to check out with what comes out the pike a few weeks later.
But because this is the internet, everything is taken with a grain of salt. You don't know me, and for all you know I am lying about my credentials, my system, and even my hair color and gender. For all I know, you are a fourteen year old boy in his basement with EXTREMELY good Google skills and a medical dictionary. All we have is our word, as it is.
That all said, I am going to steer FAR clear of the universal health care debate, as that will derail the thread worse than an Amtrak through the mountains. Let's just leave it to say that we have very different views of how UHC would go down.