Your opinion on the future of EMS

a decent opinion would be, No more FAT medics or Ricky rescues allowded in ems:rolleyes:

You sure bring that up a lot.

I don't think fat medics are a problem. I think medics who can't do their job for whatever reason are the problem. Not enough education, bad attitude, poor fitness, mentally incapable...

There are fat medics who are quite capable of doing their job, there are skinny medics who are quite incapable of doing their job. Fat does not automatically equal incompetent. Skinny doesn't automatically equal competent.
I know of a Paramedic that weighs about 400 pounds, he can outperform and has the knowledge that most would desire. Sure he may not be able to be in confined areas, but hey that's what we got F/F for.

Should he be healthier and present a better image? You bet. But which would I rather have working on me or my family is a no brainer a bronze muscle body or one that has the brain matter and skills?

R/r 911
You do realize most of the studies for weight related health problems and firefighters were done in southern CA?

yeah your point is?, I don't get you breathing treatment giver, what has that got to do with the future of my opinion of ems.:rolleyes:
yeah your point is?, I don't get you breathing treatment giver, what has that got to do with the future of my opinion of ems.:rolleyes:

Humor me and at least say you read what is going on around you in the FDs you claim to support. Do you not know what is going on in your own yard when it is making news in the journals and newpapers at an international level? Although it might be a stretch to say your FD has much to do with the future of EMS if we just read your comments.

And, at least I can give breathing treatments by my protocols.
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yeah your point is?, I don't get you breathing treatment giver, what has that got to do with the future of my opinion of ems.:rolleyes:

Her opinion has more to do with EMS than a Fire Fighter, at least her primary job and education is in health education, is yours?

R/r 911
Her opinion has more to do with EMS than a Fire Fighter, at least her primary job and education is in health education, is yours?

R/r 911

Ofcourse my primary job is in ems Rid, 80% of our calls are ems related you know the stats, whats with just because part of my job is being a hero, I do the ems thing as well.:rolleyes:

Ofcourse my primary job is in ems Rid, 80% of our calls are ems related you know the stats, whats with just because part of my job is being a hero, I do the ems thing as well.:rolleyes:

Do you ever read what you write? Maybe if you presented your thoughts as a healthcare professional or professional of any type we might take you seriously.
Do you ever read what you write? Maybe if you presented your thoughts as a healthcare professional or professional of any type we might take you seriously.

I certainly do not take atropine's posts seriously. I pose the question to atropine; why waste your time here on emtlife when all of your posts are inappropriate put downs of other respected members?
I'm going to take the dim view that I don't think anyone else has taken yet.

Note: Where I see EMS going and where I WANT EMS to go are two different things.

Give the current culture (both in and out of EMS), I think US EMS is going to continue to degrade to the lowest common denominator (LCD). At the present time, the wages are too low to keep most skilled and educated providers around (there's a reason so many look at EMS to go into another field), so you're going to continue to see the average paramedic be a LCD.

Politicians don't really care about EMS since most of the time the public only cares about whether someone shows up or not. They know that they are getting (or at least believing they are) the best care that the provider can give, even if they don't understand that there is a another level that can do more. Since the constituates feel that their needs are being met (even if they aren't truely being met), then the public isn't going to complain.

The average provider in EMS seems to only have EMS in their life. Seriously. So few providers can take a step back and look at the big picture that it's kinda of sad. Any time something negative is said about a level, providers at that level come out of the wood works like it was some personal attack. As such, until the culture changes it will only get harder to increase educational requirments. Conversely, too many people think that they know enough to provide X intervention or use Y diagnostic that there is a push to increase the scope of the lowest provider.

Increase scope+slight increase in education to focus on new scope=happy LCD providers

public apathy=little reason for the politicians and public to complain about who is responding.

Overly sensitive providers makes increasing requirments harder.

Combined, EMS is going to continue to regress until there is a shift in the EMS culture.