dude, you made ANOTHER ignorant statement and got called on it. stop making BS claims and you won't be called out on it. get it? good.
you mean the EMT-cardiac's can't do ETC02? i would imagine than an EMT cardiac can obtain a 12 lead.... unless your saying the RI lifepak's are special and they removed the ETCO2 feature.....
do you honestly think the state won't be looking at any other studies (esp the ones from SoCal) that show any other instances where fully certified paramedics miss intubations?
ok, now I know you have no idea what you are talking about.... plenty of jurisdictions allow ILS folks to intubate. Maybe when you actually do some research you will find out how you really should stop making stuff up to make yourself sound smart. a simple google search would show you how wrong you are
Here, I decided to do some work for you: here is the NC EMS airway protocol:
https://www.ncems.org/protocols/AR 1 Adult Airway Protocol Final 2017 Editable.pdf look at who can do intubation..... hint it, it doesn't start at the paramedic level. you're welcome for the education.