Worst names for an ambulance service...

saw 2 new ones yesterday. SeniorCare out of NY, and i'm not making this up...Peter Pan Ambulance, i've also seen World Class
here in jersey i've seen Friendly Care, GEM, LifeStreams, AMBICAB, Medi-Taxi, Trans-Med, People Transport, Sunny, Virgo, Bell Medical, and my personal favorite FUCHS EMS. I'm sure there's more to see and I shall post more if I do. Btw Bullets I actually used to work for Always Caring or as we called Never Caring, but the decussion about them is a WHOLE new thread.

While we are talking Jersey... On Time Ambulance?
Speaking of bad color schemes... I have seen pics of fire-based ambulance service where all trucks were colored black with red stripes. I thought the era of hearsebulances was over like 40 years ago.
Speaking of bad color schemes... I have seen pics of fire-based ambulance service where all trucks were colored black with red stripes. I thought the era of hearsebulances was over like 40 years ago.[/QUO
Speaking of PA and NJ , I saw one ambulance company the other day called "Waves" !!!
How the heck they come up with this kinda names ????
The Priory in New Zealand of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem

... oops did Brown just say that? :D
1st Responder actually isn't a bad service does 911 ALS up in the Chico, CA area.

I just quit my job in the Chico area. I worked for a local hospital there and First Responder is a well respected company that has a HUGE number of rigs and runs 5x the calls the hospital based service I worked at did.

On a side note, both companies are said to be merging soon, that is if AMR doesn't come and win the contract. So funny that First Responder wound up on here, I happen to think it is a decent name. Paint scheme is instantly recognizable too.
IDK if anyone here has seen the movie Skidmarks (really bad btw), but they have two ambulance companies which I could see forming in my area:
BALS - Bay Area Life Support, and
DIC - Downtown Intensive Care
One in Philadelphia is called Quick Help but its written like this on the truck.

Call 911.

Amid 300 other IFT companies in the Philly area. DNA,Art of life, CPR, Mercylife.
I enjoy seeing the Rhythm trucks in Philly. The m is part of a rhythm strip in case you didn't see that coming.
There are over 200 private ambulance services in Houston. My favorite is Medi-Taxi. Dark blue ambulance with the yellow/black checkerboard banding around it.
Over here we have E-one which sounds just like "ewan". The local word for "I don't know" ^_^
Soldiers EMS. And they exist. And their ambulances hurt my eyes.


Best part about soldier is that the last time it iced over in February, one of their rigs "crashed", aka banged into a curb in arlington, THEN AMR-Arl sideswiped them and had to get another AMR unit out there. It was like a giant cluster-f of boxes.
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Yea, that's a bit of a fail, but the respiratory therapist is a win! Is that AMR?
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Soldiers EMS. And they exist. And their ambulances hurt my eyes.


Not anymore!

They sold out most of their IFT stuff to Guardian and started doing TDCJ transfers.

Then they tried to change their name to LifeCare EMS...

Then they went tits up...and refused to pay their employees their last wages.
I think I know the pictured ambulance...