Working in Qatar


Forum Deputy Chief
Anyone have any working knowledge of Qatar? And more importantly on IHR Canada?

Saw a job Posting for a Paramedic position and was curious.
Try giving them a call. But the pay is pretty low. By pretty low I mean 40K a year. They also want you to be a CCP-C.
Try giving them a call. But the pay is pretty low. By pretty low I mean 40K a year. They also want you to be a CCP-C.

That's about standard for a new medic...
Wow, thats a joke. Thanks for the info though
That's about standard for a new medic...

This is for an overseas assignment. They don't take new medics. The salary if you go across the border to Saudi Arabia is almost double. Hell some of the other places pay quite a bit more.
Yeah Ive seen everywhere from 72k in dubai and abu dhabi to 100+ in other middle east areas. 40 is def the lowest ive seen. Dubai twin towers is hiring atm i just found out..... Working strictly in the Hotel/Office towers
This is for an overseas assignment. They don't take new medics. The salary if you go across the border to Saudi Arabia is almost double. Hell some of the other places pay quite a bit more.

Yea I put 2 and 2 together after I posted that. Consider my statement redacted.
Yeah Ive seen everywhere from 72k in dubai and abu dhabi to 100+ in other middle east areas. 40 is def the lowest ive seen. Dubai twin towers is hiring atm i just found out..... Working strictly in the Hotel/Office towers

Sounds like a good gig. What's their salary if you don't mind my asking?
Havent heard yet. Ill post here when I do though. What it did note though was a room in the hotel for living quarters + all food both on and off duty are covered, along with the usual benefits. Allowance if you choose to live on the economy with driver to take you home and bring you to work. Actually looked to be a sweet gig
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Please realize that while exhilirating and fun an overseas has the potential to be dangerous except Kuwait where the IDF warning and chemical warnings are just that.... So stay alert stay alive, and take cover when you start hearing the mortars come in.
Lol we all gotta go sometime. Cant live your life in fear or whats the point
Try asking or pming "Armor10" on here. He just got hired in Qatar. from my understanding the 40k figure you where told is not correct. ;)
40K if your lodging, meals and etc are covered could be ok, check tax status etc. Maybe ditch your car and use the cash to go buy one outright, depending upon remaining payments on the current one? Look into investing from where you are working, too, it will get some of that money out of your hot hands and making compound interest for you.
Please realize that while exhilirating and fun an overseas has the potential to be dangerous except Kuwait where the IDF warning and chemical warnings are just that.... So stay alert stay alive, and take cover when you start hearing the mortars come in.

You could also get sat on by a camel... I wouldn't worry about the IDF. The range on a 107 is what, 8k? And Kuwait city is 40k from the nearest Iraqi border...
Yeah Ive seen everywhere from 72k in dubai and abu dhabi to 100+ in other middle east areas. 40 is def the lowest ive seen. Dubai twin towers is hiring atm i just found out..... Working strictly in the Hotel/Office towers

Have you worked over seas? You can't compare salaries from the States or Canada to a overseas contract assignment. Your comparing apples to oranges.
They advertise your base salary on the contract but what are the uplifts..transportation, living, hazard duty, etc. You also get a tax free salary for US citizens. If you qualify. Cost of living is way different here than in the states..Fuel at home is a major concern..In Saudi I paid like 33cents a gallon
Here in UAE its a bit more like 1.35 a gallon BUT still way less than the states. ALSO there isn't many places unless your on a oil rig or remote site that work rotations. I get 2 weeks a month off now, plus 6 weeks vacation a year....YOU have to look at the complete package NOT just the dollar signs.
I'm working here right now. I have been here for a year. Starting pay is $98,000 per year. Plus free housing, A portion of paid private school for up to three children, free medical for the whole family, plus 45 days of holiday per year. Since those are working days it equals out to almost 3 month off paid per year. It's pretty sweet.
Man I am glad to hear you and the family are doing well. I remember "the place that shall not be mentioned..."

It seems to be a rite of passage to go and do your tour through KSA so you can truly enjoy the greener grass (err sand) on the other side of the desert!

If you are looking for a good Bachelor of Science completion program that is completely online, and affiliated with a large health science center that also has a medical school, PA program, SPH, etc. check out University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio's Bachelor of Science in Emergency Health Sciences program.

They are very good at the online thing, and the degree is legit. The cost is reasonable also for those who are not in state.

Only way I am coming back to the ME is if I am you and Schultz's medical director. No way I am going to either one of you bossing me around!!! :P

Take care man. I'll catch you on gmail chat one fo these days...
I'm working here right now. I have been here for a year. Starting pay is $98,000 per year. Plus free housing, A portion of paid private school for up to three children, free medical for the whole family, plus 45 days of holiday per year. Since those are working days it equals out to almost 3 month off paid per year. It's pretty sweet.

Hey. I'm considering applying to Hamad Medical for a position as a Paramedic, was wondering if you could give me some information about it?

I saw the starting salary and mention of vacation time and can think of a hundred other questions I have for you, but specifically for now, what is the actual job like? What's the call volume like? What kind of calls do you get? We all know the North American call types, a lot of BS with occassional real calls, is it the same there?

Thanks so much! If you're willing to answer more questions that would be great!
For the last year, I have been working as an Independent Practicing Clinician here in Doha, Qatar. Qatar is the country to get the World Cup in 2022. There is a huge push to develop the EMS system here. They need to recruit at least forty more medics at this time. Especially Oregon Medics who have a great reputation out here because of our degree. Everyone knows someone out of work back home, or only working part time, or someone who hates the system back home and desperately wants a change.

Starting salary is $8300.00 USD per month
You get 45 days of paid holiday off per year to start. (Since those are working days. That's almost three months paid time off a year.)
You get paid round trip tickets home once per year on Qatar Airways back to the US. For yourself and your family.
You get free housing in a nice three bedroom flat. All utilities paid. (You pay Satellite and Internet)
You get full FREE medical for yourself, and your family.
If you have children, you get a percentage of money paid, toward paid private schooling.

The best part is that there are no taxes here, and if your outside of the US for 330 days. You pay ZERO State, or Federal taxes on your first $96,000. Then your only taxed on the amount over the 96k.

Working as an Independent Practicing Clinician is seriously the best job I have ever had. Think PA that comes to your house. We work in a two tier system. The Ambulance goes out first, and then if they need one of us, we respond in our Chase vehicle to assist.
We have very little to no medical over site (Independent Remember) I actually have my own medical practice here. We do carry clinical guidelines, but you don't have to follow them, as long as what your doing is Clinically Acceptable, and you have a reason for deviating from them. They are more there in case you get stuck, or don't know what to do. We carry a wide range of medications, that we would never be able to carry back home.

We work 16/12hr shifts per month. There is OT available if you want it. But we're caped at 56hrs per month. Not because there's not more OT. But because they still understand that spending time with your family is important.

Our equipment is all brand new, and State of the Art.

LifePak 15's
Glide Scopes
Fiber Optic Laryngoscopes
Oxylog 3000 plus vents
LUCAS CPR device.
I-STAT Devices

I was told that you need a degree with two years of Medic experience. In the absence of a degree, you will need two or three years of documentable Critical Care experience. Either the FP-C, CCEMTP, or MICP. I got hired here with an AAS in Emergency Medicine. 8 years of Lead Paramedic Experience. 3 years of HEMS experience. My Oregon Medic License, and the Mobil Intensive Care Paramedic Course.

I have been working overseas now for four years. This is by far the best contract I have ever worked on. If your looking for an adventure, fed up with the system back home, or want to save enough money to pay cash for a new home. This could be the job for you! If you have any further questions, or would like to know how to apply. Please feel free to message me.