Working in Qatar

That link is dead. Just tried it.

Any other source on this?

No the page has been removed, the people I was in contact with about the situation have also gone quite for some odd reason. I'll post an update here if I hear anything more.

Alright, I'll try to dig as well.
@akflightmedic may be in the know.

Not sure if this article was posted yet. I have much to say about this situation but ultimately it comes down to their poor decision making. You do not sit for months not working, waiting for a job to start. You do not take large personal loans out when starting a new job either. Especially a loan you would never qualify for in the USA.
Anything new?
You are absolutely correct in that you don't wait for a job for months. However, I have enclosed the screen shot of the offer letter where it clearly states to submit 2 weeks notice and the visa is forthcoming; this did not happen and many people were delayed months to get it after they quit their jobs, myself included. I did not live luxuriously by any stretch.


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My story is pretty convoluted but HMC takes advantage of its workers and treats them extremely poor. The organization is shoddy and nepotism is rampant. They do NOT like American paramedics as its run by South Africans in every position up to top management. The loan is not extravagant as it can easily be paid as it was every month without fail...HMC is corrupt and has bad medicine. No one should consider going there...ever
Here is my recruitment offer (which was not worth the paper it was written on). I did not take any loans but I made some serious personal sacrifices and was lied to to.
Offer of employment _edit.jpg
Letters are nothing in contracting...until you are boots on the ground it is just paper. And again, one of the guys wrote he waited for months after quitting his job to deploy...that is where I do not wait. You go work anywhere for anything to pass the time, keep earning until you deploy. And if the loans are not that extravagant, then why the GoFundMe to settle the debt? It is a loan that you would NOT qualify for in the US (new job, no time on job, etc) why take the money there? Because you can? And to settle old debts which you let build up while waiting.

I am by no means defending the company as I have heard it all. At the same time, there is a HUGE amount of personal responsibility and accountability in play here.
Not sure what you are referring to as this letter was the same as mine and the breakdown of pay and benefits were never the issue...once they arrived in my account. I'm not sure you are understanding the current issue, yet you think you do. BTW, I WOULD be able to secure this loan in the states if I had to...but again that is not the issue.
This is an issue of my current inability to pay due from all money stopping and all means of repayment. This situation is a result of the company's mismanagement of money...not mine. The loan was being paid and would have been paid in full at the end of the contract...but hardly demanding to pay the residual amount immediately after being furloughed and no means of repayment is not practical and surely you understand this...
Have you guys spoke with any local attorneys about a breach of your contract? Also, the U.S. embassy can issue an emergency passport same day but I guess it wont do anyone much good with out an exit visa in Qatar.
Embassy won't do much...if anything at all as it is a civil matter...and yes, travel restriction will still exist
Sorry dude, barking the wrong tree. You are in the contracting world and made financial obligations based on a new contracting job. Your situation sucks I agree. However, no banking institution routinely loans money to a brand new employee in the US. We can agree to not agree. Additionally, I have done my due diligence and would have done so in your shoes and made damn sure I was familiar with all the rules should I ever not make payment or my contract end. You are in the Islamic world and they take that loan **** way too serious...debtor's prison is quite common. I would take a loan which could land me in jail or travel restricted should I default, especially through no fault on my own. And again, as the guys in the article stated, they took the loan after sitting at home for months waiting to deploy and getting behind on prior statements apply.

Yes, I am familiar with the world, your contract and the situation. It sucks but your hands are not 100% clean.
I'm here, I don't scan here often. I don't think anyone has been detained yet, but bounced checks are serious here and their accounts were frozen. The gofundme was taken down after a few days.

A news article:

There have been budget cuts and lay offs in January when oil was crashing low and threats of $10-$15/barrel was going on.

It seems stable, I'm still mostly loving life although the schedule is exhausting and mandatory overtime sucks.

I would be cautious in my recommendation but still suggest this place, but keep your assets covered, think carefully and plan for contingencies.

Primary, secondary, contingency and emergency plan. As always..
So... Ya'll good now?
So... Ya'll good now?

I am currently finishing lunch at Smoke Bomb Grille after watching the Kiowa retirement flyover and drinking waaaaay too much at Charlie Mike's last night...

Heading back up to Baltimore after. Back to the 'box on the 27th.

It seems stable, barring oil issues and some minor dafuqs.

The guys who were cut loose have mostly left, as of the 9th one was still hanging on in limbo that I knew of.

Life goes on...
I am currently finishing lunch at Smoke Bomb Grille after watching the Kiowa retirement flyover and drinking waaaaay too much at Charlie Mike's last night...
Is that the one next to the MOC (Media Operations Center, the building with all the big satellite dishes off of Gruber down the road from the 24hr shoppette at Reilly?)
I need to log on more. It's that one on the hill and off Gruber on Bragg. Used to be the GB club, back in the day. They should have moved it back in 04 towards USASFC, but hey. I seem to remember some chatter about it, but they passed on it due to "history." Sadly it sounds like they just dumpstered almost everything that was in there. Sadly, it's been many years since I was regularly at Bragg and wouldn't know a MOC if two psyops hit me with it.

Still in Qatar, still amused by life. Still browsing mail-order bride catalogs, but hell.. no one delivers here dammit.

Apparently some people that were being processed back when the layoffs hit in January are being put back on track for a 4Q16/1Q17 arrival.
I need to log on more. It's that one on the hill and off Gruber on Bragg. Used to be the GB club, back in the day. They should have moved it back in 04 towards USASFC, but hey. I seem to remember some chatter about it, but they passed on it due to "history." Sadly it sounds like they just dumpstered almost everything that was in there. Sadly, it's been many years since I was regularly at Bragg and wouldn't know a MOC if two psyops hit me with it.
ROFL, well the barracks immediately west of there (still on the south side of Gruber) is where I lived for most of my 5 years on active duty (minusBasic/AIT/Airborne Schools and my deployments of course)

We got a MOC Tour one day in AIT, but other than that, never had anything to do with the place (other than telling people I "live next to the big satellite dishes" when giving directions lol), and wouldn't know much more about what goes on inside if two 3rd PSYOP Bn guys who work there hit me with it either! XD