who here like to shoot in their spare time?

When you get the time go to www.uspsa.org and they usually have links to different shoots in different areas. A lot of them are at outdoor ranges, but I know the local indoor pistol range here has IPSC pistol shoots on wednesday nites. It cost $15 to $20 to enter, and you dont have to be a USPSA member. Also, check around some of your local military bases (if any close by) because they usually have a military/civilian range and put on comp there. Also, go to www.uspsa8.org/ and it has list and links to shoots, clubs, ranges in your area.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but

-- Current law states that no non-LE folk can own anything with a detatchable mag north of I-80 in illinois, there are other restrictions as well.

That's absolutely untrue.

First of all, there is no Illinois firearm law that has anything to do with I-80 or any region of the state larger than a county. There are federal laws, statewide laws, county ordinances and municipal ordinances.

Secondly, Chicago and Cook County (the county in which Chicago is located) both prohibit "assault weapons." But it's a lot more complicated than banning any firearm with a detachable magazine. Both ordinances have lists of firearms which are considered assault weapons by fiat (any variant on the AK family, for instance, is considered an assault weapon in Cook County, regardless of features.)
Chicago has a list of features that make a weapon an "assault weapon" if it's not on that list, and furthermore allows the Superintendent of Police to add any weapon he wants to the list of prohibited "assault weapons" by personal fiat. However, the current Superintendent (Weis) wiped out the "Superintendent's list" when he took office and has not added any firearms to it since.
Cook County has a stringent set of features that identify assault weapons, and many weapons that aren't named on their list are included for that reason--for instance, several shotguns made by Mossberg and Remington, even pump actions.

Finally, yes, Illinois gun laws have a lot more to do with geography than with political party. Democrats and Republicans from the Chicago area tend to vote for more gun control, while Democrats and Republicans from "downstate" tend to vote against it. At the moment, though, there's a movement afoot to challenge gun control in Chicagoland as well. This week a town hall meeting in McHenry County just north of Chicago drew 500 people to hear the Sherriff and speakers from IllinoisCarry.org and the new McHenry Right to Carry coalition.

I moderate at www.thehighroad.us and www.thefiringline.com (the original forum from which The High Road sprang) as well as writing the Chicago Gun Rights Examiner column for Examiner.com and serving as a Director for IllinoisCarry. Right now I'm working on finding Marshals to help with the IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owner Lobbying Day) at the state capitol in Springfield on March 10, so if anyone is willing to help out, please let me know. The event has roughly doubled in size every year for the last few years, and indications are that we can expect 7500-10,000 gun owners this year. Buses are available from all corners of the state, and if you've never seen IGOLD, you owe it to yourself to get there this year. I'd love to have more EMTs as Marshals, just in case, so let me know.

And since this is supposed to be a showoff thread, here's my "Gun Blog .45" from Para-USA. These were used for a weekend of training with Todd Jarrett at Blackwater's North Carolina campus (awarded to ten lucky bloggers by vote, and one lucky reader--me--by lottery) the summer before last. Everyone had the option of purchasing the gun, and everyone did, though a couple have grumbled about them since. If it didn't have the LDA trigger, it'd be nearly perfect.


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keep the peace :)
Well in my house I have 3 gun safe's that are full. My family has always been big into hunting and most were ex military like myself. I have received most of my guns through wills and such. I have only bought about 5 of my guns. My mossy 535. my glock 17. my s/w 30/30. my Remington 870. and my ar15. I do have a concealed carry permit but don't normally carry unless im going to a bad area like east stlouis. The next gun I would like to purchase is the desert eagle .50 cal rifle.. only a few were made. During my service in the army I shot some very cool guns.
Well, I do like shooting, but I am not going to blabber about the weapons I own. In my opinion, a public forum is not the best place to let people know what I have.

I will say that my favorite gun to shoot so far is my granddad's Lee-Enfield Mk-4 Mod-1 in .303 British. My grandmother bought it for him in 1946 for $17.50, right after the war. It is fun, powerful, and dosn't have alot of recoil. (But it is tough to find affordable .303 Brit in the US.)
Well in my house I have 3 gun safe's that are full. My family has always been big into hunting and most were ex military like myself. I have received most of my guns through wills and such. I have only bought about 5 of my guns. My mossy 535. my glock 17. my s/w 30/30. my Remington 870. and my ar15. I do have a concealed carry permit but don't normally carry unless im going to a bad area like east stlouis. The next gun I would like to purchase is the desert eagle .50 cal rifle.. only a few were made. During my service in the army I shot some very cool guns.

Cop permit? I have a Pennsylvania non-resident, but of course it's no good in Illinois.
I necro'd the thread . . . I don't know how long ago Sasha posted that. Might have been a long time ago.
Heck - you want to go shooting up north... let me know.
On topic: I have my LTC-A, here's my Beretta 92fs:


I also have two .22 target pistols (a Ruger MkIII and a S&W 22a) - great, cheap fun. B)
I own a Glock 21, and love that gun. I compete sometimes and do fairly well. I will be getting a CCW asap.
I got a few, and do a fair amount of shooting. Occasionally, I even hit where I'm aiming. Current favorites are S&W Model 28, Kimber 1911, and Springfield M-1 Garand.


I own a Mosin Nagant. Shot it once a year ago. The damn thing kills my shoulder.

I think I'll stick the the AR-15 family. Sure, it's only .22, but it's a deadly .22 :P

Looking at doing a CCW course once I have money... (hmm... taxes?)
Oh hi there.
How you doin?
I wanna go shooting tomorrow again :D Although I need to get rid of my Daewoo soon.
Here's a pic of the bench the last time I went shooting:
This is making me jealous. My shotgun is down at my parent's house and I currently live 30 minutes from two separate shot gun ranges. Grrr....
I got a friend that lives way out in the sticks so whenever we go shooting we just go to his backyard. Had a couple friends over one day.


Those zombies don't stand a chance . . .