who here like to shoot in their spare time?

I am have several firearms:

Sig-P230-carry gun
Soon to have one or two more...

My husband is a Small Arms Instructon, I get all of the personel instruction I need.
Man, I wish Sig offered a good deal to Fire/EMS like Glock does. Sig >>>> Glock :)
Man, I wish Sig offered a good deal to Fire/EMS like Glock does. Sig >>>> Glock :)

they should. they have to find a way to sucker people into buying a piece of poopey like that....

j/k. i dont mind sigs but they are overpriced.
really? I have to see if Il has that.

ILEMT do you know?

And you can own a AR-15 where you're at? Lucky.

I believe that Glock offers it nation wide... ANd I want an AR-15 by Stag Arms left handed model too
Bossy Cow
I'm guessing your 30-30 is most likely a Win 94 or similar. This is my favorite too. It is in 32Win Spl which is basicly (and ballisticly)the same as a 30-30. It has put a lot of meat on the table in the last 60 odd years since my grandfather bought it.

Good luck on your bear hunt. Wish I was close enough to get some of that bear meat you don't want for yourself. Its been a long time since I had corned bear and cabbage.
Firearm safety is sooooo simple. It really boils down to two simple things. MUZZEL CONTROL and FINGER CONTROL. Never point the muzzel at something you do not wish to shoot. Keep your G*%$@*N finger OFF the trigger until you WANT to shoot. Every so called accident can be traced to a failure of these two simple concepts.

For those who are contemplating getting a firearm, follow the above two rules faithfully and you will never have an "accident". So many times I have seen people pick up a firearm and the first thing they do is put their finger on the trigger. Only amatuers do that, professionals never do. And go take a firearms safety course to learn the other rules.

There Nuff Said.
And you can own a AR-15 where you're at? Lucky.

You can own one in most states. I don't know a whole lot about it but the biggest part is the civilian model is semi-auto not fully auto. Someone else can probably give more info but I believe there's something regarding clip size in some states.
You can own one in most states. I don't know a whole lot about it but the biggest part is the civilian model is semi-auto not fully auto. Someone else can probably give more info but I believe there's something regarding clip size in some states.

Actually, you can own the full-auto version in many states, but only with receivers built before 1986, thanks to a ridiculous gun control law...

And yeah, you can own one in almost all states... even California, which technically has an "assault weapons ban" that is very easy to get around (legally). :ph34r:
there is no way to evade the awb in california.

the california approved ar15 version isnt an evasion of the law, it complies with it to the fullest. its also the biggest piece ever made.

machine guns are still perfectly legal to own in most states, as long as you meet the criteria. its not necessarily the receiver, its the registered part. a drop in auto sear that was registered before 5/86 is still legal to own and transfer and that can be placed into any compatible firearm. the same would be true of a fleming auto sear for the hk rifles and many other parts. the devil is in the details.
^ fair enough - i guess I should have said that the CA AWB is so full of holes that its easy to obtain an AR-15 or AK style rifle while still being in full compliance with the law. But there is no one "CA approved version". You can buy any model not listed specifically in the law (basically models by COLT and a few others) and outfit it in accordance with the law. You can still have everything anyone else can - pistol grip, flash hider or muzzle compensator, bayo lug, grenade launcher, forward pistol grip, collapsible stock, etc.
Anyone else got any gun porn?

I don't have any pics of mine....they're kinda shy :P

I do have a Mossberg 500 that I put a home defense barrel on as well as a pistol grip. I also pulled the plug out of it.

Then I have an old British Enfield .308 rifle that I've been working to restore. I've got the bolt action working quite smoothly again and I plan on sanding and refinishing the wood if I can just find the time.

I don't have much time to shoot right now, so they pretty much just sit in their cases except for regular cleanings.
Sorry man, I'm 100% sure on this one. Like you said, the devil's in the details (like the difference between a registered FA receiver and a DIAS) - there are ways to comply with the letter of the law and still have all the fun features.
As exhibit A, I present some gun porn (not mine unfortunately, but all legally owned by Californian's :D)



Alright, I'll spiel...

My mom still owns her series 1912 Winchester lever action 3030. She's too old for recoil control in her wheelchair, though. (She also owns a 12 ga but I can imagine the recoil issue with THAT! Retrorockets!). As for me...one, with ammo, in good shape but unnecessary, just sentimental. But it is "at hand".

Untrained and unindoctrinated firearm owners bother me, a lot. No offense, but people who own lots of firearms, especially lots of new ones, bother me. This society.......don't get me started;).
Untrained I can see - but what do you mean "Unindoctrinated"?
...Untrained and unindoctrinated firearm owners bother me, a lot. No offense, but people who own lots of firearms, especially lots of new ones, bother me. This society.......don't get me started;).

I agree to a point... but I wonder what you mean about unindoctrinated?

However... I have many friends and acquaintances who carry a concealed firearm for their own protection, and even more so simply to exercise their constitutional right.

These friends spend LOTS more time at the firing range and taking classes than some of the LEOs I know. I'm honestly more worried about the LEO that carries a duty weapon every day, but only practices with it once or twice a year when the department tells them to.
Bossy Cow
I'm guessing your 30-30 is most likely a Win 94 or similar. This is my favorite too. It is in 32Win Spl which is basicly (and ballisticly)the same as a 30-30. It has put a lot of meat on the table in the last 60 odd years since my grandfather bought it.

Good luck on your bear hunt. Wish I was close enough to get some of that bear meat you don't want for yourself. Its been a long time since I had corned bear and cabbage.

It is a Win94. And don't worry, the meat isn't going to waste. I get the pelt and the priviledge of paying for the tanning. The husband of the friend I hunt with said he'd take the meat. But he says my friend and I have to pack it out... we're still negotiating on the details.
sure, if they are preban. thats a completely differen ball game than new production/sale
Negative - postban, new production. Like I said, I"m 100% sure about this, as are all the FFLs out here that sell AR lowers and parts.
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