Where to work in the US as a paramedic.

A big reason why King County Medic 1 has such a high cardiac arrest survival rate is due to the extremely high involvement, awareness, and accessibility of CPR education/training, and the availability of AED's located throughout the city. Seattle has the most AED's located in public places then any other city in the US, and also the highest # of lay persons per capita trained in CPR. When you call 911, the operator will tell you where to locate the closest AED. Their medics are tip top, but there's a bit more to it. Just FYI.

Also very high because they eliminate many codes as non qualified for various reasons. Just like all stats there is more to them than meets the eye.
Also very high because they eliminate many codes as non qualified for various reasons. Just like all stats there is more to them than meets the eye.

Oh so, so, so true.
Thats true about Medic One. Unshockable codes are still workable codes in a lot of cases. Not counting them in your CQI data is kind of cheating in my opinion. Especially when they make said data one of the key selling points about why they think they are so awesome.

So Seattle is out. Never was in (for me anyway).

Sussex County looks like an amazing system. All intercepts, double medic, RSA, no posting unless necessary, and you get to jump on the helo if you need to fly your patient. Incredible. I've been doing some other reading and it looks like they're crazy selective. Definitely considering it though.

Any opinions on Careflite in Dallas? Seems like a good place for an inexperienced paramedic with critical care training to work. Start on the ground doing 911 then apply for flight positions as they open up from there. Looks like they're hiring too.

Also after a little further reading, that cruise ship gig looks interesting as well. Definately gonna shoot them an email.
Sussex County looks like an amazing system. All intercepts, double medic, RSA, no posting unless necessary, and you get to jump on the helo if you need to fly your patient. Incredible. I've been doing some other reading and it looks like they're crazy selective. Definitely considering it though.

Shoot me a PM. C'mon down for a ridealong...