Where to get Jump Kit supplies


Forum Angel
You can say it....it's ok. "Steve's just an :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:." :p:p

But a smart one. lol I tend to listen to you more often then others.


Forum Probie
Wow, a simple question turns out to be a soap opera! Ok, I'm a new EMT and geeky about it, wanting my own "bag" with pertinent things in it for carrying with me for family, friends, etc. no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Yes, my organization has all this but doesn't let me take it home. Will I end up selling the "stocked" bag eventually, maybe so. Just anxious to get going and prove myself.

Thanks all..and sorry to cause all the trouble. I'll get better at this "forum-thing".


Forum Angel
Wow, a simple question turns out to be a soap opera! Ok, I'm a new EMT and geeky about it, wanting my own "bag" with pertinent things in it for carrying with me for family, friends, etc. no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Yes, my organization has all this but doesn't let me take it home. Will I end up selling the "stocked" bag eventually, maybe so. Just anxious to get going and prove myself.

Thanks all..and sorry to cause all the trouble. I'll get better at this "forum-thing".

If you really want to carry something get gloves, a cpr mask (they make keychain ones), a first aid kit and a cell phone.

Bandages, tape, 4x4, and gloves do wonders. You definitely dont wanna get into carrying opa and npas and bvms with you. Definitely a waste. You need to get 911 there before you even go to your trunk to get it.


Forum Deputy Chief
wanting my own "bag" with pertinent things in it for carrying with me for family, friends, etc. no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

Save yourself time, trouble, reputation and some money: buy a first aid kit from Walmart, CVS, etc. If you can't deal with the issues with that, then you need more help than a jump kit is going to provide. This is why all an off-duty EMT needs is a first aid kit and a cell phone.

EDIT: Anjel beat me to it....

Definitely a waste
...and potentially a good way to wind up not an EMT anymore.
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Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Probie
Thanks guys, now I'm getting somewhere. As expected, since this IS the best EMS forum online.


The Truth Provider


The Truth Provider
But a smart one. lol I tend to listen to you more often then others.

Don't know why but this came to mind.



Forum Angel
Thank you. That means a lot. :blush:

haha coming from me who the first day I was on this site I got all pissed at you.

I am going to strive to give my patients the best care I can. But Mr. USA over here was pissing me off.

Sorry about that. lol :p

Reading back through that thread I sounded retarded. lol

Ok before I get in trouble... BACK ON SUBJECT! lol


Forum Asst. Chief
I do a lot of dirt bike riding in the desert. Ever since my friend broke his leg and I was absolutely unprepared to help him, I bought a medic bag for trips. The best place I found for medic bags is US Military surplus shops. In El Cajon there is a place called Stars and stripes and they have really good medic bags at a good price. They even had medic supplies to go in the bag like dressings, those Israeli tourniquets and other stuff.

For you fellow dirt bike riders, always plan for the worst and be prepared, never again will I allow a friend to suffer waiting 2 hours for the Ambu. Yes it took that long. If you ride Ocotillio Wells then you know I speak true.


Forum Asst. Chief
I do a lot of dirt bike riding in the desert. Ever since my friend broke his leg and I was absolutely unprepared to help him, I bought a medic bag for trips. The best place I found for medic bags is US Military surplus shops. In El Cajon there is a place called Stars and stripes and they have really good medic bags at a good price. They even had medic supplies to go in the bag like dressings, those Israeli tourniquets and other stuff.

For you fellow dirt bike riders, always plan for the worst and be prepared, never again will I allow a friend to suffer waiting 2 hours for the Ambu. Yes it took that long. If you ride Ocotillio Wells then you know I speak true.

Yea, but how's an extensive jump bag gunna help you there? You can't give any narcotics for the pain and all the airways in the world aren't gunna be any help if ems is 2 hours out. Gimme and dozen cravats from a small FAK and a stick and I could splint up the leg easy with minimal supplies. Just playing devils advocate. Obviously if your going to remote location, being over prepared is good. But the basic CPR mask, cravats, some kerlex, and 4X4s can fix almost anything you'll run into.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Yea, but how's an extensive jump bag gunna help you there? You can't give any narcotics for the pain and all the airways in the world aren't gunna be any help if ems is 2 hours out. Gimme and dozen cravats from a small FAK and a stick and I could splint up the leg easy with minimal supplies. Just playing devils advocate. Obviously if your going to remote location, being over prepared is good. But the basic CPR mask, cravats, some kerlex, and 4X4s can fix almost anything you'll run into.
My thoughts exactly. The scenario Sandog describes is exactly the reason why many more experienced and higher medically trained back country adventurers (RNs, EMT-Ps, MDs, etc)- myself included- obtain prescriptions for oral narcotics before major "expeditions". My friends have joked about the "dispensary" in my backpack for truly remote trips. Oral pain meds are far from ideal in some situations but they are better than nothing especially when the injury not completely incapacitating but you still have to self-evacuate.
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Forum Asst. Chief
My thoughts exactly. The scenario Sandog describes is exactly the reason why many more experienced and higher medically trained back country adventurers (RNs, EMT-Ps, MDs, etc)- myself included- obtain prescriptions for oral narcotics before major "expeditions". My friends have joked about the "dispensary" in my backpack for truly remote trips. Oral pain meds are far from ideal in some situations but they are better than nothing especially when the injury not completely incapacitating but you still have to self-evacuate.

exactly. I went on a few deep backcountry excursions where people did the exact same thing. If you have a good relationship with your physician and explain your purpose for the narcs, I'm sure they will help you out. Having to hike out X number of miles with an fx of the _______ could be one of the most painful things I can imagine.


Forum Asst. Chief
A simple SAM splint would have helped my friend a lot. He had a open fracture of the tibia and all we had at the crash site was twigs and shrubs.


Forum Deputy Chief
Having to hike out X number of miles with an fx of the _______ could be one of the most painful things I can imagine.

Haven't done it with a fracture, but I did it on a dislocated ankle and I can tell you that even a large dose of ibuprofen helps tremendously. That experience is also why I don't hike alone anymore without significant preparation of the type that makes NASA look ill prepared (or more ill prepared than they actually are).


Forum Troll
A simple SAM splint would have helped my friend a lot. He had a open fracture of the tibia and all we had at the crash site was twigs and shrubs.

i ride out in ocotillo wells alot. i have seen many patients get airlifted. as for me when i motorcycle ride i carry the basics in my camelbag. by basic i mean really basic. no CPR mask and no meds. i carry alot of kerlix rolls some 4x4s and gloves. i dont have room for anything else because along with the 3 liters of water i have 1 pint of gas, spark plug, rain gear, a map, knife, fire starter, rope, and a repair kit for my bike. so lack of room is why i dont carry much. i would rather ride back to camp with a broken leg (which i have done) then not be able to make it back to camp because my bike wont start.