When does Los Angeles county bids renew???


Forum Deputy Chief
Sometimes lol It's always real fun hearing someone on a call at King Urgent Care go "2 Negative to MLK, show us at Destination as well" ({code] 2, Negative [PMA, Paramedic Assist] aka BLS vs 3 Positive is Code 3 with Positive Paramedic Assist for ALS is our official radio lingo) :rolleyes: At least if the ER calls its some sort of trauma or STEMI transfer, usually to St Francis

Yeah, just a basic receiving, no specialty centers...can take a chest pain or altered there say, but not a code STEMI or Stroke or anything requiring a Trauma Center
What's so exciting about "racing the reaper" to a MAR tearing chevrons and "spiking a bag" while the squaddie rubs his disgusting turnout having knees all over the poor pt while poking them 13 times en route and putting the pt on an NRB. Too bad it's changed since AMR isn't there anymore. Wait...what?...it hasn't??...

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Forum Deputy Chief
Athens by the way is unincorporated. Somebody should look at a map book not provided by the company.

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Forum Deputy Chief
haha Ok, I know Athens Park is in my first in, and the street signs around my station actually call the neighborhood Rosewood, or even West Rancho Dominguez depending...but we just call the whole chunk of unincorporated area north of Carson between the 110 and Compton "Willowbrook" ha.....my knowledge of that area is somewhat limited to "201 respond to County 14's, 10003 Normandie Ave, between Century and 101st St, Map Page 703 J5" lol


Family Guy
What's so exciting about "racing the reaper" to a MAR tearing chevrons and "spiking a bag" while the squaddie rubs his disgusting turnout having knees all over the poor pt while poking them 13 times en route and putting the pt on an NRB. Too bad it's changed since AMR isn't there anymore. Wait...what?...it hasn't??...

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Forum Deputy Chief
Athens by the way is unincorporated. Somebody should look at a map book not provided by the company.

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The only company map books are the commercial Thomas Guides lol We know anything in White is City's area...otherwise I just go where the disembodied voices that haunt the cab of my ambulance tell me to go :)


Family Guy
haha Ok, I know Athens Park is in my first in, and the street signs around my station actually call the neighborhood Rosewood, or even West Rancho Dominguez depending...but we just call the whole chunk of unincorporated area north of Carson between the 110 and Compton "Willowbrook" ha.....my knowledge of that area is somewhat limited to "201 respond to County 14's, 10003 Normandie Ave, between Century and 101st St, Map Page 703 J5" lol
Forgive me, but these posts just bring back some very old skool memories.

My very first shift as an EMT trainee at AMR was at our then 24 acros from the Hollywood Park racetrack that covered Athens (14), Lennox (18), and occasionally snaked down to Lawndale (21?).

As far as the Thomas guides. Ha! Never was I so glad my mom making me learn how to use one as (wait for it..) "back in my day" there were no apps haha.

Til this day I use our district map book first, if it's BFE Kern County, I use the Thomas Guide. If I am still SOL I may use googley maps.


Forum Deputy Chief
Forgive me, but these posts just bring back some very old skool memories.

My very first shift as an EMT trainee at AMR was at our then 24 acros from the Hollywood Park racetrack that covered Athens (14), Lennox (18), and occasionally snaked down to Lawndale (21?).

As far as the Thomas guides. Ha! Never was I so glad my mom making me learn how to use one as (wait for it..) "back in my day" there were no apps haha.

Til this day I use our district map book first, if it's BFE Kern County, I use the Thomas Guide. If I am still SOL I may use googley maps.
All Hail Thomas Guide!

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Forum Deputy Chief
Forgive me, but these posts just bring back some very old skool memories.

My very first shift as an EMT trainee at AMR was at our then 24 acros from the Hollywood Park racetrack that covered Athens (14), Lennox (18), and occasionally snaked down to Lawndale (21?).
Except nowadays in that area you also need to deal with 170, 171, 172, and 173's in Inglewood sandwiched between 14 and 18s.

All Hail Thomas Guide!

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That's practically managements official policy RE Thomas Guide vs Cell phone app haha


Family Guy
I heard that Emergency Ambulance in Brea was a big company at one point.
Any input? True/false?
Emergency Ambulance used to cover whatever battalion Inglewood was for LACoFD.

When I started doing this stuff, they weren't that big, probably about the size of McCormick of Cole-Schaefer is/ was.


Family Guy
Emergency took most of their patients to DFH, 14's seemed partial to CNT. Traumas went to HGH. Perhaps it was a catchment thing, idk.

Lol, I'm surprised I still remembered most of the "01A" abbreviations.

I did let out a slight chuckle one day when we dropped at patient off we had flown in from Frazier Park to Henry Mayo, and the ED RN asked if we had "sequence numbers".


Forum Deputy Chief
Emergency took most of their patients to DFH, 14's seemed partial to CNT. Traumas went to HGH. Perhaps it was a catchment thing, idk.
Yeah 14's love to go to Centinela, or Gardena Memorial (I keep trying to tell them MLK is actually closer...idk if it's technically true but MLK is in my first in vs CNT where I have to traverse Inglewood and Hawthorne and potentially snag a `162's or something). I've taken trauma's out of both 18's and 170's to Harbor UCLA (HGH)....partially because the next closest Trauma Center is UCLA Ronald Reagan in Westwood....someone said something about Century Blvd being the dividing line? Idk I actually haven't worked that portion of town ha

Lol, I'm surprised I still remembered most of the "01A" abbreviations.
A what now?

I did let out a slight chuckle one day when we dropped at patient off we had flown in from Frazier Park to Henry Mayo, and the ED RN asked if we had "sequence numbers".
Yeah it's real fun when they upload their ePCR without giving you the number ha (fortunately it's mostly a past problem, they're used to us needing it now ha)


Family Guy
Yeah 14's love to go to Centinela, or Gardena Memorial (I keep trying to tell them MLK is actually closer...

A what now?
The paper run form the fire department loves so much (you know? Tradition n' all) with the abbreviations on them. AMR's used to mirror theirs.

You know? The one with such classics as "bEHavioral" that were check boxes. Heck I think I still have my clipboard from my AMR LA County days, stickers and all.

And I never thought I'd hear the day someone would try and convince a patient to go to "Killah King"...


Forum Deputy Chief
The paper run form the fire department loves so much (you know? Tradition n' all) with the abbreviations on them. AMR's used to mirror theirs.

You know? The one with such classics as "bEHavioral" that were check boxes. Heck I think I still have my clipboard from my AMR LA County days, stickers and all.
Ok yeah yeah, I know those, all my 911 jobs had those as well (Gerber, Glendale, McCormick), though our current ePCR section on Chief Complaint still has a litany of check boxes they don't have the bolded letters to use for abbreviations lol. Never knew there was an actual name for those, thought it was just....there it was so ubiquitous lol. Yeah we don't get paper run forms from County anymore (they are completely ePCR now, at least in all my areas, McCormick has been completely ePCR since I've been here...last paper run form I filled out was at Gerber, which funny enough Torrance still uses paper PCRs that we get copies of).

And I never thought I'd hear the day someone would try and convince a patient to go to "Killah King"...
ROFL! Nowadays it's a fairly nice place, at least as far as I can tell haha. Or at least I don't have the same multi-hour waits as is common at Centinela or St Francis (always fun pulling into those lots and seeing aMcCormick convention in the parking lot..."Hey Mr. Patient, you said you wanted to go to Cedars right? Well you know how we said its too far? Yeah it might be faster to drive there now than waiting here....." lol


Family Guy
ROFL! Nowadays it's a fairly nice place, at least as far as I can tell haha. Or at least I don't have the same multi-hour waits as is common at Centinela or St Francis (always fun pulling into those lots and seeing aMcCormick convention in the parking lot..."Hey Mr. Patient, you said you wanted to go to Cedars right? Well you know how we said its too far? Yeah it might be faster to drive there now than waiting here....." lol
If you're ever super bored YouTube search for that show "Trauma: Life In The ER".

Talk about great memories. The episode they did at MLK in its heyday is pretty neat. It has a super cool doc who when I worked there was already out of his residency and an ER doc at CPM in Norwalk, a doc I would later work with here in Kern County, and bonus points to any CARE EMT's who find it and can spot their drivers training guy in his AMR blues all baby faced bright eyed and bushy tailed, haha.

Great times, and yes they would literally beg us not to go there. If the squad shipped, I would divert, but if not, sorry yo, can't help ya.
"Let's hope it's not the B squad today..."


Forum Crew Member
Emergency Ambulance used to cover whatever battalion Inglewood was for LACoFD.

When I started doing this stuff, they weren't that big, probably about the size of McCormick of Cole-Schaefer is/ was.
Yes. We did have a larger footprint. Around 2005-06 we were running about 50 units with operations in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego County's. we served our current 911 area and also provided service in Inglewood, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and Hacienda Heights. We also had a significant IFT business.


Forum Crew Member
It looks like you're nearly spot on with the assumptions regarding the EOAs. I can relay that EOA2 (Monrovia) was awarded to the incumbent (Schaeffer). My organization bid EOA2 and did not receive the recommendation. It remains to be seen if Schaeffer will continue operating only in EOA2 if their protest is unsuccessful.


Forum Crew Member
Yea and they had offers from Falk for a buy out but I dunno what happened. I think they are doing a scratch my back ill scratch yours to try and slay off any accusations of monopoly which it is. Alot of kick backs.

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I heard that Emergency Ambulance in Brea was a big company at one point.
Any input? True/false?
True. Yes we were significantly larger


Forum Probie
Yeah, and the redrawn EOA zones put Paramount in McCormick's zone, hence Care is "losing" Paramount, and we're "gaining" it.

Anyways semantics aside, I found this: http://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/dhs/239512_01_RequestForProposalsNo.EOA2015.pdf

It LOOKS like the Draft version of the proposal the various ambulance companies had to fill out to bid on each EOA. It's all blank (i.e. not the actual proposals) but the part I find useful starts on page 180 of the pdf, it shows the redrawn EOAs for the 2016 proposal. (TBH since this is technically a draft document, it is entirely possible that the actual redrawn EOAs used are different....but so far it appears consistent with what everyone else has been saying).

So from what I'm hearing....sounds like AMR got Zone 1 (Santa Clarita, Lancaster, Palmdale and the rest of the desert areas north of the mountains)
Does Schaefer keep EOA 2, City of Monrovia? Or did Care grab that as well?
EOA 3, Schaefer's old zone of Pomona and northern half of the San Gabriel Valley is now Care it sounds like?
EOA 4, AMR's current zone in the southern half of the SGV is now also Care?
EOA 5, Care's current zone (just minus Paramount) remains untouched
EOAs 6, 7, 8, and 9 are all McCormick
EOA 6 is City of Compton....we're still waiting to hear how this is going to work. We know they are shutting down their Ambulance Operator program, but they use 2 AO ambulances with 3 ALS ambulances (called Squads over the radio, but actually transport ALS patients themselves unlike LACo Squads....) So the question is are we only going to respond to BLS level calls, respond to all calls and if it's ALS, their Squad will transport and we'll clear, or will they start using their Squads like LACo and we'll transport everything with their medics in our rig for ALS? (I have one time been on a call in County's area that had a Compton FD squad respond in place of a County Squad...it was an ALS transport and they did that last option, we put the patient in our rig and their medic transported with us instead of them just taking the patient straight up). There's also a persistant rumor that LACoFD may take over Compton FD but I haven't heard/seen anything official on that, just rumor mill....however City of Hermosa Beach is in serious talks to have their FD taken over by LACoFD https://www.facebook.com/Hermosa-Be...58142654218635/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf http://hermosabch.org/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=8206
EOA 7 is McCormicks current Carson area including Palos Verdes penninsula, Willowbrook, South Gate and Lynwood that now has Paramount added.
EOA 8 is City of Redondo Beach, which McCormick is currently transporting for, however, as I said earlier, they plan on setting up their own AO program and doing transports in house http://www.dailybreeze.com/governme...ormick-ambulance-will-set-up-in-house-service Though it seems likely to me personally McCormick would remain the transport provider since we are already doing first in ALS for them when they are unable to staff their own ALS ambulance. (as well as being surrounded by our zones), possibly similar to how La Habra has a direct contract for transport with Care so they're in house with LACo there? Hermosa Beach would be a neat station to be in house at...
EOA 9 is McCormicks current area in Hawthorne, Inglewood (and surrounding areas), Ladera Heights, West Hollywood and Universal City and Malibu, Agoura Hills and Calabasas, which looks rather unchanged to me.

So....bottome line looks like Care pushed AMR and Schaefer out of East County entirely, McCormick is virtually unchanged, and AMR is left only SCV and the deserts.

Since you from Mc Cormick, rumor has it that you guys are actually going to get Compton and that you guys will more than likely take place of ALS. I think you already do this in redondo beach if memory serves.

Care Bears got an email on Monday with us being placed for EOAs3,4 and 5. EOA 2 is only Monrovia. Haven't heard who will be getting Monrovia. I think Schaefer is the provider at the moment... Does anyone know this by any chance?

I also heard that Compton going County but I think that has been circling around for years.

I honestly thought that we would get your EOA 7 area over AMRs area. Didn't see that one coming but then again, never heard about how AMR did things out there. Glad you guys keeping the area though. Run into the Ochos a lot. Fun, cool guys in that station.

That file that shows the area, there is the applications that everyone gets that applied to bid. i think that might be set in stone.

La Habra is La Habra Ambulance. They are in house. The only thing that has Care on that is the employees. They are under a special system.

Kinda wondering what's going on with AMR and their reactions to the news...


Forum Deputy Chief
Since you from Mc Cormick, rumor has it that you guys are actually going to get Compton and that you guys will more than likely take place of ALS. I think you already do this in redondo beach if memory serves.
Yeah, Redondo is a bit wierd. Like LACo they respond an Engine and Rescue to each scene as well as calling us, and use their Rescue like a Squad. Except instead of a pickup truck, it's a fully transport capable ALS box ambulance. Except an ALS call they'll still load the patient up in our ambulance and one of their medics will hop on just like County. I've heard they'll only transport their own FFs and other City employees, or if it's a true "load and go" situation and we have some crazy extended ETA. So they do transport but only once in a Blue Moon apparently.

Torrance is going the same way. A few years back all their Rescues were squad type pickup trucks, now two of them are full ALS ambulances with plans to fully switch over.
Other than that, we run with them largely the same way we run with County.
I also heard that Compton going County but I think that has been circling around for years.
So far we only respond into Compton when they call us for backup BLS unit, so hopefully if we do takeover it'll be the same way as County or Redondo or Torrance, and go on everything out there.....
La Habra is La Habra Ambulance. They are in house. The only thing that has Care on that is the employees. They are under a special system.
heck maybe we can just go in house and have McCormick crews working their BLS ambulances in station? Isn't that similar to the La Habra Ambulance? I've always wondered how that worked with Care....

Care Bears got an email on Monday with us being placed for EOAs3,4 and 5. EOA 2 is only Monrovia. Haven't heard who will be getting Monrovia. I think Schaefer is the provider at the moment... Does anyone know this by any chance?
Yeah Schaefer currently runs for Monrovia FD. I used to work for Glendale, and they're on the same Verdugo dispatch as Monrovia, I can still hear the "BEEP BEEP BEEP, Engine 101, Squad 101, Schaefer Ambulance..Chest Pain...." (Same with Montebello's "Paramedic Engine 55, Care Ambulance....." I've heard Vernon FD went on Verdugo dispatch now, and Care runs with them right?)

I honestly thought that we would get your EOA 7 area over AMRs area. Didn't see that one coming but then again, never heard about how AMR did things out there. Glad you guys keeping the area though. Run into the Ochos a lot. Fun, cool guys in that station.

That file that shows the area, there is the applications that everyone gets that applied to bid. i think that might be set in stone.

Kinda wondering what's going on with AMR and their reactions to the news...