What's your "Pet Peeve"?

:excl:how about getting stuck working with the person who finds negative stuff/complains about everything from work/school/social life to the fast food they order!!!etc. like geez, if you had problems with your coworkers at your 6 other jobs and had to quit them than i think it is time to take a deep look inside yourself and find whats wrong and why you have to be such a b***** to everyone at your new job!!! and please! dont criticize my healthy normal relationship and say its only good because i am young and naive so i dont know what its like out in the real world. also, when you complain about your close friends and talk smack about them thats just wrong!! sorry had to vent about this super negative girl....arggh obviously karma has already struck her a bunch but still why does she have to rain on my parade when i am only super **** nice to her
Newbies who think they are MD's!!!!!!!!!!!! people who b*tch about not having everything they need on a call, but never restock at the end of their shift.
Late calls.
Mine is when people change out the main O2 tank and have the regulator facing down. I should not have to be on my knees on the floor looking up to see how much O2 is in the tank.
Here's another peeve; medics who constantly call for a helicopter on trauma runs thinking that will somehow help the patient. Better yet, when they are only 15 minutes by road to a trauma center!!
if that the biggest problem you've got, i'll take your job tommorow!

oh, and welcome to the nuthouse!

I know it's nothing like a zipper. :)

And thanks...been a lurker for awhile. Guess it's about time I jumped out and posted.
No pens
No watch (I lost TWO beautiful glow-in-the-dark-face vitals watches in the rig, and the one I have now is terrible)
Not checking the on board O2 and the tank on the gurney.......gump! gump! gump! And how about the famous "I was too busy to check the fuel level" Yeah right!<_<

It's embarrassing getting to the station and getting called before you can check everything and having the on board tank empty with the medics riding with you.

It's just laziness.
Getting a called out 1/2 hour away when you are an hour away from the end of your shift for an "Unknown Medical Emergency"... Only to get there and no one really tell you WHY they are sending the patient to the ER while nothing appears wrong with the patient. I was finally told by staff (after being a major pain in the *** badgering them for the reasons why they were sending the pt out) that it was a prolapsed uterus though the patient's medical history clearly said Hysterectomy :ph34r:
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Murph's top 3 peeves:

3) I get annoyed by medics/EMT's who complain about working...not just restocking, not just the late calls...but working. It starts from "awww jeez, I have to do a rig check", to "great, now I can't eat my 1,200 calorie snack because grandma has the flu". I s'pose they expected to come to work and not do anything all day.

2) Those who think that since they have reached the pinnacle of their EMS career, there is no need to continue learning. Oh yes they will spend 2/3 of their shift on the computer playing games, or text messaging their lady friends...but god forbid reading up on some A&P or taking the time to understand axis deviation.

And the #1 peeve....

I hate those who change the toilet paper roll and put the flap under rather than over.
-My partner that *****es about EVERYTHING all day long.
-Another partner I get stuck with thats a major hippie and dosent believe in showering or putting on deodorant.
-A noob EMT that thinks hes a MD and likes to dx to the pt.
-Partners that rat you out to gain good standing with the supervisor.
-Partners that don't take off their gloves to write somthing on the clipboard.
-People in the shift before me that leave my rig a sty.
-A dirt coverd rig.
My pet-peeve is "newbies" that run their mouth off as though their opinion is the Holy Word and *will not* be corrected.
Copy that. I had a noob decide that a chest pain patient did not need the 4 liters 02 i placed on him after checking cap refill and telling me that since it was under 2 seconds, there was no need for oxygen.

I calmly asked him what perfusion in the finger had to do with perfusion beyond the possibly occluded coronary artery in the myocardium of the patient, and he still insisted I was wrong, but could not even tell me what a coronary artery was, or what the myocardium is.
A lot of my things are uniform related:

Pants tucked into boots (unless it's snowing.)
Shirts that aren't buttoned to the second-to-top button.
Untucked shirts.
Boots untied/unzipped.
T-shirt uniforms (taking a back-up/general/all-call/open-page is another story.)
Partners who don't carry a radio.
Messy hair.
Misaligned collar brass.

Whoever puts our (separate) billing form in the front divider.
Partners who make plans right after work so we can't refuel or speed around.
People who are so anti-buff they end up not wearing a belt in general, shears, or carry a scope.
-A noob EMT that thinks hes a MD and likes to dx to the pt.

If you don't develop a DDX, there's a 9/10 chance you aren't understanding your assessment.
Usually happens on my day off, when someone changes the main tank, and, somehow manage to put the opening valve to the back to it's hard to get to, and put the pressure indicator facing the wall! AGH!