What's your hobbies

TV, the internet, learning, reading, fixing things around the house, sleeping.

Oooh, forgot about that one, sleeping!
Is volunteer search and rescue a hobby?

Depends. Do you spend more time in SAR-related activities than in your job or school?

Does your social life revolve on the likelihood of getting paged out for a mission (Hmm. It was a really nice day today and I bet lots of people went out hiking.... so I can't go out drinking with you! Sorry.)

Do you no longer own any cotton clothing?

Do you no longer buy perishable groceries so you don't have to stop by home first if you get paged for a mission while out shopping?

I'm not guilty of any of that. Honest. :blink:
Spending too much time on the computer, books, hikes, backpacking, snowshoeing, cooking, collecting flashlights and knives, griping about never having the time to go out and shoot, hopefully skiing this winter (Cross country and I want to take downhill lessons)...
Depends. Do you spend more time in SAR-related activities than in your job or school?
Depends on the season. In the summer, absolutely. During the winter, it's about even.

Does your social life revolve on the likelihood of getting paged out for a mission (Hmm. It was a really nice day today and I bet lots of people went out hiking.... so I can't go out drinking with you! Sorry.)
Well, my social life is the SAR team, so it's pretty darn convenient when when I get a call while hanging out with my friends... because they all go too.

I'm not guilty of any of that. Honest. :blink:
Riiiight. None of us are.
Video games (It's amazing the people you meet over Ventrilo), TV, stunt kite flying.
Video games (It's amazing the people you meet over Ventrilo), TV, stunt kite flying.

Haha, I used to play BF2 avidly.
I read, I play music, I like debating politics and religion, video editing, etc.
Haha, I used to play BF2 avidly.

I used to play it then I moved and my connection went to poop. I played Eve-Online for a while (I love their skill training system) and am currently playing Puzzle Pirates (which can be played for free, with the proper mixture of skill and time).
I used to play it then I moved and my connection went to poop. I played Eve-Online for a while (I love their skill training system) and am currently playing Puzzle Pirates (which can be played for free, with the proper mixture of skill and time).

Haha. I got really involved with BF2, almost too involved. If you ever get back into it check the Sandbox mod for it... http://sandboxmod.com
Show me the way :mellow: I envy you.

I've always had a strange desire to learn either the fiddle or banjo, probably because I love bluegrass, but unfortunately I don't have any musical aptitude whatsoever.

It's easier than you think.
Model Railroading; Boy Scouts; Hiking, playing with the dogs, photography, shooting.
Weight lifting and martial arts are what I enjoy as hobbies. It is getting harder to stay in shape as I have gotten older :)
Ha! EMS is my hobbie. I am a farmer first. I voulenteer(?) with a local fire dist. and also the local ambulance.
I off road in my Jeep. :)