I really want to help people. Might have something to do with the fact that I was born premature in rural Oklahoma in '88, and they didn't have the resources to really handle the resulting pnuemo, so I got a life-flight to Tulsa. I've also had, essentially, a life-long interest in first-aid, survival techniques, survival medicine, and emergency aid. At age 15, I was living in Honduras and my dad was a rampaging alcoholic and decided it would be a good idea to get drunk off his...butt and take his anti-HTN meds at the same time. He stood up to harass the guy putting in the satellite receiver through the window, fell, and cracked his head on the rock-tile floor. I was every bit of ten step away, and by the time I got there his head already had a decent pool of blood around it and he wasn't breathing. I'd read through an old red cross first aid manual that happened to find its way down there and remembered how to proceed with rescue breathing. I breathed for him for about 30 seconds while preforming abdominal thrusts intermittently (no pulse + old manual + no CPR training = ) before I ran out and asked the satellite guy if he knew CPR. He said no, so I ran down the road and asked the neighbors to call their emergency services (It's Honduras. No 911, but some obscure 7-digit number that didn't get advertised). I ran back, got to my dad again, who hadn't moved, kept it up for a few minutes and just all of the sudden, he started coughing and resumed being a belligerent drunk until the local EMS rolled up in a stripped-out landrover.
Then, to cement it all, I took a CFR course in high school and just fell in love with emergency medicine right then and there. After graduation, I went on to my local tech school to get into the EMT program, which wasn't open yet (year-long course, one set of instructors), so I hung out taking the core classes for RN while EMT-I opened up. Got in, took the class and fell more in love with EMS because I had possibly the best instructors I could've ever asked for. I'm now attending a paramedic course with those same instructors.