What does your agency ride in...

:) :glare:


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Seeing how this older thread has been dug up, I figure that I might as well contribute. We have two Custom Wheeled Coach rigs, the newer of which is a 2005

and the older is somewhere around an '02


by any chance, did your squad sell a bus to a squad in cumberland county???
that would be the '91 wheeled coach that i mentioned. It was sold to port norris fire and rescue who shut down their ambulance and donated the truck to us so that we could convert it. Before we had it relettered you could still read WYKOFF VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS on the side under their lettering, and WYKOFF on the hood.
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I was going to say that you may have been the third owner. We haven't had one that old in a while. If it still said Wyckoff on it, I wonder. Interesting though, I'll look into it.
it was just decaled over... twice we have taken it o.o.s. as an ambulance due to it's age and multiple mechanical problems. but i was the first one with the my squad to drive it. I'm not even going to start to list my issues with it.
Have any pictures of it? I'd love to show it to some of the other members of the squad. We tread pretty lightly on our rigs, but who knows what the folk we sold it to did to it. In about another year or two we'll be replacing another one, i'll be sure to let you know when we get rid of the old rig. :-D
like i said... pics are coming soon... and maybe we can trade rigs... we give you you our old one and you give us the newer bigger one... lol
So, it seems we've gotten the first of our new model Mercedes Sprinter's.

Shows the new paintjob as well.



We have about 8 or 9 McCoy Miller Type II (private ambulance company) and 3 or 4 Type I. Would upload pic's but I dont have a digital camera(I love my 35mm)!!!! :blush:
Mountain Bikes

Various types of mountain bikes (Each member provides their own.) with a AWD Dodge Caravan for Support and Gear. (We call that "SAG" in bike talk.)

Just some more pics, This time of our newest LSV. Its a Leader Type I on a Chevy Chassis.


Just some more pics, This time of our newest LSV. Its a Leader Type I on a Chevy Chassis.
Am I the only one to notice the 'first responder' logo of the person doing CPR looks like, at first glance, doggie style?
Our Wheeled Coach box on a 1997 Chevy chassis. We are currently putting together this one replacement.


Our 2001 Horton on a Ford F-450 4x4 chassis

horse and boogey