The fire extinguisher is not just for show
- 6,299
- 2,169
- 113
shift length? (8 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr shifts)
job type (IFT, 911/EMS, SCT)?
pay rate? retirement system and benefits?
availability overtime?
Non-ambulance jobs within the agency (Dispatch, Rescue, education/training, special operations, emergency management/preparedness, etc)
quality of equipment/ambulances provided by agency
coverage area (rural, suburban or urban)
progressive protocols, ability to deviate from cookbook medicine
that's all I can think of so far, so what do you look for in a job, when thinking about where you want to apply for an EMS job/career?
and what is the most important thing you look for?
job type (IFT, 911/EMS, SCT)?
pay rate? retirement system and benefits?
availability overtime?
Non-ambulance jobs within the agency (Dispatch, Rescue, education/training, special operations, emergency management/preparedness, etc)
quality of equipment/ambulances provided by agency
coverage area (rural, suburban or urban)
progressive protocols, ability to deviate from cookbook medicine
that's all I can think of so far, so what do you look for in a job, when thinking about where you want to apply for an EMS job/career?
and what is the most important thing you look for?
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