What do you carry? - The mega thread


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I have:
  • My company pager
  • Cell Phone
  • Leatherman in Nylon Holster
I also carry the following in various pockets:
  • EMT Basic Quick Flip Guide
  • Local county protocols quick flip guide
  • Pens
  • Penlight (which I always end up losing)
  • and Trauma Scissors
What about you?
Radio and text pager, and occasionally my cellphone. Other than that, nothing except my knife in my pocket. I do, however, carry a small jump kit in my car for calls if I beat the ambulance in.
Man I sound like an EMT-Geek. In reality I only have the minimums. I carry the pager because I have to. The cell phone is also a necessity. I often find myself calling dispatch for non-emergency issues. Also it's often easier for me to call the ER instead of using the radio. I'm also required to have the county Quick-Flip, and I rely on my EMT-Basic Quick-Flip all the time for the small stuff like the codes we use for paying for gas and all that stuff. I've also lost my leatherman, but I'm sure its around here somewhere.

And now the best purchase I ever made... a small glove pouch. It's not uncommon to use a pair or two when working a code, and I hate having gloves in six of my pockets, so it's great to always have a pair handy.

Our unit has two in-car radios, one for dispatch and to contact hospitals, and one for the city we have a contract with. Our basic units come with a prep (handheld) for dispatch), and our ALS ones have preps and med-control radios.

It's interesting to see what the different units have.
We utilize two seperate radio systems in our rigs as well, but for a different purpose. We have UHF, or "Red", that is used for dispatch and a VHF, or "Green" system that is used as our department tactical frequency. We're dispatched through a regional system that handles 9 departments, and all are dispatched on the Red 1 channel, so we try to avoid using that for tactical purposes as it can get quite busy. Each rig also carries both Red and Green handhelds, but we're beginning to change over to newer radios that can handle both Red and Green in one unit.

We also have a cell phone on each ambulance for calling the hospital.
I hate to even wear a belt so I dont carry much on it. Pager and phone out of neccessity, but the phone goes into my jacket pocket in the winter. Other than that I also have a glove pouch as well.
Originally posted by coloradoemt@Dec 31 2004, 03:56 PM
I hate to even wear a belt so I dont carry much on it. Pager and phone out of neccessity, but the phone goes into my jacket pocket in the winter. Other than that I also have a glove pouch as well.
Is the glove pouch on when off duty?????
Depends which belt:

Off duty and "dressy" - cell phone <Pager, when I have one>

Off duty and regular - cell phone and palm pilot - with Epocrates <pager, if I had one>

On duty at the squad - cell phone, <Pager if I had> shears, and the radio(s) if I'm on the rig, if nightime, MY stinger flashlight

On duty as a rent-a-cop playing EMT (wearing a whacker belt, because they make me) Key clip for issued keys, cell phone, glove pouch w/CPR barrier, if nighttime, my stinger flashlight, also have a radio holster, when I'm playing EMT its usually the CONTERRA whacker holster with shears, pen, and sometimes AAA minmag for pupils. Beltkeepers, and a pair of gloves (wither winter or scumbag) tucked into a pocket or the belt.

Originally posted by MedicStudentJon@Dec 31 2004, 02:57 PM

Is the glove pouch on when off duty?????
Nowhere to put it!!! :D
Let me see on my belt during the day I often have my pager and cell phone on and a pen in my pants pocket. Alot of times during the winter my cell phone ends up in my pocket and at night the pager gets hung off my pant pocket becuase trying to put on a belt is out of the question.
I carry my self in my belt. Too big of a belt hurts my hernia, so I only carry what I need to, in assorted pockets. I have a "over shoulder" sling that harnesses my radio to my side w/ the mic on my shoulder.
Originally posted by MMiz@Mar 3 2004, 07:18 PM
I have:
  • My company pager
  • Cell Phone
  • Leatherman in Nylon Holster
I also carry the following in various pockets:
  • EMT Basic Quick Flip Guide
  • Local county protocols quick flip guide
  • Pens
  • Penlight (which I always end up losing)
  • and Trauma Scissors
What about you?
cell phone and radio

possum 375
Company pager and my cell phone

My pouches I carry some 4x4s, trauma shears, 2 inch tape, pen light (When I don't lose it, whats up with that anyways....for two days I had a new one and lose it), and pen.
cell, handhels radio. thats it off the belt. shears and gloves in pockets
Originally posted by SCEMT-B@Apr 10 2005, 01:13 PM
pen light - When I don't lose it, whats up with that anyways....for two days I had a new one and lose it
I've got the answer to that - Streamlight makes an LED "clipmate" light for a keychain. I got one when I bought another flashlight, so I put it on my stethascope - now I always have a very nice penlight. As an added bonus, when I have no other lights around, I can turn it on with my scope around my neck and read and write on my clipboard.

I thought about making a joke belt for eBay. The ultimate whacker belt. Put one of those glove box holders on it, a six volt flash light as a penlight, and heavy duty sewing a small trauma bag to it...
on my belt, only my cellphone, and the pager or portable. i hate having things hanging off me.

but, in my pockets...

left pockets include: money, lipstick, lip gloss (hey, i'm a girl), id, cert cards, etc...wallet stuff.

pens, penlight.

right pockets: gloves, notebook
Now we know what pocket to pick when Sara walks by!!! :lol:

Blue, what's even funnier is people would buy it!