over in ireland we have no med control.
i have my own licence to practice which currently sits at emt level.
and i can decide what route of care i need to take, we have clinical practice guidelines to follow set out by our national ems regulator.
i can admin 10 drugs (oxygen, salbutamol, asprin, gtn, glucose gel, glucogon im, entanox, paracetamol, epi pens) and then since were trianed to do i.m injections a doctor or someone higher qualified then us e.g paramedic or advanced paramedic can tell us to admin any other i.m drug.
I can do 3 lead ecg monitoring and rythm recognition, semi auto defib and all the usual bls stuff like bvm's and opa's. etc
emergency child birth and neonatal resus/care,
then the usual things like spinal immoblisation, wound care and fracture care etc etc
we also do an emergency driving standard course, a radio opperations course and mass casuality training using the triage sort using cruciforms or coloured tape.
thats all i can think of off the top of my head, the rest that i cant think of is stuff we'd never realisticially use.