What antics from students do you hate the most?


I put the M in EMTLife
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As a teacher, I have a different perspective than most. What bothers you most about your students or fellow students?
The idea that students who go to class are somehow superior to students who don't go to class.

/assuming that class attendance isn't mandatory.
Ok, i ragged on one of my lecturers so in the spirit of fairness, I'll add my two cents to this too.
Lateness bugs me, do you think the patients will be ok with you being 10-15 minutes late. Get a watch.
I can't stand when fellow students interupt the class with stupid questions because they were too busy texting or messing about when they should have been listening.
Also the idea that because a student paid for the course they deserve to pass it, sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. If you wanna pass the course that you paid for, study!
some of my favorites

Students who come in high/drunk. I hate this one the most. Both as a teacher and a student. If you need the MJ stay at home. Don't come to class and ask how people bleed to death and then brag to everyone how nobody knew you were high because you conceal it so well.

Students who sit through a 3 hour long lecture and then ask what we have been talking about the whole time. (assuming the prof is speaking in a language you are supposed to understand)

Students who tell me something is not in their protocols.

The student married/cohabitating with a doctor that has some supernatural wavelength with the partner to access information telepathicaly that I am supposed to respect when they get a poor grade or answer improperly. "My wife's a doctor!" (and she would have probably answered the question correctly)

Students who tell me during a lecture the information is too complicated and they don't want to be doctors. (I especially love to hear it when quoting their textbook)

The students joined at the hip. whether it be a sibling pair, husband/wife pair, 2 cross dressers or whatever. Either they both show or dont. They can't even go to the bathroom wthout the other. Is that kind of relationship healthy?

Another winner are the ones who say: "I don't care about all that stuff just tell me what's on the test."

Students who think the instructor cannot count. (see it as both a student and a teacher) 4 people in class, 30 names on the attendance list. It just adds a step of having to call out the roll. If your not coming, don't come. If you have to miss more class time than you are permitted, you need to make arrangements for that.
Students who laugh make fun of other students and call them 'know-it-alls' when they do good on a test.

My bad, I thought medicine was something that it was good to know things in?
Another winner are the ones who say: "I don't care about all that stuff just tell me what's on the test."

I hate story-tellers, especially the "but my uncle John's dentist's cousin did such and such" story tellers.

I swear to God, in every class I've ever taken, there's some jerk who works in the medical field (barely) and feels that it's necessary to bring up their "wealth" of experience and information. Like the girl in my CNA class right now that works as a tray-passer at a hospital... whenever we touch on a new subject she raises her hand and starts off "well at the hospital..." I want to shake her. Vigorously. All she does is take food trays to the nursing station. Or the volunteer EMT kid that wore his duty shirt to anatomy and phys class almost every day and was constantly bringing up this patient or that patient, mispronouncing their conditions or the drugs the medic utilized.

Ughhhh. There's one in every class it seems.
Students who start helping with practicals or exercises .

If they talk to me first, great, I can say yes or no. If they just organically pop up they scare me.
As a teacher, I have a different perspective than most. What bothers you most about your students or fellow students?

I think what is quite entertaining are the students who show up the day of the final exam with their textbooks. They have spent months in EMT class, taken numerous quizzes, and now they are going to cram 5 minutes before the exam starts. That does not only make them look silly and unprepared, but it most likely adds to their stress. They are bound to see something in the book that they don't remember learning, and they will panic. The more they panic, the more they will forget.

A good practice is to quit studying at least 1 hour before the exam. Try to relax and try to build a positive attitude and some self-confidence. And for heavens sakes, leave your textbook at home.
Another winner are the ones who say: "I don't care about all that stuff just tell me what's on the test."

Yes that burns me up. I hate having them say well that is not in the book so its not on the test. I am not teaching you the test I am providing you what you need to be a good Paramedic. If you know the much more in depth material I require NR will be a breeze.

I also hate them adding to only teach me the test then I will learn what I need once certified.

And I really hate when they come to sites like this and get advise from know nothings and then want to argue what they have no clue about.
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In the same vein as linus's post, I hate the culture of everyone bonding over how hard stuff is/how stupid the lecturers are/how much study sucks. I get it if you're doing an arts degree or a science degree - its probably not your passion and you have to do all these subjects you don't give a toss about; your course is just as boring to you as the job you will one day hate. But a paramedics degree?

Honestly why are you doing this degree if you are not interested in medicine/A&P/paramedic practice/issues in prehospital care?

And people need to get over the nerd thing. We're not in middle school anymore, I would have thought people at a good university would have learned that intelligence and success is desirable. If I start an assignment more than 10 minutes before the due date, I would like not to be made to feel awkward when people find out and shoot me looks of pitty/discust/hatred.
How about people who show up to lab with out their personal equipment. Watch, BP cuff, Stethescope etc. then ask to borrow mine.
what bugs me...

I just finished my EMT-B course in december 2009...and many of the annoyances are fresh in my head.

-The fire students who already did the academy and act like the EMT course is torture and beneath them and treat everyone else like they are slugs. There were several.

-No names, but this one fire student who basically threatened to "punch you in the mouth" if you disagreed with him or called him out on his bs, which was basically everything that came out of his mouth. Oh, and he came to class high all the time acted like the class didn't matter and complained when he was borderline failing (I really wish my instructor would have failed him).

-Compulsive liars that tell the most ridiculous stories and always one up everything someone has to say. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO irritating.

-the people that backtalk and disrespect the teacher (ours had been a paramedic for like 18 years). I'm not a teachers pet or a suckup, but I show up to class, on time, I sit down, I listen and do what i'm supposed to do.

There's more but the post would go on forever.
Many good posts

Try to relax and try to build a positive attitude and some self-confidence. And for heavens sakes, leave your textbook at home.

Maybe it is like a baby blanket or teddy bear, it makes them feel safe?

And I really hate when they come to sites like this and get advise from know nothings and then want to argue what they have no clue about.

Know nothings like me I am sure :)

And people need to get over the nerd thing. We're not in middle school anymore, I would have thought people at a good university would have learned that intelligence and success is desirable.

I chalk this up to “mating behavior.”
Another winner are the ones who say: "I don't care about all that stuff just tell me what's on the test."

We have one of these guys. All he ever asks is "will this be on the test?" He didn't make the minimum 80% required (State law) on our first exam, so he will have to use one of his four restests.
On the same line as....

On the same line as "Will this be on the test", is my all time LEAST favorite of "you are just testing over lecture material, right?" Umm, NO! You are responsible for reading your textbook, testing material will come from class lecture as well as the information in your textbook.. I'm sorry, but I DO expect you to do "some" level of work in your own education!

Ok, I'm sure by now you can tell this one is a big one for me.

Students who text in class, talk while I'm trying to lecture and stand around during the skills practice are also annoying... but, those problems are also controlable.

i took my course this past summer and a one or two people in my class (of about 26) had already taken the course but let the time run out before they tested. So he would sit in class, listen to music, during the labs he wouldnt want to do anything, refused to be keded and backboarded simply becuase he had already done it while the rest of us needed/wanted the practice.