In California i can fire you because I didn't like the color of the shoes that you had that day. California is at will, so it means I can fire you if i want to and there is basically nothing you can do about it.
It is that mentality right there why unions are necessary!
The employee might be the best employee that you have, but being able to fire them at your whim is just plain WRONG!
Union dues are usually 2 hours of pay per month, and with the mentality of looker, it's a small price to pay to be able to protect my job.
It's been a trend that in 'hard times' for the worker, the employers can usually get away with anything they want, simply because there are so many others just waiting for your job. Protection of the worker's rights is essential and the primary job of the union.
The key to a strong local of any union is their bargaining committee. These are generally elected from the local membership, so they know the 'problems' that are facing the local membership.
Strikes have to be approved at the national and international (if applicable) levels. Anything else is considered a 'wildcat strike' and is not sanctioned.
As far as letting 'temps' cross the picket line weakens your position while on strike, as the employer suffers NOTHING. People who cross a union picket line are called 'scabs' for a reason.
Unions have historically been very effective in negotiating fair wages, benefits and working conditions.
The right to organize is protected by federal law, and until the union is 'voted in', the employer still has the right to fire you for any reason they wish, as long as it doesn't violate the right to organize. Unfortunately, they can make up a reason to protect themselves from this very charge. This is why organizing is usually kept 'hush hush' until such time that the union can be voted in. Employers don't want you to organize because they can no longer rule by fear!
Having a union in place doesn't give the union member cart blanche to do what they want, but it DOES protect the member from tyrannical bosses and supervisors.
One of the initial actions of the union is to clearly delineate job descriptions. In this case, this means that an EMT cannot be pulled off their job to run NEV, wash trucks or work in supply.
Shutting down a business in order to 'break the union' is also illegal.