You guys can't leave it can you. You are seriously saying that because I told a bit of a fib to a person I didn't know and would never see again, for no personal gain whatsoever, other that to get a bit of a boost through my day, that I'm somehow not suited to the job because that means that I will lie to put a person's life on the line and cover my arse? Thats seriously what you're saying? Do you not get the idea of having a laugh, telling a little fib to make a joke.
Telling a fib by using a title you have not earned?
Ever hear of a little thing called impersonating a Paramedic? That is when you call yourself something you are not especially if it is for your own personal gain.
It could be as malicious as someone claiming to be an EMT scamming the public for billing information (another headline on today's newswire) or just trying to score some a$$ (to quote saucy).