This cant be good-- First day medic school

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The cute ones are EMT students, they can't poke!

No.. they just want to shove a combi in you when you stop breathing for a second.
Practice makes perfect, I guess...
I didn't know class is for finding a girlfriend.

Class probably isn't the best place, but school is definitely a good place.

/me can't wait to meet some hot MSN or PharmD females during interdisciplinary courses next year.

//As with work, don't tap kegs in the same program. The drama isn't worth it if/when it goes South.
Of course, now that you are a medic student, you need to make sure that whoever you are going home to at night has great veins for practice.
/me can't wait to meet some hot PharmD females during interdisciplinary courses next year.

your pushing your luck dude..... trust me, i;ve worked pharmacy long enough to know. and they're really OCD/ anal compulsive..... because its pharmacy... and thats the way we are...
There have been occasions when I've told girls at parties and so on, that I'm a paramedic, skirting around the fact that I'm a student, as a conversation starter.... I feel like a complete loser afterward though :blush:

I can't help it. It works so damn well. :ph34r:
Better to visualize veins than aging...don't take stage makeup!

Oh, and that needle-sticking thing? Right up there with roses and a nice dinner.;)

Paramedic class used to be "a class", not a drama ridden right of passage.

I can see an abbregviated A&P if the rest of he courses integrated it, which they should.
No.. they just want to shove a combi in you when you stop breathing for a second.

Most EMT classes don't teach advanced airways to EMTs in Texas. Some do, but they are more rural ones.
Of course, now that you are a medic student, you need to make sure that whoever you are going home to at night has great veins for practice.

One roommate, who is a nurse, has tiny ones.

The other one hates needles.

I have huge veins, easy enough to stick a 14g in.... no, I won't do it on my self. :P

I can see an abbregviated A&P if the rest of he courses integrated it, which they should.

WHich when asked about it last night, they said that they do end up doing, it's just the first portion is a foundation, no matter how limited in some peoples eyes.
There have been occasions when I've told girls at parties and so on, that I'm a paramedic, skirting around the fact that I'm a student, as a conversation starter.... I feel like a complete loser afterward though :ph34r:

Well maybe you are? Lying already, makes one wonder what you will do after becoming one?

R/r 911
I'm kinda angry---- 3 females in my class, all over the age of 30, and not attractive.

I look in the EMT class, and 7 girls, between 18-20.

Sucks to be you :P

My class isn't teeming with hotties, but there are 2 or 3 that are definitely noteworthy.

And an added bonus... sonography class right next door. The talent in that place is just plain ridiculous.

Is it wrong to use "I'm a medic student" as a pickup line for female EMT students?

Absolutely not, all is fair in love and war... you do what is needed to achieve the objective.

As far as "lying" goes... pffft

Everyone does it. I would be very suspect of anyone who says they don't.
As far as "lying" goes... pffft

Everyone does it. I would be very suspect of anyone who says they don't.

No. Some do believe intergrity to be part of professionalism.

It does make one wonder if your patient care reports are fact or fiction.
Most EMT classes don't teach advanced airways to EMTs in Texas.

when i was in emt school we got to mess with combi tubes and we got to tube a dummy. the reason we went over it was more for learning what everything was and how to set it up, then once we were done, we got to play.
when i was in emt school we got to mess with combi tubes and we got to tube a dummy. the reason we went over it was more for learning what everything was and how to set it up, then once we were done, we got to play.

Is airway management just considered to be "play time"? Did you or anyone in that class including your instructor not take anything seriously in terms of using or assisting with an airway?

No, EMT-Bs should not be allowed anywhere near advanced airways with that attitude and lax instruction.
No. Some do believe intergrity to be part of professionalism.

And some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.

Integrity and professionalism have absolutely nothing to do with it. Lying is just as much a part of life as taking a dump. It's what we are taught to do, as soon as we have a command of the English [or whatever native dialect] language. One cannot exist (effectively) in society without knowing when and how to lie.

Ever tell a child that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny was coming? Liar

Ever said one thing, but meant something else? Liar

Ever get "creative' on a job application or resume? Liar

Ever tell a judge you didn't think you were speeding? Liar

I could on and on. So please people, enough with the self righteous sanctimony :)
Is airway management just considered to be "play time"? Did you or anyone in that class including your instructor not take anything seriously in terms of using or assisting with an airway?

No, EMT-Bs should not be allowed anywhere near advanced airways with that attitude and lax instruction.

You're getting a little too worked up over a word, Vent.

But, obviously, people in EMS are not allowed to have fun ever, for it could not be viewed as professional, even if the public would never view such an event.
Is airway management just considered to be "play time"? Did you or anyone in that class including your instructor not take anything seriously in terms of using or assisting with an airway?

No, EMT-Bs should not be allowed anywhere near advanced airways with that attitude and lax instruction.

i'm not even going to start.
And some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.

Integrity and professionalism have absolutely nothing to do with it. Lying is just as much a part of life as taking a dump. It's what we are taught to do, as soon as we have a command of the English [or whatever native dialect] language. One cannot exist (effectively) in society without knowing when and how to lie.

Ever tell a child that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny was coming? Liar

Ever said one thing, but meant something else? Liar

Ever get "creative' on a job application or resume? Liar

Ever tell a judge you didn't think you were speeding? Liar

I could on and on. So please people, enough with the self righteous sanctimony :)

Creative job application? If you have the education and experience, why would one need to lie. You do know that potential employers do background check? You also should know that any false information discovered will be grounds for dismissal.

So you are saying it is okay to lie on your paitent care reports? There a big difference between supporting a fairy tale and lying in your profession.
You're getting a little too worked up over a word, Vent.

But, obviously, people in EMS are not allowed to have fun ever, for it could not be viewed as professional, even if the public would never view such an event.

Fun at the patient's expense or when it comes to lying about patient care is not professional.

Since this is a public forum and anybody can view the comments made here, maybe it is not a great idea to type all the little thoughts that cross one's mind. What you say in the privacy of your station is up to you. If you reread you own posts made on this thread you will discover you appear more like giggling middle school boys rather than future health care professionals.

There does appear to be reasons why the rules were stressed on the first day of your class.
Most EMT classes don't teach advanced airways to EMTs in Texas. Some do, but they are more rural ones.

I have huge veins, easy enough to stick a 14g in.... no, I won't do it on my self. :P

So they're stuck with OPAs and NPAs?

As for the 14... It's story time.

Myself and another medic student were practicing IVs on eachother. She decides she wants to try to put a 14 in me. Sure... I have no objections. Needle goes in (Doesn't hurt that much) she goes to remove the needle from teh catheter, and forgot one crucial step. She didn't occlude the vein well enough... Let's just say I thought she hit an artery because of all the blood.
So, they pain wasn't that bad during the procedure, but boy was it sore the next couple of days.

And that's my story for the day... enjoy.
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