This cant be good-- First day medic school

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Fun at the patient's expense or when it comes to lying about patient care is not professional.

A) I never said a word about the PCRs. Don't confuse yourself.

B ) Teaching EMT students something in class, not so that they do it, but so they know a bit more at what medics do, is not a bad thing, no matter how you spin it.

We went over EKG basics in my EMT class. My medic preceptors taught me how to start IVs. My nurse preceptors and doctors in fact TOLD me to start a few IVs in the ER.

Obviously, no one is going to do something at a patients expense, and 99% of people can differentiate between a mannequin and a real person. You honestly can't tell me you get angry in your yearly CPR class when someone jokes around with a mannequin.

So they're stuck with OPAs and NPAs?

EMTs are allowed to do all tubes in Texas, but most places limit them to just OPAs and NPAs, yes.
EMTs are allowed to do all tubes in Texas, but most places limit them to just OPAs and NPAs, yes.

i don't know about that, i've never seen or heard of a place that allowed emts to tube. unless they are intermediates. which we all know is slowly going bye-bye.
i don't know about that, i've never seen or heard of a place that allowed emts to tube. unless they are intermediates. which we all know is slowly going bye-bye.

Delegated practice.

Not saying EMT-B's DO, just that by law, they are allowed to.
I seriously hope you do not start "messing" with any airways until you acquire more education.

dude seriously. why do you feel like you need to pick a fight about every little thing. "messing" was a poor choice of words, i didn't mean it like i am going to be careless when it comes to airway. i just meant it like we were doing something extra that we are going over. that we aren't really suppose to learn about tubing and combi tubes in emt school and that it was nice at the time to see something that medics do and to get a basic understanding about it before we went on the medic school or whatever career pathway we were choosing.
dude seriously. why do you feel like you need to pick a fight about every little thing. "messing" was a poor choice of words, i didn't mean it like i am going to be careless when it comes to airway. i just meant it like we were doing something extra that we are going over. that we aren't really suppose to learn about tubing and combi tubes in emt school and that it was nice at the time to see something that medics do and to get a basic understanding about it before we went on the medic school or whatever career pathway we were choosing.

Take every opportunity to learn something new. Even if you are not able to do the procedure, you could get something from the lecture and demonstration. The procedure itself might not be as important as some of the A&P issues that go with it. That you can use as an EMT-B.

I personnally cannot perform a pericardial window procedure either nor will I ever be asked to. But, I don't mind assisting the surgeon and learning a little more about anatomy and physiology.
Creative job application? If you have the education and experience, why would one need to lie.

An intelligent person can always find a reason/justification to lie.

You do know that potential employers do background check? You also should know that any false information discovered will be grounds for dismissal.

Really? Thanks for the heads up

So you are saying it is okay to lie on your paitent care reports?

Funny... I don't recall saying any such thing

There a big difference between supporting a fairy tale and lying in your profession.

Riiiiiiiiiight ;)
Take every opportunity to learn something new. Even if you are not able to do the procedure, you could get something from the lecture and demonstration. The procedure itself might not be as important as some of the A&P issues that go with it. That you can use as an EMT-B.

I personnally cannot perform a pericardial window procedure either nor will I ever be asked to. But, I don't mind assisting the surgeon and learning a little more about anatomy and physiology.

i am very grateful to learn new things. i'm glad to be a member on this forum and learn from all of my peers that have great education and stories to share with us. and i'm currently striving to get an great education like a lot of ya'll have. unfortunetly i can't really go to school full time so its taking a while to get it but i will someday. lol. at least i'm taking the steps and i guess thats all that matters. i'm glad i'm in a field that constantly requires new education cause it never gets old to me.
Delegated practice.

Not saying EMT-B's DO, just that by law, they are allowed to.

No. Delegated practice does not mean you can do anything, or even start advanced airways. All the law says is that it is not criminally illegal for you to do so should you be ordered to.

Scope of practice is not just set by law, but you have an ethical responsibility not to ever preform a procedure you are not educated and certified to preform.

An MD by law has an unlimited scope of practice, however, in reality, their scope is quite narrow depending on the specialty they go into. Some physicians only prescribe around 20 or so different meds in their daily practice as specialists. Ever wonder why Family doctors do not (for most of the country) preform C-sections anymore? They may be technically allowed to by law, but the facilities for them to do so do not even exist. Hospitals do not credential them to do so because of the liability. In the world of hospital credentialing, a physician is only allowed to do at a hospital what that hospital approves of. Even if the hospital allowed it, the MD would most likely not do it for a few reasons: He would punt it to an OB/GYN to keep the best interests of his patient in mind. He would also not be covered by his insurance if something were to go wrong, because malpractice insurance only covers malpractice within your limited specialty scope. Finally, negligence and malpractice would be easy to prove because is is now the standard of care for specialists to preform OB procedures.

If you were to preform a procedure because you were told to do so by some crazy on line physician, and you were not trained in it, things will not go well for you.
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An intelligent person can always find a reason/justification to lie.

Really? Thanks for the heads up

Funny... I don't recall saying any such thing

Riiiiiiiiiight ;)

We wonder why there is so much problems with the upcoming generation and a downward turn of the profession.

Let me catch a lie on an application, I will usually give a "heads up" to other EMS administrators. There is no need for those types in EMS.

R/r 911
And some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.

Integrity and professionalism have absolutely nothing to do with it. Lying is just as much a part of life as taking a dump. It's what we are taught to do, as soon as we have a command of the English [or whatever native dialect] language. One cannot exist (effectively) in society without knowing when and how to lie.

Ever tell a child that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny was coming? Liar

Ever said one thing, but meant something else? Liar

Ever get "creative' on a job application or resume? Liar

Ever tell a judge you didn't think you were speeding? Liar

I could on and on. So please people, enough with the self righteous sanctimony :)

Too right.

Well maybe you are? Lying already, makes one wonder what you will do after becoming one?

R/r 911

Oh come on, I'm just pissing about. I hope you're not serious. We're just having a bit of a laugh. What on earth is wrong with meeting some pretty girl somewhere and talking yourself up a bit, and going home feeling a bit nice, cos she liked you. It's not like I'm being serious about it and actually saying I'm a paramedic with this many years experience and have saved this many people. Whats wrong with enjoying a bit of the EMS mystique. We get paid bugger all, what else have we got ;) (Don't anyone point out the joys of doing the right thing or good patient care. Again, I'M HAVING A LAUGH)

And what's all this rubbish about combi tubes. Its clearly not a serious thread. Relax.

Whats with all the serious sallies. In this thread: people who need to learn how to take the piss (australianism: make fun of, joke around).
Fun at the patient's expense or when it comes to lying about patient care is not professional.

Since this is a public forum and anybody can view the comments made here, maybe it is not a great idea to type all the little thoughts that cross one's mind. What you say in the privacy of your station is up to you. If you reread you own posts made on this thread you will discover you appear more like giggling middle school boys rather than future health care professionals.

There does appear to be reasons why the rules were stressed on the first day of your class.

I don't know that anyone was really talking about actually lying. This all seems to have sprung from the idea of bravdo and impressing girls in college. Its quite different to how we are on the road.

And while we're at it, I'm all for professionalism, but that doesn't mean we can't blow off a bit of steam, in good fun, amongst other health care professionals. What? We can't have a bit of a giggle about the pretty girls in our anatomy class? It's got nothing to do with our standard of patient care. I'm as professional as they come on the issue of standards of care (people reckon I'm anal about it) and levels of paramedic training, but it doesn't mean we can't have fun and talk about girls/boys. Yeah it's technically a public forum, but really, its anonymous and populated almost entirely by EMS. So whats your problem?
Too right.

Oh come on, I'm just pissing about. I hope you're not serious. We're just having a bit of a laugh. What on earth is wrong with meeting some pretty girl somewhere and talking yourself up a bit, and going home feeling a bit nice, cos she liked you. It's not like I'm being serious about it and actually saying I'm a paramedic with this many years experience and have saved this many people. Whats wrong with enjoying a bit of the EMS mystique. We get paid bugger all, what else have we got ;) (Don't anyone point out the joys of doing the right thing or good patient care. Again, I'M HAVING A LAUGH)

And what's all this rubbish about combi tubes. Its clearly not a serious thread. Relax.

Whats with all the serious sallies. In this thread: people who need to learn how to take the piss (australianism: make fun of, joke around).

I know it maybe strange these days to think integrity or having credibility means anything. If one would lie about themselves on what they are or pad a resume, would they also lie about what occurred on a call or about another employee? Why not be honest? Liars usually have problems of self worth and personally never see any humor or laughs about it. As an manager I much rather deal with a situation if someone is honest and upfront than one that would ever attempt to cover up by lying. Once I have caught a person lying, it takes a long time before I can ensure trust in anything they say or do.

What I hear and see as a manager when one gets caught for lying is the same old response.."I was just joking or teasing" or "I didn't think they would take it seriously". Sometimes a persons word is all you got upon to trust them. Unfortunately, lies have a way of coming back and biting back. Alike many other things, many soon do not see the harm and then attempt to justify their actions.

If a person really believes EMS is "neat" or an interesting profession then telling them you are a student in which itself would be as interesting if they really were impressed upon you. What extent of a poor self ego one must have to lie about themselves to meet someone? You actually can feel good? Maybe they lied and told you they were impressed?

I have found the character and measurement of a person is about as worth as their word.

R/r 911
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So you are saying it is okay to lie on your paitent care reports? There a big difference between supporting a fairy tale and lying in your profession.

I can't believe how many people on this site take everything so seriously. He was friggen joking around about lying to girls to score some a$$. He didn't say anything about falsifying reports.

Why does it seem that every medic I know in "real life" is a fun, entertaining, talented person, and so many here take themselves so seriously that you can't even joke around without hearing a lecture about falsifying PCR's, etc?

Taking things seriously when you're working is one thing, but to lecture someone who is speaking on picking up girls (afterall, thats where the topic drifted to) is lame.
I can't believe how many people on this site take everything so seriously. He was friggen joking around about lying to girls to score some a$$. He didn't say anything about falsifying reports.

Why does it seem that every medic I know in "real life" is a fun, entertaining, talented person, and so many here take themselves so seriously that you can't even joke around without hearing a lecture about falsifying PCR's, etc?

Taking things seriously when you're working is one thing, but to lecture someone who is speaking on picking up girls (afterall, thats where the topic drifted to) is lame.

Score some a$$?

You've been watching too much TV. But unfortunately that is how EMS attracts many of its employees. Some get into this profession not realizing that an EMT or Paramedic actually must do patient care. All they know is what they have seen on TV with the cool uniform, L&S and EMT(S) running around trying to score some a$$.

Since this profession is already in the headlines with integrity problems why not just add a few more to the mix? Some of the comments made are already what some in the public believe about EMS providers. You have just given more reason to believe the headlines don't apply to just a few isolated areas.

I suppose you are also one that will constantly complain EMS providers get no respect.
We wonder why there is so much problems with the upcoming generation and a downward turn of the profession.

Yeah right, as if any particular generation has some inherent claim to superior morale turpitude

Let me catch a lie on an application, I will usually give a "heads up" to other EMS administrators. There is no need for those types in EMS.

R/r 911

If I had a nickle for every time a recruiter/administrator/manager lied... ayeyieyie

If you have never told a lie to anyone, my hat goes off to you sir. You are truly a rare breed. If only the rest of humanity could ascend to your level, the world would be a much better place.

Kumbaya anyone?
I can't believe how many people on this site take everything so seriously. He was friggen joking around about lying to girls to score some a$$. He didn't say anything about falsifying reports.

Why does it seem that every medic I know in "real life" is a fun, entertaining, talented person, and so many here take themselves so seriously that you can't even joke around without hearing a lecture about falsifying PCR's, etc?

Taking things seriously when you're working is one thing, but to lecture someone who is speaking on picking up girls (afterall, thats where the topic drifted to) is lame.

Because one's integrity doesn't change with a uniform and a patch on your shoulder.

Telling someone you're a paramedic when you are a paramedic student is a lie. So they'll lie to pick up chicks, who'se to say they wont lie to cover their butt?
I can't believe how many people on this site take everything so seriously. He was friggen joking around about lying to girls to score some a$$. He didn't say anything about falsifying reports.

Why does it seem that every medic I know in "real life" is a fun, entertaining, talented person, and so many here take themselves so seriously that you can't even joke around without hearing a lecture about falsifying PCR's, etc?

Taking things seriously when you're working is one thing, but to lecture someone who is speaking on picking up girls (afterall, thats where the topic drifted to) is lame.

Exactly my point, Saucy.

You keep talking about work Ridryder. I don't think this thread was ever about work. They're two different things. If people stuff around at work and make a joke out of patient care, that's one thing, and in my opinion, unacceptable. Its quite another thing just to have a laugh outside of the job, say... on an internet forum perhaps? And while we're being lame and talking it all out, I might add that I don't actually go out picking up, saying that I'm some wonderful EMT hero (my friends say that to help me out, and to be honest, it embarrasses me. It just seems contrived). It was really just a bit of a joke. Yeah on a couple of occasions (at the hair dresser and at the veterinary clinic if we're being boringly precise) a pretty girl has asked what I do and I've said I'm a paramedic, just to see what it would be like, when one day I can actually tell people that who matter to me, people I might want to get to know. Maybe my ego needed a little boost that day, who the hell knows or cares. I don't think that says anything drastically negative about my personality. It's not like I'm sleazily luring girls into my bed on false pretenses, I just thought it would be a funny anecdote to add to the conversation that the OP started about fun and frivolity. But you clearly don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of a light hearted comment, said on a whim, and intended to be taken with a grain of salt.

Relax man. You clearly have some issues about something but now is not the time for some big argument about generational differences, and how the young people today don't respect their elders or whatever. If you have some rubbish employees its nothing to do with this thread, nor my vein attempts at talking to girls ;). It was just a joke. Nothing to do with PCR's, or ethics or work.... just a funny thread on the internet...jeeeeez.
If you have some rubbish employees its nothing to do with this thread, nor my vein attempts at talking to girls .

Just a heads up. Personally, if someone told me they were a paramedic and were in fact a paramedic student, I wouldn't date them. And I think many women feel the same way. Not because they are a student but because they lied. Honesty goes a long way.
Yeah right, as if any particular generation has some inherent claim to superior morale turpitude

If I had a nickle for every time a recruiter/administrator/manager lied... ayeyieyie

If you have never told a lie to anyone, my hat goes off to you sir. You are truly a rare breed. If only the rest of humanity could ascend to your level, the world would be a much better place.

Kumbaya anyone?

I made a vow a few years ago to never lie. Albeit I may have other faults but that is one thing my employees can state about me. If you don't want my honest answer then don't ask. Believe it or not, it has worked out very good as it has been a good tool to live by. I tend not to hear B.S. about things, less rumours about people are discussed around me and when they do ask for an opinion on anything, they know I will not lie to please them. This however does not mean that I have to be rude or inconsiderate of their feelings.

As you described those that did lie, you hold how much trust in them? What type of person would you decribe them as? Now, think of what others would say about you?

Again as one finds out that honesty it is part of maturity and building of character. When judging and evaluating a person over all the old saying... "Your only as good as your word" is never more true.

Character really does count....

R/r 911
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Because one's integrity doesn't change with a uniform and a patch on your shoulder.

Telling someone you're a paramedic when you are a paramedic student is a lie. So they'll lie to pick up chicks, who'se to say they wont lie to cover their butt?

Oh. My. God.

You guys can't leave it can you. You are seriously saying that because I told a bit of a fib to a person I didn't know and would never see again, for no personal gain whatsoever, other that to get a bit of a boost through my day, that I'm somehow not suited to the job because that means that I will lie to put a person's life on the line and cover my arse? Thats seriously what you're saying? Do you not get the idea of having a laugh, telling a little fib to make a joke.

What if.....
"Oh say, Johnny, I just won the jackpot and you can have half"
"Oh cool, that's so awesome"
"Nah just kidding"
"Ah, bummer"

Man, he'd better not become a paramedic, he'll falsify PCRs all over the place and kill patients with negligence, and then, since he played that prank that time, he'll definitely lie about it to cover his arse.

Come on. Do you not see the difference between a silly white lie to have a bit of a joke, and something more sinister? Are you seriously telling me they are they same too things. You'll look down your nose at some guy for playing a prank or having a joke in the same way as someone who lies about murder? That's just daft.
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