Code from Hell
The area where I work is literally backwoods middle of nowhere - it's common for people to live on the sides of mountains - literally.
We got a call to an unknown person in an area known for it's difficulty to get to. This house was literally where they had carved out a section of a hill, built the house, and there it was. It was my first day with the service, so I was riding as a third along with a medic who'd been there for years and the worst driver I've been with yet (no longer there - medic is though). Partway to the call, dispatch comes back on the radio telling us the patient is no longer breathing. She goes into L/S tunnel mode and decides she's going to back up this very narrow driveway (that is solid mud and wet clay from the recent rain) to save time.
Anyhow, my partner and I decide to go ahead and grab the equipment and go in while she is backing up the truck and told her bring the stretcher. We manage to get the patient intubated and things (was still breathing but barely) and were looking for the stretcher - which should have been in there long before that point. All of a sudden we hear a loud scraping sound and huge thump. About 5 min later, a VERY nasty looking driver comes walking in the house with stretcher. I asked what happened and she said - I called for another truck...ummm okay. Get the patient packaged and moving out - I look out the window and the only words I could manage were
WTF ! 
Evidently, she had misjudged backing up and slid off the side of the mountain, running over a small tree, and landing the back wheels in a ditch.
Dispatch comes back over to tell us that all other units are either out of county and over an hour away, or on other calls so none available. No help, no other way to go, so embarrassed, we had to ask this patient's family to PUSH the truck out of the ditch so we could get out (fortunately landed on a spot where we could manage to get out provided we got out of the ditch). Managed to get the patient to the hospital, but he passed away (nothing we did would have made any difference, had multiple massive head bleeds).
We were on our way back to the station when we realized that we had left our intubation kit on scene - so as if it was not bad enough that we had DESTROYED these people's front yard, their loved one was dead, and they had to push us out of a ditch, we'd left equipment there. We refused to go retrieve it and our supervisor did later in the county tahoe....Talk about a bad day !