You have a paid 50 man search team? You Live in a National Park?
You have paid search and disaster dogs? You would be one of like 3 nationwide.
You have a paid Wilderness Medical Team? We are not talking Ski Patrol or a single Helo that can go anywhere, but a team comprised of EMT/OEC, WEMT, Paramedics, and ER MDs, that can get in by any means, to the most remote locations and spend days on end out there? Cool. Paid? Sign me up.
You Swiftwater and Ropes Teams are paid. That I believe as many times Fire takes these areas over. But we are not as blessed to have that as an option. It has been considered and is not possible from a logistical standpoint.
Your EMS System covers Swiftwater, Vertical Ropes, Wilderness Search (ATVs, Snowmobiles, Horses, Dogs, Skiiers, Snowshers, Helos, Hikers, Climbers, etc...)? It must be nice to practice Emergency Services in a glass tower deep in the heart of Urbania, 90210. My county is barely keeping the few current county employees paid, how do you propose they spend an extra 7-10 grand per person a year to provide these services, cause that is what figure I would be making if they paid me. Then times that be a 50 man team, then add in teh 80 vollunteer fire guys that do their thing, then the community patrol folks, then he wilderness volunteers, then the volunteer ski patorlers, etc... If Obama wants to give us a couple million a year in "bailout money" it get that done... cool... payment for us to remain as dedicated as we would even if we don't get paid.