The inside of your rigg

That's what we have VST's (Vehicle Service Technicians) for. They restock the ambulance, wash it, do minor repairs, change out O2, tire pressure, oil, disinfect it, etc. I love the VSTs :)

Sounds like my job the first and last half hour of my shift.

Im a VST!! Wheres my raise!?
Sounds like my job the first and last half hour of my shift.

Im a VST!! Wheres my raise!?

They get paid less then EMTs here. And they are trying to get away with that job. But it's not going to work out. All the crews are going to be going in service late (no one wants to do work when they aren't getting paid for it). And then all the units will be clocking out late because again no one wants to do work for free. And because anything over 12 hours of work in the same day is double time. So the company would actually lose money.
Oh lol

Well they are on ford chasis.

The one I was in yesterday was marque I think.

The one today is osage.
When they're laying flat they're a witch to change out.
The company I worked at the most primarily used Wheeled Coach (there were 2 old Leader vans and 2 old Horton mods (including my unit) and the rest of the 40+ fleet where Wheeled Coach) when they switched the setup from under the bench seat to upright in the rear right corner in the vans. To be honest, while not having to deal with the metal plate in the bench seat storage area and the extra room was nice, both systems could hide the pressure gauge if the person replacing the tank wasn't paying attention and I tended to get dirtier doing the bear hug lift to get the tank into the ambulance when it was upright. Give me the cradle system any day.
Leader is the only van I've worked on, so I'll take your word for it. :P

Any advantages/disadvantages you've (general you)noticed to having the tank flat instead of upright?

Disadvantage was that it was a little more difficult to reach to turn on and off (but we were so busy that we normally kept the system pressurized when in service anyways) and there might have been some loss in storage space, but that area is normally empty space anyways. You also lose the ability to walk between the front and back (which is next to impossible anyways in a more traditional design), however it was also easier to acoustically separate the front and the back, thus allowing the driver to listen to the radio a little louder.
So you all sit facing the side of vehicle? How is sitting sideways, on a bench type seat not a massive occupational health and safety issue?

Every truck is a little different but here is a rough idea:

The MRx is not where it would be for pt transport. The monitor sits just in front of the forward facing chair when there is actually a pt on board.
So you all sit facing the side of vehicle? How is sitting sideways, on a bench type seat not a massive occupational health and safety issue?.

It seems in the US OSH has nowhere near the prevalence it does down here mate

19 year old volunteer on a car license driving the ambulance? No problem here
Ambos working 80 hours a week? No problem here
No rest breaks? No problem here
So you all sit facing the side of vehicle? How is sitting sideways, on a bench type seat not a massive occupational health and safety issue?

Every truck is a little different but here is a rough idea:

The MRx is not where it would be for pt transport. The monitor sits just in front of the forward facing chair when there is actually a pt on board.

I only sit on the bench if i need to do something that i cant do from the airway chair. Otherwise im in the airway chair!

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
Saw one of my county's new rigs a few weeks ago. They did away with the bench seat and put in FIXED bucket seats. The medics didn't like it at all because it severely limits how they can position themselves in relation to the patient for IVs and other procedures. A sliding bucket seat might be alright though.

Except that you loose the storage space.
Except that you loose the storage space.

Maybe not, tracks on top of what is currently the bench seat?

All in all, I am a huge fan of the Sprinters. Got to peek around inside one a few weeks ago. All forward and rearward facing seats, tons of headroom and more than enough storage space.
We have a pickup truck with a blow up matress... works pretty well in good weather. We all pile in the chief's subaru on bad days.

We stock bandaids AND water.


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