the 100% directionless thread

NATO doesn't have a dog in this fight. Israel isn't a member nor is it taking actions against a NATO member.

In any event, upon the creation of Israel as a State by the UN, Egypt, Syria and Jordan invaded that newly created State. Israel has, historically, generally kept to itself UNLESS it was attacked. Israel's attack on Osirak (Iraq) in 1981 basically halted (for quite a while) Iraq's ability to develop nuclear weapons. That attack actually helped Iran and Syria (and themselves) as it removed the relatively immediate threat of nuclear attack on Iran and/or Israel. That attack was done at the beginning of the Iran/Iraq war.

Iran and its proxies do not want Israel to exist. Israel knows this. Israel's beef is with Iran and its proxies, not Muslim Arabs generally. If that were the case, they wouldn't have been working toward normalizing relations with Egypt and other largely Muslim Arab nations in the area. Notice that all the attacks on Israel have been coming from Hamas, Yemeni Houthi, and Hezbollah controlled areas - all Iranian proxies, not other Muslim Arab controlled areas and of those, Israel is only taking action against Hamas controlled areas.

Hamas is running this as a multi-pronged campaign... they're losing the ground campaign but they're also waging a political one.

Their behavior is exactly like a kid kicking a bigger kid, getting walloped for it, and then going off and crying to Mama because bigger kid walloped me... and they're hoping that the rest of the world ignores the fact that they actually instigated all of this in the first place.
Meanwhile, they beg for our support to keep pushing Palestinians off of their land, build more settlements and use American-sourced munitions to kill thousands of children on the guise of “fighting terror” in the open-air prison that they created and ran in collaboration with said terrorist gang.
Like, does anyone else feel that there’s a blatant acceptance of bigotry in this thread where an Israeli life lost is mourned and it’s ok to be publicly supportive and all, but a Palestinian life lost is basically worthless and they were probably horrible terrorists anyway and that killing should be celebrated a bit?

Tired of the bias because it guarantees there won’t be peace.
One of my kids made me cook him a French toast PB&J sandwich. I'll admit. It was delicious.
*Forest Gump voice* That's all I'm gonna say about that..


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Meanwhile, they beg for our support to keep pushing Palestinians off of their land, build more settlements and use American-sourced munitions to kill thousands of children on the guise of “fighting terror” in the open-air prison that they created and ran in collaboration with said terrorist gang.
Where do you get this ridiculous data from?
Like, does anyone else feel that there’s a blatant acceptance of bigotry in this thread where an Israeli life lost is mourned and it’s ok to be publicly supportive and all, but a Palestinian life lost is basically worthless and they were probably horrible terrorists anyway and that killing should be celebrated a bit?

Tired of the bias because it guarantees there won’t be peace.
Your biases have certainly made a statement. It’s too bad that they overrule any attempt to actually know what the truth is.

But you keep going. I’m hoping you don’t allow your obvious feelings to impact your treatment.
In less ...political... topic

Picked up a Sunday OT shift at one of our (usually) chill beach front stations, one that gets less than 400 calls a year (probably has more shifts with no calls than shifts with 2 or more calls lol)

Aaaaaaannd I must have brought my black cloud in from town, because we had an auto accident (where we actually did a standing takedown... at the direction of the Third Service Medic...) not one, but two different brush fires (multi company, multi hour affairs, one wasn't too bad, the other was working for sure...) and to top it all off... a 3am diff breathing call

Fun times lol
Picked up a Sunday OT shift at one of our (usually) chill beach front stations, one that gets less than 400 calls a year (probably has more shifts with no calls than shifts with 2 or more calls lol)

Aaaaaaannd I must have brought my black cloud in from town, because we had an auto accident (where we actually did a standing takedown... at the direction of the Third Service Medic...) not one, but two different brush fires (multi company, multi hour affairs, one wasn't too bad, the other was working for sure...) and to top it all off... a 3am diff breathing call

Fun times lol
Well…YOU started it!
Just a reminder for everyone...politically sensitive topics generally don't end well because people let their emotions get the best of them.

This is an EMS focused forum, and as such please try to keep the discussions pertaining to these emotionally charged geopolitical discussions focused on that aspect.

So far the line hasn't been crossed, so let's keep it that way please.
Like, does anyone else feel that there’s a blatant acceptance of bigotry in this thread where an Israeli life lost is mourned and it’s ok to be publicly supportive and all, but a Palestinian life lost is basically worthless and they were probably horrible terrorists anyway and that killing should be celebrated a bit?

Tired of the bias because it guarantees there won’t be peace.
I don't think it's fair to say that a person is bigoted just because they take a side or view a conflict from a certain perspective, and I don't think anyone has indicated in any way that they think Palestinian lives are worth less than Israeli lives.

Peace hasn't existed in that region for decades. The history and politics are extremely complicated. Anyone who says the conflict is as simple as Israel being an unjust colonizer and Hamas being nothing but liberty-seeking freedom fighters has absolutely no idea. There's a lot more to it than that.
because we had an auto accident (where we actually did a standing takedown... at the direction of the Third Service Medic...)
Somebody should get QA'ed for that...mostly for the lol's
I'm struggling with NREMT -- some bug to get my recert done, training officer can't see it and NREMT is telling me they should be able to. Ugh...technical difficulties

Yeah, guy had head/neck/back pain, was kind of a bigger dude, smaller car, we were talking over how to get him out on a board, dismissed the idea of sliding the board under his rear and twisting him around/out onto the board... said with help he could stand on his own (which he barely did) so the Medic (for whatever reason instead of just getting the gurney right there behind him) had us place the board behind and do the standing takedown... then was worried about where the tape for the headbed went... I kept thinking "well I'm pretty sure he got moved around a lot more doing this than the "slide him out" idea, and has already moved around enough to make the headbed kinda useless at this point" but once in the ambulance my job changed to sweeping up bits of the car out of the road lol 🤷‍♂️
Somebody should get QA'ed for that...mostly for the lol's
Unfortunately he ate the thing before I could collect my "dad tax."
Given that the IDF has bombed targets with a very high concentration and number of civilians on the premise of a legitimate target that cannot be readily proven and that the same IDF has publicly and recently lied about shooting noncombatants and civilians in the past, I am not particularly impressed by claims of legality. Are they better than Hamas? Sure, but they’re in the same functional category: both groups are killing loads of civilians and children. Not exactly a thrilling bit of high ground.

Overall though, Israel is losing this war. Iran is winning it. Hamas fighters in Gaza are expected to die. They are expendable, like Soviet conscript at Stalingrad. They are not expected to win a military victory. They are intended to fight and provoke the IDF into killing multitudes of civilian and hopefully spike any thought of peace or reconciliation or normalization of relations between the Muslim world and Israel. Iran wins because This keeps their enemies divided, their populations distracted and their treasuries full. Their best tools to generate these outcomes are militants to provoke reactions and Jewish right-wing extremist movements to generate fresh outrages. In this case, the provocation has been wildly successful…Israel has bought itself a land war in its own backyard without a defined resolution and has burned through any goodwill with Muslims they may have had, has effectively validated the claims of Israeli right wingers that Palestinian freedom is intolerably dangerous and thus cannot be allowed, and still has to try to untie the Gordian knot of how to pacify Gaza without killing everyone when everyone is a potential terrorist and while their actions are actively pressing more people into revenge-motivated retaliation. Every dead Palestinian is a poster child for why revenge is needed, but it’s not framed in the context of a regrettable bit of collateral damage incurred during a counter-terror operation. It’s framed alongside settlers stealing land and evicting Palestinians, Israelis closing off the holy sites and an upward-rolling death count from two ongoing military occupations (WB and Gaza). This benefits Iran immensely because it makes it effectively impossible for their Sunni adversaries to unite against them, fellow Muslims and fighters against infidels, instead of against the extreme view of a murderous, aggressive Israel happily eradicating Muslims. And Israel sprinted right into that situation, happily dismissed its own roles in creating this monster, and is unlikely to win in any meaningful way. It’s terrible.

In my opinion, it is entirely on Israel to craft and impose a peace. Hamas is a terror gang Israel promoted over the PLO to split the Palestinians up, the PA is functionally a toothless puppet government that cannot defend its citizens or territories from Israeli depredations and Israels neighbors want no part in fixi this mess without massive profits. What sort of peace we eventually see will determine whether Israel remains a fair and free democracy or if they are going to become an apartheid dystopia.
In other news, management at my full time took a gamble and lost, and due to a botched shift bid dang near everyone is angry about the results
Details man!