the 100% directionless thread


Washed Up Paramedic/ EMT Dropout
Taking the young'uns sledding.


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Forum Asst. Chief
Peyton Manning is back!!! I've been watching the game waiting all day for this to happen. First drive, 80 yards, a TD!


Forum Captain
I passed my oral board so onward to the background investigation! Big relief that today is done.

Oh, and the Niners won at home!


Forum Deputy Chief
I've been going through boxes of my stuff left over from when we moved......back in 2013 lol Actually it's even worse, some of the boxes were first put together from when I moved after getting out of the Army in 2012.....and still others were put together to go into a self storage when I deployed, pretty sure before my Iraq deployment in 2009 and I'm just now unboxing and sorting through it all haha
So since I had the house to myself for a whole week and could make a bit of a mess whilst clearing these boxes out I opted for the Army-style layout. I have currently reached the point where I have emptied the worst offenders of the boxes I wanted to clear out and the floor of the house is just covered in a layer of stuff haha. Most of it is actually Army issued stuff that I can't just up and toss, though I did fill up the trash and recycling bins nicely, as well as create a decent pile of clothes for donation and miscellany stuff to give away. Unfortunately I am now also roughly 24 hours away from when I need to head to the airport to pick up the fam so that's my deadline to clear up this giant mess I've created in the process of cleaning up my mess haha. Luckily leaving for the airport tomorrow night is really my only required item, so I can stay up late tonight to repack it all in a new organized manner. Looking at it all, I do currently believe the hardest part will be decision making "should this go in the pile of stuff to be boxed up for immediate, regular use access, or can it go in the box to be in the bottom of stuff I probably wont use anytime soon?" lol


Forum Captain
I was infantry. You don't need to try and school me on how it works. Naive due to the fact that somehow after 15 years you believe it to be a hobby. Also that people join so they can wear camo. The other points I can agree with. The hobby part is the flat out naive part thought. Would love to see what your dd214 looks like high speed.

'you don't need to try and school me on how it works'- you could do with learning some manners first; I didn't merely say it was a hobby- I was referring to those who don't join to 'soldier', those who don't join for the OTHER reasons I listed included...THAT is what would make it more of a hobby than a well planned and thought out career. For example, you were infantry, why not enter selection for a specialist unit, and in that unit, further yourself to the next tier etc. There is always so much more to apply oneself to in the military. So yes, when people come home from a tour lapping up the attention and overstating their role within hostile environments, eating ice cream and cheese burgers everyday before using the me it becomes a farce accepting terms like 'hero', when guys are out every night jumping from helos and kicking in doors, living on rations for 6 months. Camo uniforms ARE for fighting, not a parade ground.

Might want to try and learn to read and digest information properly before once again being rude. And Im 'ignorant', 'naive' and now sarcastic comments like 'high speed'...well Im not going to go into an internet tit for tat with you any longer as I've given enough of my time for someone clearly impolite.


Community Leader
I have a 20+ year old furnace. 3 days ago it stopped working correctly. The house cooled down to 60, amazingly enough, not below that even when the outside temp was in the high 20's. My furnace uses a hot surface igniter system that also uses the HSI for the flame sensor. Apparently it was sensing enough flame to start but not enough to keep it going longer than 3 cycles of 5 minutes... Well I took a chance and repositioned the sensor and so far, so good...


Forum Captain
I can see only 4 logical reasons to joining the military:
1- to fight (camouflage clothing is for fighting, not walking around home countries to impress people)
2- GI Bill and benefits
3- Life experience with steady paycheck
4- A career where you're guaranteed some sort of promotion/pay increase

Other than that it is just playing soldiers similar to that of a hobby

I would like to clarify as to why I want to join.
1: I'm not doing it to "impress" people
2: I am doing it to protect and serve my country.
3: the life experience and a steady paycheck
4: to further myself as a person

So, I am not doing this as a "HOBBY".


Site Administrator
Community Leader
In other news, the wifey and I went to a wedding last night. It was a blast.


Forum Deputy Chief
So this is that bulb syringe I found buried amongst my Army issued stuff that I mentioned in the chat. To me looks a little too big to be an infant size from an OB kit. Since my IFAK only contains an NPA for airway, and even if you stop the external bleeding, all the tourniquets and Quikclot won't help you save your buddy if they're drowning in their own blood or mucous or whatever, I think I will add this to my IFAK. (I wonder if maybe that was it's actual purpose somewhere years back when I first acquired it?)


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Forum Lieutenant
What are some good towns to look within 20-30 mins? I am going to have to commute into the city 4-5 days a week.

A lot depends on how much you are looking to spend and what kind of residence you want. The Metairie area is really nice and pretty much as close to being in the city as you can get. That would be my first choice. Kenner is slightly farther away but also a good option. Slidell is on the northshore and more on the 30 minute end but it feels like being in a normal town and isn't as claustrophobic as the city is IMO. A lot of people like the west bank, but I don't know as much about it. Traffic is terrible here though, so if you are gonna be commuting through rush hour traffic you can expect that might be take way longer than it should. Why don't you want to live in the city? Honestly it is not as bad or expensive as most people think. Are you gonna be working for the city?