the 100% directionless thread

Medic Tim

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
C'mon I want a legit answer :( Something polite please :glare:

What are your thoughts? Do you have something in mind already?

You will get further here asking for help with an existing idea ether than us doing the work for you .

Best of luck to you.

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Hmm to recert my Basic or not. I am not sure it is worth the paperwork unless I go flight, which is not really that desirable anymore.

Keep it....unless it's real easy to get it back once you let it lapse, then it probably doesn't matter.

You just never know.


Forum Crew Member
Hey guys so I have a question...
I applied at different places for an EMT position and I was wondering how do I turn down a job offered that I accepted a few days ago?
I don't want to be rude so what's the polite way to say you don't want to work for them anymore?

Thanks :)
WHat company would that be?? Elite?? lol.. stay 3 months and get your IPAD first....I hear thats what most are doing....

EMT x 626

Forum Probie
WHat company would that be?? Elite?? lol.. stay 3 months and get your IPAD first....I hear thats what most are doing....

Hahahaha I was planning on doing that, but not worth it since I went on a ride along once with their company during my clinical and their place sucks.. It's all old and dirty, not even worth it...

I'm thinking about just saying how I found a job that's closer to where I live instead of traveling 30 miles a day back and forth.


Forum Deputy Chief
Hahahaha I was planning on doing that, but not worth it since I went on a ride along once with their company during my clinical and their place sucks.. It's all old and dirty, not even worth it...

I'm thinking about just saying how I found a job that's closer to where I live instead of traveling 30 miles a day back and forth.

Just say that. Especially if you haven't started new hire orientation yet, just call them up and say "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to turn down your job offer, I received a better offer at a service closer to home."

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Hahahaha I was planning on doing that, but not worth it since I went on a ride along once with their company during my clinical and their place sucks.. It's all old and dirty, not even worth it...

I'm thinking about just saying how I found a job that's closer to where I live instead of traveling 30 miles a day back and forth.

After further consideration and receiving an offer closer to home and pays better (if they do), I've decided that I cannot accept your offer of employment.

You don't have to justify yourself to them, if it were me though I'd tell them what I liked and didn't like politely. How do you know what you can get if you don't ask?

EMT x 626

Forum Probie
Okay thanks for your replies guys. What sucks is that I applied to work at their other station only 15 miles away, but they said there's no opening for that station and that I would have to build up my seniority first before I can request to work there again. Now the only opening is 30 miles away and 60 miles total back and forth so that sucks. I'm just going to go to their orientation and everything until I can have a job closer to home, but most of the companies that's near me sucks... (Elite, Lifeline, Medlife, etc etc..) Waiting on a call back for PRN, but they haven't got back to me yet and it's been almost a week now :(

I also got an interview with Care this month so wish me luck!!

Edit: Also, is it bad to go to their orientation, finish everything then maybe a week later or two, I tell them I can't be working for them anymore? What's the worse that can happen to me beside them hating me because I quit like a week or two later? :/
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Forum Asst. Chief
Okay thanks for your replies guys. What sucks is that I applied to work at their other station only 15 miles away, but they said there's no opening for that station and that I would have to build up my seniority first before I can request to work there again. Now the only opening is 30 miles away and 60 miles total back and forth so that sucks. I'm just going to go to their orientation and everything until I can have a job closer to home, but most of the companies that's near me sucks... (Elite, Lifeline, Medlife, etc etc..) Waiting on a call back for PRN, but they haven't got back to me yet and it's been almost a week now :(

I also got an interview with Care this month so wish me luck!!

Edit: Also, is it bad to go to their orientation, finish everything then maybe a week later or two, I tell them I can't be working for them anymore? What's the worse that can happen to me beside them hating me because I quit like a week or two later? :/

If you already have another offer just be honest explain the situation they may just tell you one of two things.

1. Well we can counteroffer to keep you.. (Best thing since sliced bread) But don't make up ridiculous numbers. Lets say the new job offers 2.50/hr more per hour. don't tell them like 6/hr more cause then they'll know your being a screw off.

2. they can tell you well ok then take your jellybucket and punch out. Leave your uniforms behind good day to you sir.


Forum Asst. Chief
Worked an a asystole code, with crummy bystander CPR. Getting ready to call it...

Pulses, tight complexes on the monitor.

Yippee. Saved another one.

Damn. I never had a return from asystole,, the most I ever got was some PEA from a ton of Epi..


Forum Asst. Chief
so I decided to have a house of 3 children today,,,

Needless to say I forgot how much sugar was in certain beverages and being the only adult present is making me think.. do I have duct tape...

EMT x 626

Forum Probie
If you already have another offer just be honest explain the situation they may just tell you one of two things.

1. Well we can counteroffer to keep you.. (Best thing since sliced bread) But don't make up ridiculous numbers. Lets say the new job offers 2.50/hr more per hour. don't tell them like 6/hr more cause then they'll know your being a screw off.

2. they can tell you well ok then take your jellybucket and punch out. Leave your uniforms behind good day to you sir.

I'm just going go tell them I have another job offer that's closer to where I live, that's it.

Still waiting on a call back for another company so playing the waiting game sucks!

Edit: Oh yeah, does anyone know if companies are paying you during your orientation and field training? Mine is 2 weeks long..
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Forum Asst. Chief
I'm just going go tell them I have another job offer that's closer to where I live, that's it.

Still waiting on a call back for another company so playing the waiting game sucks!

Edit: Oh yeah, does anyone know if companies are paying you during your orientation and field training? Mine is 2 weeks long..
My opinion. Don't quit before you have something else lined up. Field experience is field experience. My 2 cents.

EMT x 626

Forum Probie
My opinion. Don't quit before you have something else lined up. Field experience is field experience. My 2 cents.

Oh yeah I know that, I'm going to go until I get another job offer.
And for now, I will be attending their training, but I was just wondering if they pay you during your field training?


Community Leader
Community Leader
Just got to go into a house that was built in 1790. One of the most beautiful houses I've been in, and nice people too. They even gave my partner and me chocolate lollipops :)


Forum Deputy Chief
Why yes dispatch, even though I'm on a day shift that's already been running calls for you, and four night shift crews have come on within the last 20 minutes, I'd just love to leave one of our primary emergency response posts in order to run this hospital to SNF discharge an hour before we're supposed to be getting off.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Would you like one of us to just quit for you? Maybe provide a script and dial the number?