For real. 150 tablet Rx and according to the bottle it's a 14 day supply... :wacko: the last one before the one I spilled was 120 and it took me almost a month to go through it. That one said it was for 10 days. How do these people function taking that many narcotic pain killers daily?!?!
When I came home from the ER with a leg fx, they sent me with 10/650 percocets q 4h. Those things would destroy me. I'd take one, then an hour later pass out for 2 hours, wake up and actually be able to focus my eyes after about 30 minutes, wait another 30 minutes and repeat the cycle. This went on for 3 days.
My last narc script (after surgery and a bunch of recovery) was for 5mg vicodins, those would still put me to sleep if I made the mistake of relaxing during the first couple hours after I took them.