the 100% directionless thread

Or im gonna drink a lot of beer tonight and sleep in all day.
Well, my sister down in TX had a spontaneous pneumo the other night in her left lung and a "threatened collapse" (according to what she says the doc said) in her right. :-S

Her roommate called 911 after she passed out and then began to develop severe trouble breathing. She said a really nice medic from ETMC took care of her. I love some of those ETMC crews. I did some work with them while I was down there.
She said a really nice medic from ETMC took care of her. I love some of those ETMC crews. I did some work with them while I was down there.
7-Up pants! And according to friends that work over there, they're finally getting ready to get real pain management protocols.
Real pain protocols at ETMC?! Now they just need to work on the spinal clearance....

The one that will shock me is if Dallas gets analgesics ever again.
Hey, bigbaldguy---are you interested in going on the payroll for Wednesday night and Thursday night? Call me.

Sorry I'm volunteering at the creek those days.

Desperate student becoming terrible one.
Its official. Im adding pack mule and furniture mover to my resume.
Lesson of the day: dont go near dennys while still in uniform. It is like a beacon to the homeless.
Gosh darn. Matt took us offline right before I could post my HotelCo one half.

I was posting on a date yesterday. :-) Except the only problem was that I was alone. :-( My date was on call, so naturally, as soon as our lunch was served, she got called in. :-S
Waiting for my dialysis patient to clot.

I had such a boring night.
OK Black, go left at the lights here, yeah left here, bloody Honda Civic bugger off, go down here, um, Khyber Pass Road then go right at the end, all the way down until we get to Mount Albert Road

Hmmm .... which to use, wail or yelp .... better turn the lights on Brown supposes

City 3 calls Ambulance, top of Grafton bridge, responding ....

Oh bloody hell, turns out this phone thingo Brown has has a GPS on it
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wtf.. i could have sworn there were more posts here yesterday.
I was reminded yesterday, no matter how much frustrated I get with management, or the direction this particular arm of medicine, or long hours, how much I really LOVE being able to provide top-notch care to the best of my ability. Medicine is pretty damn cool folks, and until you almost get it taken away you might not realize it.
I was reminded yesterday, no matter how much frustrated I get with management, or the direction this particular arm of medicine, or long hours, how much I really LOVE being able to provide top-notch care to the best of my ability. Medicine is pretty damn cool folks, and until you almost get it taken away you might not realize it.

People do not truly appreciate what they have the ability to do until they do not have the ability to do it. Trust Brown, Brown knows.
For a 12 hour shift: 8 hours of normal pay, 4 hours of overtime pay, anything over 12 hours in a single day gives you double time. Now if I work on a holiday I could get double time + holiday pay. One of the really nice perks of being non-union. B)