the 100% directionless thread

I was under the impression propofol was a great sedative. Is it too much outside stimulation during transport that blows it?

Another thing, during a scenario today my patient stated they had a hx of HTN and took an unknown med so I asked if they knew if it ended in olol, pril, sartan. My instructor had to do a complete reboot when I asked, then commended me on an out of the box question :D Other than that, it was a long freaking day. I may or may not have killed my "patient" who had an inferior MI with RVI and I didn't do a right sided 12-lead and gave nitro...oops. I'll never forget that one again.
Next time also shoot for Revatio in case it's pulmonary HTN.

I was under the impression propofol was a great sedative.

From what I remember from the Jackson trial (I know, absolutely awesome source), propofol has a rather short half-life, which without further information, may be the issue.
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Why double post... why?
I was under the impression propofol was a great sedative. Is it too much outside stimulation during transport that blows it?
It's a great sedative in a quiet ICU. Under a rotor disk, however (my only previous experience) I had a patient literally sit up and look at me. My other prior experience with it was similar if not quite as extreme. You can titrate it up, sure. Right on into hypotension. A midaz/fent combo was much more sure, but receivings didn't like that though cause they couldn't turn it off and get a neuro exam (even though they were going to effing CT right away :angry:)

Another thing, during a scenario today my patient stated they had a hx of HTN and took an unknown med so I asked if they knew if it ended in olol, pril, sartan. My instructor had to do a complete reboot when I asked, then commended me on an out of the box question :D Other than that, it was a long freaking day. I may or may not have killed my "patient" who had an inferior MI with RVI and I didn't do a right sided 12-lead and gave nitro...oops. I'll never forget that one again.
Cool thinking on the question.

Ehhh, pour on the fluids, it's probably transient anyway :D.
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For the first time today I transported someone on propofol that didn't wake up and come unglued halfway through the trip.

That can't be possible, you checked a pulse, right? :P
I may or may not have killed my "patient" who had an inferior MI with RVI and I didn't do a right sided 12-lead and gave nitro...oops. I'll never forget that one again.

Give all the nitro you want to an inferior infarct without fear... just do it smartly. Don't let some old hag tell you "NEVER GIVE NITRO TO INFERIOR MIS! THEY MIGHT BE RVI!" Give your bolus of fluids, assess, and go from there.

It's akin to someone saying "Don't give pain meds to abdominal pain" Old school 'thinking' (or lack thereof)
Ehhh, pour on the fluids, it's probably transient anyway :D.

Yea, they didn't even let it go that far. Pt went AAO -> PEA -> Asystole real quick. His scenario was designed for us to catch the inferior MI and do a right side 12er and hold the nitro. If we missed it he was proving a point to us.

It was dispatched as an MVA though, and I picked up on the MVA being secondary to a medical problem :D Ok, I'm going to stop inflating my ego bubble haha. Sorry, needed some self restoration after my "psyc" patient who turned out to be in SVT @ 290 bpm and I gave haldol even though I didn't have a set of vitals. I'll give it to my classmate though, he did a damn good job of playing a patient with cerebral hypoxia. He was bat :censored::censored::censored::censored: crazy babbling on about chickens, birds eating him, snakes, pigs, cows and what not haha.
I just read the first twenty pages of the PROTECT-IP act, and I am appalled it made it this far already.
Looking into EMT-I or AEMT classes. It would be a waste of money due to the fact that they are not used at all in my county. But it would give me a more in depth knowledge and training for me to use at the Basic level.
I'm leaving on a boat today!

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Looking into EMT-I or AEMT classes. It would be a waste of money due to the fact that they are not used at all in my county. But it would give me a more in depth knowledge and training for me to use at the Basic level.

Why not just go to medic?
Looking into EMT-I or AEMT classes. It would be a waste of money due to the fact that they are not used at all in my county. But it would give me a more in depth knowledge and training for me to use at the Basic level.

Actually, AEMT / Intermediate hardly goes much deeper than the EMT level and focuses mainly on the skills aspect, and certain 'depth' that goes with some medications and fluids.

Get yer medic! :cool:
I think dispatch has some kind of alarm that goes off when I'm just about to fall asleep. It seems like I get a call whenever that happens.
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Dammit, right when I wake up my roommate asks me to go run some errands for him today. Now I have to pick up a bunch of birthday stuff and then somehow design a FF/EMT cake for his GF, looks like today starts early. *queue dramatic face*
You're always there for me JP :)