the 100% directionless thread

If the 91 in your name has anything to do with what year you were born that makes you 2 years younger than me. Which definitely makes you a youngster. Cause I still get called youngster.

Maybe its the year that it graduated high school.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
Maybe its the year that it graduated high school.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

Then that makes it old.

I'm thinking I win though :cool:
Does anyone know what type of pie is served at Occupy Wall Street?
:rofl: brush bunny is a nickname for a wild land firefighter and 91 does infact stand for 1991 but that was the year my older brother died.
Wow. Just had a great second date with an amazing woman. I'm still grinning. I just had to tell someone. ;)
Wow. Just had a great second date with an amazing woman. I'm still grinning. I just had to tell someone. ;)

Did you walk her to her door ;)
Does anyone know what type of pie is served at Occupy Wall Street?


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Wow. Just had a great second date with an amazing woman. I'm still grinning. I just had to tell someone. ;)

You know it doesn't count if you ask her out while she's unconscious or altered right ;)
Spent today assembling my coupon binder and collecting coupons.

I feel accomplished.
Question for any of y'all running Android on a Nook Color; is it worth it to upgrade to Honeycomb from Froyo?
AMLS at work for the next 2 days. Score. Finally get to see why everyone thinks it's great.
It's not great. I don't think I learned anything new. It is all stuff you should already know.

To quote a coworker about the scenarios "it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and smells like a duck but you have to prove it isn't a cow before you can call it a duck. "
I think it is only great if you have great instructors. We had er docs from the only teaching hospital in the area come out to do ours. Being a fairly new medic, I was beneficial.