the 100% directionless thread

Half-day at work today. Time to go kill some newbs on Battlefield: Bad Company (the original version) online.
Half-day at work today. Time to go kill some newbs on Battlefield: Bad Company (the original version) online.

usafmedic, you get more awesome every day :P
usafmedic, you get more awesome every day :P
If anyone wants to come find me, the gamer tag is LT Will Calley. If anyone gets the references, kudos to you.
If anyone wants to come find me, the gamer tag is LT Will Calley. If anyone gets the references, kudos to you.

I wish I had Battlefield on my laptop :(
I play on XBox.
I have not...I want to try it but at the moment I have just been too busy to warrant the investment.
I have not...I want to try it but at the moment I have just been too busy to warrant the investment.
I'll probably end up getting the original Bad Co. so if you ever feel like playing add me, my gamertag is just fast65
Damn. I start my last 48 in Washington tomorrow morning. I can't believe I'm almost out of here! I'm sooo ready. I'll be heading across I 90/94 toward Mpls to meet up with some friends...if you want to grab a bite or coffee along the way, let me know.

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Not after Will Calley of My Lai infamy is it?

Yup...I used to belong to a "team" that consisted of several of us who had gamer tags after war criminals. My first gamer tag was "Idi Amin Redux". Another one of my buddies was "POLPOTSTKRS" (Pol Pot Stickers).
If anyone wants to come find me, the gamer tag is LT Will Calley. If anyone gets the references, kudos to you.

*cough cough* dork*cough cough*
Yup....but you are friends with me.
Damn. I start my last 48 in Washington tomorrow morning. I can't believe I'm almost out of here! I'm sooo ready. I'll be heading across I 90/94 toward Mpls to meet up with some friends...if you want to grab a bite or coffee along the way, let me know.


I'd be up for it, but by the time you hit The Cities, I'm going to be so f----- from the teeth pulling that it wouldn't work out. Safe driving though!
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Well, in that case, I'll have a beer in honor of your ex-teeth!

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I decided I think I'm gonna go through with testing in Beaumont if I can find the money to do it :D Might as well try if I can
Damn. I start my last 48 in Washington tomorrow morning. I can't believe I'm almost out of here! I'm sooo ready. I'll be heading across I 90/94 toward Mpls to meet up with some friends...if you want to grab a bite or coffee along the way, let me know.


Well, I'd hook up in Spokane, but you probably don't want to stop until you cross the WA state line, eh? :P
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Yup...I used to belong to a "team" that consisted of several of us who had gamer tags after war criminals. My first gamer tag was "Idi Amin Redux". Another one of my buddies was "POLPOTSTKRS" (Pol Pot Stickers).

Can I have my kudos then? Please? ^_^
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