the 100% directionless thread

Today is my last day doing flight. Makes me sad. :(
Today is my last day doing flight. Makes me sad. :(
Yeah, but at least be thankful that you no longer have to flap your arms that much... ;)
Great, can see another very large header from another wildfire here on Oahu (and multiple fire companies responding lights and sirens down the Freeway behind my apt, obviously companies from Town side a couple Battalions over responding...)
Great, can see another very large header from another wildfire here on Oahu (and multiple fire companies responding lights and sirens down the Freeway behind my apt, obviously companies from Town side a couple Battalions over responding...)
You guys kick out the tourists yet?
Today is my last day doing flight. Makes me sad. :(
For now... EMS is cyclical.

I say this as I sit in the station next door to the first place I worked as a medic. I'm back in the area after a 5+ year hiatus.
I've missed you guys.

Anyway - headed to Crash and Learn (CCT/flight conference) tomorrow. Anyone going to be there?
I've missed you guys.

Anyway - headed to Crash and Learn (CCT/flight conference) tomorrow. Anyone going to be there?
I'll be there
I've missed you guys.

Anyway - headed to Crash and Learn (CCT/flight conference) tomorrow. Anyone going to be there?
Where was it at? Too bad I am hearing about it now otherwise I would've tried going.

For now... EMS is cyclical.

I say this as I sit in the station next door to the first place I worked as a medic. I'm back in the area after a 5+ year hiatus.
Funny you say that. The place I got hired at is the very first paramedic job I applied, interviewed, and got a rejection letter from like 8 years ago.

I might be going per diem at the flight job. I am not sure. I got convinced to do it, even worked another shift after my "last day", but the communication about going per diem went dead after that. I am also not sure if it is a conflict of interest with my new company. Trying to figure things out.
All these decades as a Schedule 1 drug, and now they're thinking about making it a Schedule 3?

Making MJ a Schedule 3 drug could actually be a brilliant idea… If it gets reclassed then it’ll be able to be actually prescribed, it’ll be able to be dispensed through a retail pharmacy system, and most importantly, all those “dispensaries” that sell MJ would have to be licensed as a pharmacy, employ pharmacists/pharm assistants, and all the other “stuff” that goes along with owning/operating a pharmacy. I’m not saying that retain pharmacies would actually carry the product (they wouldn’t have to) and Rx plans wouldn’t have to cover the product (don’t have to put it in their formularies), but… then there’d be a different legal “weapon” to use against street dealers: they could be considered as operating an unlicensed/unregistered pharmacy… In fact, the DEA could then get into the act by creating and enforcing standards on the production of the stuff! Imagine that, the possibility of seeing a “Marijuana, USP” label!!

On the flip side of all of this, it also decriminalizes entirely (at the Federal level) MJ as a drug so that there’ll be no Fed/State conflicts about how to deal with MJ. As a Schedule 3 drug, there’d be less and less of a need to “decriminalize” the stuff so states could pass updated laws on their end to match what the Feds have.
And we can all look forward to more med/psych problems from using it and more cartel violence in selling/growing it.

Making it schedule III while it is legalized for recreational use in some jurisdictions would introduce some pretty complex enforcement issues, I'd think. There'd have to be real live USP Reference Standards established that growers would have to comply with that I assume would be very expensive just for starters. I don't know how recreational use of a schedule III drug can exist.

It would oblige the DEA to do enforce their own law where now they can just ignore fully legalized states. How could they elect to enforce the federal law on something like ketamine and not on cannabis or other potential habit forming schedule III drugs? I'm completely in favor of criminalizing weed...... and I know how lonely I am in that regard. So I think making it schedule III is a good idea.

(even the Canadians think it's unhealthy for huge swathes of the population...
On the flip side of all of this, it also decriminalizes entirely (at the Federal level) MJ as a drug so that there’ll be no Fed/State conflicts about how to deal with MJ. As a Schedule 3 drug, there’d be less and less of a need to “decriminalize” the stuff so states could pass updated laws on their end to match what the Feds have.
Well...somehow missed this part...never mind.
Back the middle of June I became the chief at a smaller EMS agency and it’s the biggest challenge I’ve ever taken on.

Next time you wonder why things are happening at your agency the way they are, recognize that the admin team is working their butt off to just keep trucks on the road.
Next time you wonder why things are happening at your agency the way they are, recognize that the admin team is working their butt off to just keep trucks on the road.

All lies... just something a manager would say... We're on to you.
And we can all look forward to more med/psych problems from using it and more cartel violence in selling/growing it.

I don't think that part will change much, if at all for a certain segment of the market. Sure, you'd be able to get MJ, USP from retail pharmacies with an actual prescription (MJ "card" cottage industry evaporates) but for more boutique blends, any non-USP stuff would still be sold through the current illicit channels as the "dispensary" system would also evaporate.

That being said, should MJ be reclassed into a Sched 3 drug, I would also imagine the "full retail" cost of MJ would soar thanks to (eventual) coverage for it through Mcare/Mcaid and insurance plans. All that's out of pocket is the co-pay... so the illicit distribution would be a lower cost option for those who don't have coverage...

Oh, and while my previous posting was actually a little "tongue-in-cheek" for how I think this should go, I'm probably not too far off the mark as to how it actually will eventually end up. And I wasn't actually kidding about being able to go after illicit dealers in a manner that's different from now. Once MJ gets reclassed and could become legally available through retail pharmacies, anyone selling the stuff could also be charged with selling the stuff without a valid pharmacy license in addition to possession/distribution for sale of a controlled substance...